Where did Syria get their chem weapons?



The Sunday Mail reports: Britain allowed firms to sell chemicals to Syria capable of being used to make nerve gas, the Sunday Mail can reveal today. Export licences for potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride were granted months after the bloody civil war in the Middle East began. The chemical is capable of being used to make weapons such as sarin, thought to be the nerve gas used in the attack on a rebel-held Damascus suburb which killed nearly 1500 people, including 426 children, 10 days ago. President Bashar Assad’s forces have been blamed for the attack, leading to calls for an armed response from the West. - See more at: http://warincontext.org/2013/09/01/...-months-after-war-began/#sthash.0fgVC5nA.dpuf

Partnered at the Department of Defense with David Wurmser, "Maloof, a former aide to Richard N. Perle in the 1980s Pentagon, was twice stripped of his high-level security clearances--once in late 2001 and again last spring, for various infractions. Maloof was also reportedly involved in a bizarre scheme to broker contacts between Iraqi officials and the Pentagon, channeled through Perle, in what one report called a 'rogue [intelligence] operation' outside official CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency channels."
Same source. I don't care for WND, but they cite the source. Can it be verified online? I doubt it. But there are more than just this out there.
=the person that wrote that crap is a partisan hack who thinks hes above the position he was given

Partnered at the Department of Defense with David Wurmser, "Maloof, a former aide to Richard N. Perle in the 1980s Pentagon, was twice stripped of his high-level security clearances--once in late 2001 and again last spring, for various infractions. Maloof was also reportedly involved in a bizarre scheme to broker contacts between Iraqi officials and the Pentagon, channeled through Perle, in what one report called a 'rogue [intelligence] operation' outside official CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency channels."

hes a hack
You would only believe it if daily KOS wrote about it, so what the fuck does it matter if you find it credible, fucking idiot
dude you didn't even read it as indepth as I did.

tell me what you know about the sources in his HERE HERE AND HERE line?
If I recall correctly, Sarin is pretty easy to make and it has a shelf life. That would make it locally manufactured. As for the other chemicals mentioned, are they dual use? Can they be used for legitimate purposes?
Poor Desh...

jesus you people hate your own president more than you love your country.

do you have any idea how fucked in the head you are?

Obama won this fight and Putin is now doing the bitch work

The Sunday Mail reports: Britain allowed firms to sell chemicals to Syria capable of being used to make nerve gas, the Sunday Mail can reveal today. Export licences for potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride were granted months after the bloody civil war in the Middle East began. The chemical is capable of being used to make weapons such as sarin, thought to be the nerve gas used in the attack on a rebel-held Damascus suburb which killed nearly 1500 people, including 426 children, 10 days ago. President Bashar Assad’s forces have been blamed for the attack, leading to calls for an armed response from the West. - See more at: http://warincontext.org/2013/09/01/...-months-after-war-began/#sthash.0fgVC5nA.dpuf

I'm not a chemist, but potassium and sodium fluoride sound like pretty basic chemicals that have many more uses than merely the creation of chemical weapons. I'm pretty sure one of them is what they put in toothpaste. Linking these items to Syria's chemical weapon arsenal is intended to simply give a grave sounding talking point to those completely devoid of critical thinking skills.

The headline may as well have read; "Breaking! Rumsfeld sold sodium chloride to Assad!"

One thing we learned in the leadup to the 2nd Iraqi invasion was the process by which the world's intelligence agencies monitor the creation of WMDs... so-and-so was seen in Nigeria negotiating the sale of "X" to so-and-so, used in the creation of WMD "X"....Basically, they have a record of where all of the components of a WMD came from. Heck, even Wikipedia has a lengthy list of the countries who sold Saddam Hussein the various components of his chemical weapons.

But now with Syria's chemical weapons, we're not being given any of that history of where the components came from, other than the fact that the UK sold him toothpaste.

Which would lead a thinking person, who does possess critical thinking skills, to legitimately wonder if these chemical weapons were indeed delivered to Assad by the world's only other Ba'ath Party leader; Saddam Hussein. The absence of a documented construction history, and their relatively miraculous appearance, make a strong case for that belief.