When gas prices go down, does Obama deserve the credit?

Did Obama make gas prices fall in Houston?

  • Yes, his masterful mideast policy made gas priices fall. Praise The One!

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Yes, Obama controls the rise of the oceans, and gas prices, as long as they fall

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Yes, I give thanks to Obama for all good things

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it was because of GOP obstructionism

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Big Money

New member
And if so, is the opposite also true?

For the dim-witted, that means if gas prices rise, is that also due to something Obama did? :rolleyes:

There's always going to be a clear perception amongst Americans that the president has something to do with gas prices. Totally wrong of course but unfortunately americans are kneejerk thinkers at best when it comes to politics.

Nothing much the Obama haters can do about it though! LOL
The answer is No he did not and the gop has nothing to do with gas prices going up or down either

The cost of a gallon of gas dropped below $3 a gallon here in Houston! I just filled up for $2.96 a gallon...saved almost $10 on a tank of gas! HOORAY FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA! His mastery of foreign policy helped to bring about big savings at the pump for the average American!
In an indirect way the US policy of peace in the ME has a lot to do with gas prices. It has encouraged stability in the markets.

In the long run, is that due to Obama's policies such as his winning policy for Syria and the prospects of him finding a solution for the US's problem with Iran becoming nuclear capable and immune to US aggression.

Yes, most likely Obama should be given some credit even though the price of gas at the pump is a long way removed from the price of oil/barrel on the world market.

Just thought some Americans may be interested in something more intelligent than screaming profanities at each other?
In an indirect way the US policy of peace in the ME has a lot to do with gas prices. It has encouraged stability in the markets. In the long run, is that due to Obama's policies such as his winning policy for Syria and the prospects of him finding a solution for the US's problem with Iran becoming nuclear capable and immune to US aggression. Yes, most likely Obama should be given some credit

So you contend that something Obama has done caused retail gasoline prices to fall in Houston Texas?

What, exactly? Be specific.

How are those "winning" policies defined?

My last post was the answer to your question you stupid mutt. Are you so crazed with hate that you have become incapable of reading now? Are Syria and Iran two brands of chocolate chip cookies your mawmy buys for you to take to school?
Generally on any specific day the President does not have much to do with the price of gas. Overall policy, over a matter of years may affect, somewhat, the price of gas.

In general the price of gas is set by what the economists at the oil companies believe they can get away with at any given time.
Generally on any specific day the President does not have much to do with the price of gas. Overall policy, over a matter of years may affect, somewhat, the price of gas.

In general the price of gas is set by what the economists at the oil companies believe they can get away with at any given time.

Correct! The price of gas at the pump is only loosely connected to the price/barrel of crude. And correct too in that Obama has something to do with crude prices as regards his ME policies of furthering stability.

All of which is much too complicated for the 'mutt' to handle in his hateful little brain.
2 liberals have claimed that Obama influences the price of gas today on JPP.

Why can't either of them list the things Obama did to reduce the retail price of gas in Houston, Texas?