
The Force is With Me
Fascinating history. History is more fascinating than television. It tells the truth about a nation and its people, and America is like an open book and window into who we are. I say this as an African-American, not an American because for much of American history, we have been observers, not those allowed to lead. But I’ve been thinking about the history that leads us to this day and this very moment.

Dr. King’s father was a Republican.

Not long ago, most African-Americans voted for Republicans almost exclusively. On the other side most racists were democrats. But facing political problems in the south with white voters, Nixon decided to court racism and racist voters and developed the “Southern Strategy” In essence he was willing to trade Republican black voters for southern democratic racists. He could not appeal to them both, thus he and the republian Party chose the racists. Democrats conversely courted black voters as the era of civil rights was upon us.

Bad fucking move for republicans, and one they are still paying for to this very day. History is one of the most fascinating things in life, and this day clearly demonstrates what an absolute failure the Soutrn Strategy truly was. Trump tried to re-invent it and the Republican Party stands on the brink of disaster, while once again, democrats stand on the brink of a new era. Democrats start every national election with millions of guaranteed voters already in the bank. Republicans cast their lot with racists, who are dying or being forced out of conscious society. Some call it cancel culture, I call it God. Not the one with blue eyes, or eyes or a face at all.

Republicans already had God on their side, but they opted for the devil instead. Now they’re dying.

Know your own history. Don’t know the history of Reconstruction?

Then you don’t know your own history.
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Fascinating history. History is more fascinating than television. It tells the truth about a nation and its people, and America is like an open book and window into who we are. I say this as an African-American, not an American because for much of American history, we have been observers, not those allowed to lead. But I’ve been thinking about the history that leads us to this day and this very moment.

Dr. King’s father was a Republican.

Not long ago, most African-Americans voted for Republicans almost exclusively. On the other side most racists were democrats. But facing political problems in the south with white voters, Nixon decided to court racism and racist voters and developed the “Southern Strategy” In essence he was willing to trade Republican black voters for southern democratic racists. He could not appeal to them both, thus he and the republian Party chose the racists. Democrats conversely courted black voters as the era of civil rights was upon us.

Bad fucking move for republicans, and one they are still paying for to this very day. History is one of the most fascinating things in life, and this day clearly demonstrates what an absolute failure the Soutrn Strategy truly was. Trump tried to re-invent it and the Republican Party stands on the brink of disaster, while once again, democrats stand on the brink of a new era. Democrats start every national election with millions of guaranteed voters already in the bank. Republicans cast their lot with racists, who are dying or being forced out of conscious society. Some call it cancel culture, I call it God. Not the one with blue eyes, or eyes or a face at all.

Republicans already had God on their side, but they opted for the devil instead. Now they’re dying.

Know your own history. Don’t know the history of Reconstruction?

Then you don’t know your own history.

As you point out, Political Parties are changing.
Democrats DO have the Black vote.
Republicans have the Religious vote.

My view, from a political point of view, is that Republicans are 'switching' their Identity from 'representing the Wealthy' to 'representing the Working Class'.
I credit the Strategy to Trump.
In this 'Age of Automation', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Machines, and the 'Rise of Global Capitalism', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Outsourcing, Trump has positioned himself as 'Protector of the Working Class' by opposing 'Immigration of Third World Labor' to take American Jobs and drive down Wages.

This cuts through the 'Color Barrier' because Black Workers have Families to feed too.
Fascinating history. History is more fascinating than television. It tells the truth about a nation and its people, and America is like an open book and window into who we are. I say this as an African-American, not an American because for much of American history, we have been observers, not those allowed to lead. But I’ve been thinking about the history that leads us to this day and this very moment.

Dr. King’s father was a Republican.

Not long ago, most African-Americans voted for Republicans almost exclusively. On the other side most racists were democrats. But facing political problems in the south with white voters, Nixon decided to court racism and racist voters and developed the “Southern Strategy” In essence he was willing to trade Republican black voters for southern democratic racists. He could not appeal to them both, thus he and the republian Party chose the racists. Democrats conversely courted black voters as the era of civil rights was upon us.

Bad fucking move for republicans, and one they are still paying for to this very day. History is one of the most fascinating things in life, and this day clearly demonstrates what an absolute failure the Soutrn Strategy truly was. Trump tried to re-invent it and the Republican Party stands on the brink of disaster, while once again, democrats stand on the brink of a new era. Democrats start every national election with millions of guaranteed voters already in the bank. Republicans cast their lot with racists, who are dying or being forced out of conscious society. Some call it cancel culture, I call it God. Not the one with blue eyes, or eyes or a face at all.

Republicans already had God on their side, but they opted for the devil instead. Now they’re dying.

Know your own history. Don’t know the history of Reconstruction?

Then you don’t know your own history.

If we're viewing this from a 2021 lens, weren't they basically all racist at the time?
Fascinating history. History is more fascinating than television. It tells the truth about a nation and its people, and America is like an open book and window into who we are. I say this as an African-American, not an American because for much of American history, we have been observers, not those allowed to lead. But I’ve been thinking about the history that leads us to this day and this very moment.

Dr. King’s father was a Republican.

Not long ago, most African-Americans voted for Republicans almost exclusively. On the other side most racists were democrats. But facing political problems in the south with white voters, Nixon decided to court racism and racist voters and developed the “Southern Strategy” In essence he was willing to trade Republican black voters for southern democratic racists. He could not appeal to them both, thus he and the republian Party chose the racists. Democrats conversely courted black voters as the era of civil rights was upon us.

Bad fucking move for republicans, and one they are still paying for to this very day. History is one of the most fascinating things in life, and this day clearly demonstrates what an absolute failure the Soutrn Strategy truly was. Trump tried to re-invent it and the Republican Party stands on the brink of disaster, while once again, democrats stand on the brink of a new era. Democrats start every national election with millions of guaranteed voters already in the bank. Republicans cast their lot with racists, who are dying or being forced out of conscious society. Some call it cancel culture, I call it God. Not the one with blue eyes, or eyes or a face at all.

Republicans already had God on their side, but they opted for the devil instead. Now they’re dying.

Know your own history. Don’t know the history of Reconstruction?

Then you don’t know your own history.

Butt still sore from gym class, huh?
Piggy backing on your OP BAC vis a vis cancel culture, San Francisco has made headlines by choosing to rename 44 schools including ones named after Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. They haven't fully gotten into discussions over what they will be re-named. Too soon in the process. But Obama's name has been floated and the initial reaction was let's not go there because there's a good chance he'll be cancelled at some point in the future. In that vain someone like Bill Clinton could easily be cancelled for signing DOMA. And we know Biden was the author of the '94 crime bill which has been called the New Jim Crow. Good chance he's cancelled in the future for that.

The question then is why do we keep electing people who will be cancelled in the future? To me that's a rhetorical question because we are all a product of our time. But if the argument is one party is racist and the other isn't then why is the non-racist party nominating people who will be cancelled?
As you point out, Political Parties are changing.
Democrats DO have the Black vote.
Republicans have the Religious vote.

My view, from a political point of view, is that Republicans are 'switching' their Identity from 'representing the Wealthy' to 'representing the Working Class'.
I credit the Strategy to Trump.
In this 'Age of Automation', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Machines, and the 'Rise of Global Capitalism', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Outsourcing, Trump has positioned himself as 'Protector of the Working Class' by opposing 'Immigration of Third World Labor' to take American Jobs and drive down Wages.

This cuts through the 'Color Barrier' because Black Workers have Families to feed too.

The problem with your theory is that it isn’t true. Neither trump nor the Republican Party represents the working class beyond the rhetoric. Look no further than where they focus their priorities with government funding. The wealthy and corporations still receive the bulk of their attention and funding .. hands down, no question. AND the color barrier is still in place as it was intended. Democrats represent all people, republicans represent white people. Look no further than who supports who.

Democrats are supported by every class and and ethnic group in America, republicans are supported by white people with few exceptions. Whites who support republicans have a great fear of people unlike them, otherwise known as racism and trump was elected to make America white again and end the Browning of America. The Wall has always been the centerpiece and focus of his campaign. On all counts, he failed.
The problem with your theory is that it isn’t true. Neither trump nor the Republican Party represents the working class beyond the rhetoric. Look no further than where they focus their priorities with government funding. The wealthy and corporations still receive the bulk of their attention and funding .. hands down, no question. AND the color barrier is still in place as it was intended. Democrats represent all people, republicans represent white people. Look no further than who supports who.

Democrats are supported by every class and and ethnic group in America, republicans are supported by white people with few exceptions. Whites who support republicans have a great fear of people unlike them, otherwise known as racism and trump was elected to make America white again and end the Browning of America. The Wall has always been the centerpiece and focus of his campaign. On all counts, he failed.

BAC: "The problem with your theory is that it isn’t true. Neither trump nor the Republican Party represents the working class beyond the rhetoric."
Jack: I agree with this. But sometimes 'Perception' is 'Reality'. Trump successfully pushed the 'Border Wall' to stop Cheap Labor from flooding into the Country. Many Working Class people (of all colors) bought into this and voted Trump.
Piggy backing on your OP BAC vis a vis cancel culture, San Francisco has made headlines by choosing to rename 44 schools including ones named after Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. They haven't fully gotten into discussions over what they will be re-named. Too soon in the process. But Obama's name has been floated and the initial reaction was let's not go there because there's a good chance he'll be cancelled at some point in the future. In that vain someone like Bill Clinton could easily be cancelled for signing DOMA. And we know Biden was the author of the '94 crime bill which has been called the New Jim Crow. Good chance he's cancelled in the future for that.

The question then is why do we keep electing people who will be cancelled in the future? To me that's a rhetorical question because we are all a product of our time. But if the argument is one party is racist and the other isn't then why is the non-racist party nominating people who will be cancelled?

The simple answer is that life is dynamic my friend. Life is never static, it nrver stays in one place. It is forever evolving .. and that’s the good news. Evil should never be celebrated in perpetuity simply because it was popular at the time.sociery is reflective of present day culture, which is exactly how it should be, else we could never move forward and being gay, for instance, will still be considered a mental disorder.
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The simple answer is that life is dynamic my friend. Life is never static, it nrver stays in one place. It is forever evolving .. and that’s the good news. Evil should never be celebrated in perpetuity simply because it was popular at the time.

My question then is if most/all of us will be cancelled at some point in the future, no matter how well intentioned we are today, should we be expected to be forwarded thinking enough to know what people 50 years from now will have expected us to do today? Is that realistic?
BAC: "The problem with your theory is that it isn’t true. Neither trump nor the Republican Party represents the working class beyond the rhetoric."
Jack: I agree with this. But sometimes 'Perception' is 'Reality'. Trump successfully pushed the 'Border Wall' to stop Cheap Labor from flooding into the Country. Many Working Class people (of all colors) bought into this and voted Trump.

Much respect for your thoughts brother, but that is the perception. Not the reality? Trump’s rhetoric has FAR, FAR less to do with jobs than it had to do with race and that truth was always glaringly apparent, thus, working class people of all colors DID NOT buy into his bullshit illusion. Trump was about race and the male gender first, foremost, and only and he suffered the same fate as Nixon, booted out of office, humiliated and in disgrace..

One of the biggest differences between Nixon and trump is that I don’t believe that Nixon was actually a racist, but there is no doubt that trump was, is, and forever will be. By the time trump came along African-Americans were no longer just observers in American society, and played a significant role in putting the boot �� up trump’s ass out the door.
Much respect for your thoughts brother, but that is the perception. Not the reality? Trump’s rhetoric has FAR, FAR less to do with jobs than it had to do with race and that truth was always glaringly apparent, thus, working class people of all colors DID NOT buy into his bullshit illusion. Trump was about race and the male gender first, foremost, and only and he suffered the same fate as Nixon, booted out of office, humiliated and in disgrace..

One of the biggest differences between Nixon and trump is that I don’t believe that Nixon was actually a racist, but there is no doubt that trump was, is, and forever will be. By the time trump came along African-Americans were no longer just observers in American society, and played a significant role in putting the boot �� up trump’s ass out the door.

Truth. We can see this in the invective being hurled at VP Harris from the Reichwingers. They claim that her success is due to spreading her legs and to liberal white guilt, IOW, nothing she has achieved was done w/o those mythical crutches. She terrifies them as the representative of the growing power and strength of both women and of non-whites in America.

Some of us who have had working class type jobs and who were displaced by immigrant labor have a lot of resentment towards globalization and immigration. #TRE45ON played upon that even as he exploited underpaid immigrants himself, and outsourced the manufacture of his campaign crap. Racism was as you noted a big part of that. Now we have citizens of Asian ancestry being attacked by Reichwingers in some places because the #MalignantMango told them that China is the enemy, China created the pandemic.
Much respect for your thoughts brother, but that is the perception. Not the reality? Trump’s rhetoric has FAR, FAR less to do with jobs than it had to do with race and that truth was always glaringly apparent, thus, working class people of all colors DID NOT buy into his bullshit illusion. Trump was about race and the male gender first, foremost, and only and he suffered the same fate as Nixon, booted out of office, humiliated and in disgrace..

One of the biggest differences between Nixon and trump is that I don’t believe that Nixon was actually a racist, but there is no doubt that trump was, is, and forever will be. By the time trump came along African-Americans were no longer just observers in American society, and played a significant role in putting the boot �� up trump’s ass out the door.

BAC: "working class people of all colors DID NOT buy into his bullshit illusion"
Jack: I guess we will have to disagree upon this point. I think the 'Working Class' (of all colors) DID buy into his rhetoric. I think that was a key demographic that gave Trump his Victory in 2016. The Rust Belt that has lost Jobs to Automation and Outsourcing threw their support behind Trump who told them what they wanted to hear, ... that he would bring their Jobs back. 4 years later, when they found out Trump was a lying sack of shit, they voted Biden, a proven Union Man.
My question then is if most/all of us will be cancelled at some point in the future, no matter how well intentioned we are today, should we be expected to be forwarded thinking enough to know what people 50 years from now will have expected us to do today? Is that realistic?

It is realistic to live a moral life. All whom America has celebrated in the past do not end up in the garbage dump. One of my favorite people from the Civil Rights Era was a Republican AND a conservative. Illinois Republican Senaror Everett Dirksen, who stood tall even against the times in which he lived as a moral and conscious man against the racism and hate that was rearing this nation apart. He played a critical and significant role in the passage of Civil Rights legislation and awakening the Republican Party to a new era, even as Nixon was dragging them backwards. He will always be tememnered for his courage and moral conviction Something that Republican Senators of today will not be .. and they know it which is why McConell is so conflicted. He knows that history will not be kind to his memory.
Much respect for your thoughts brother, but that is the perception. Not the reality? Trump’s rhetoric has FAR, FAR less to do with jobs than it had to do with race and that truth was always glaringly apparent, thus, working class people of all colors DID NOT buy into his bullshit illusion. Trump was about race and the male gender first, foremost, and only and he suffered the same fate as Nixon, booted out of office, humiliated and in disgrace..

One of the biggest differences between Nixon and trump is that I don’t believe that Nixon was actually a racist, but there is no doubt that trump was, is, and forever will be. By the time trump came along African-Americans were no longer just observers in American society, and played a significant role in putting the boot �� up trump’s ass out the door.

Your people are stuck at a small 13% of the population and have been for years

They kill their babies in the womb at 6xs the rate of whites

They kill each other in the streets at MUCH higher rates than any other race

They get locked up at much higher rates than any other race

They make every city more dangerous that they are above 25% of the population

There is no safe black nation.. tourist do not visit for fear of being killed and or raped..South Sudan is great this time of year:laugh:
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