When Resistance Became Sedition and Sedition Became Resistance

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
In 2008, “dissent” went from being the “highest form of patriotism”, a quote by Communist revisionist historian Howard Zinn that DEMOCRATS falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson, to "treason" after Bush made way for B. Hussein Obama.

The old bumper stickers about the "patriotic value of dissent" were swiftly replaced with others touting the value of "change".

Then, in 2017, "resistance" was suddenly "patriotic" again. The “resistance” then spent four years undermining elected officials while claiming that they were entitled to do it because the 2016 election had been illegitimate.

Black Lives Matter rioters besieged the White House and set fire to its guardhouse They are still being described by DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media as "peaceful protesters".

The same DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media agonized over photos of National Guardsmen protecting the Lincoln Memorial as a sign of incipient fascism.

Less than a year later, 25,000 troops occupying D.C. to suppress protesters are being cheered by the same DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media

On January 6th, "resistance" turned into "sedition", "treason", and "insurrection".

The thousands of peaceful protesters who didn't riot were accused of attempting to "overthrow the government" along with the handful who broke into the Capitol.

People who weren't even there (including elected officials) are now under threat of retribution.

In the span of one hour, questioning the integrity of an election went from being a "patriotic duty" to "a shocking attack on our democracy".

The difference between resistance and sedition, between protests and insurrections, is who’s in charge.

These aren’t distinctions in law. The only real distinction is who’s in power.

In 2008, “dissent” went from being the “highest form of patriotism”, a quote by Communist revisionist historian Howard Zinn that DEMOCRATS falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson, to "treason" after Bush made way for B. Hussein Obama.

The old bumper stickers about the "patriotic value of dissent" were swiftly replaced with others touting the value of "change".

Then, in 2017, "resistance" was suddenly "patriotic" again. The “resistance” then spent four years undermining elected officials while claiming that they were entitled to do it because the 2016 election had been illegitimate.

Black Lives Matter rioters besieged the White House and set fire to its guardhouse They are still being described by DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media as "peaceful protesters".

The same DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media agonized over photos of National Guardsmen protecting the Lincoln Memorial as a sign of incipient fascism.

Less than a year later, 25,000 troops occupying D.C. to suppress protesters are being cheered by the same DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media

On January 6th, "resistance" turned into "sedition", "treason", and "insurrection".

The thousands of peaceful protesters who didn't riot were accused of attempting to "overthrow the government" along with the handful who broke into the Capitol.

People who weren't even there (including elected officials) are now under threat of retribution.

In the span of one hour, questioning the integrity of an election went from being a "patriotic duty" to "a shocking attack on our democracy".

The difference between resistance and sedition, between protests and insurrections, is who’s in charge.

These aren’t distinctions in law. The only real distinction is who’s in power.


You should really consider meth rehab. Again.

There is no evidence that BLM set fire to the guard house, and not only did a historic church burn, but so did the HQ of the AFL-CIO. Their protests were not insurrection, and they were infiltrated by RW goons.

What happened on the 6th was full on insurrection, resulting in violence and murder, and it was planned beforehand.

The election was declared the 'most safe and secure in US history' by twump's own hand-picked cyber-official.

Sorry that your mother is such a whore.
Political hypocrisy isn’t a new phenomenon, but DEMOCRATS weaponizing the National Guard to suppress political opposition is.

After four years of claiming that President Trump was a Russian agent and that the 2016 election had been rigged with Facebook ads, DEMOCRATS have pivoted to claiming that questioning the 2020 election is worse than 9/11.
In 2008, “dissent” went from being the “highest form of patriotism”, a quote by Communist revisionist historian Howard Zinn that DEMOCRATS falsely attributed to Thomas Jefferson, to "treason" after Bush made way for B. Hussein Obama.

The old bumper stickers about the "patriotic value of dissent" were swiftly replaced with others touting the value of "change".

Then, in 2017, "resistance" was suddenly "patriotic" again. The “resistance” then spent four years undermining elected officials while claiming that they were entitled to do it because the 2016 election had been illegitimate.

Black Lives Matter rioters besieged the White House and set fire to its guardhouse They are still being described by DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media as "peaceful protesters".

The same DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media agonized over photos of National Guardsmen protecting the Lincoln Memorial as a sign of incipient fascism.

Less than a year later, 25,000 troops occupying D.C. to suppress protesters are being cheered by the same DEMOCRATS and the DEMOCRAT media

On January 6th, "resistance" turned into "sedition", "treason", and "insurrection".

The thousands of peaceful protesters who didn't riot were accused of attempting to "overthrow the government" along with the handful who broke into the Capitol.

People who weren't even there (including elected officials) are now under threat of retribution.

In the span of one hour, questioning the integrity of an election went from being a "patriotic duty" to "a shocking attack on our democracy".

The difference between resistance and sedition, between protests and insurrections, is who’s in charge.

These aren’t distinctions in law. The only real distinction is who’s in power.


It became sedition when the Congress had to go into hiding and the vice president had to go into hiding it became sedition when you guys interrupted the workings of the legislative branch it became sedition when you guys threatened and entered and visited violence on Congress
Political hypocrisy isn’t a new phenomenon, but DEMOCRATS weaponizing the National Guard to suppress political opposition is.

After four years of claiming that President Trump was a Russian agent and that the 2016 election had been rigged with Facebook ads, DEMOCRATS have pivoted to claiming that questioning the 2020 election is worse than 9/11.

the reason for the national guard was to protect the Congress from people like you
Amazing, it is like whack-a-mole, as soon as one whacky right wing blogger is busted another pops up, what the f*ck is "front page magazine" and would anyone give a rat's ass about an opinion piece from "front page magazine?"

You got to do better than that "copy and paste"
FrontPageMag? Oh, well I guess we're beaten. Not like a troll is posting a completely bogus source that amounts to leaving a dookie on the page