The Force is With Me
Fascinating history. History is more fascinating than television. It tells the truth about a nation and its people, and America is like an open book and window into who we are. I say this as an African-American, not an American because for much of American history, we have been observers, not those allowed to lead. But I’ve been thinking about the history that leads us to this day and this very moment.
Dr. King’s father was a Republican.
Not long ago, most African-Americans voted for Republicans almost exclusively. On the other side most racists were democrats. But facing political problems in the south with white voters, Nixon decided to court racism and racist voters and developed the “Southern Strategy” In essence he was willing to trade Republican black voters for southern democratic racists. He could not appeal to them both, thus he and the republian Party chose the racists. Democrats conversely courted black voters as the era of civil rights was upon us.
Bad fucking move for republicans, and one they are still paying for to this very day. History is one of the most fascinating things in life, and this day clearly demonstrates what an absolute failure the Soutrn Strategy truly was. Trump tried to re-invent it and the Republican Party stands on the brink of disaster, while once again, democrats stand on the brink of a new era. Democrats start every national election with millions of guaranteed voters already in the bank. Republicans cast their lot with racists, who are dying or being forced out of conscious society. Some call it cancel culture, I call it God. Not the one with blue eyes, or eyes or a face at all.
Republicans already had God on their side, but they opted for the devil instead. Now they’re dying.
Know your own history. Don’t know the history of Reconstruction?
Then you don’t know your own history.
Dr. King’s father was a Republican.
Not long ago, most African-Americans voted for Republicans almost exclusively. On the other side most racists were democrats. But facing political problems in the south with white voters, Nixon decided to court racism and racist voters and developed the “Southern Strategy” In essence he was willing to trade Republican black voters for southern democratic racists. He could not appeal to them both, thus he and the republian Party chose the racists. Democrats conversely courted black voters as the era of civil rights was upon us.
Bad fucking move for republicans, and one they are still paying for to this very day. History is one of the most fascinating things in life, and this day clearly demonstrates what an absolute failure the Soutrn Strategy truly was. Trump tried to re-invent it and the Republican Party stands on the brink of disaster, while once again, democrats stand on the brink of a new era. Democrats start every national election with millions of guaranteed voters already in the bank. Republicans cast their lot with racists, who are dying or being forced out of conscious society. Some call it cancel culture, I call it God. Not the one with blue eyes, or eyes or a face at all.
Republicans already had God on their side, but they opted for the devil instead. Now they’re dying.
Know your own history. Don’t know the history of Reconstruction?
Then you don’t know your own history.
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