What's really going on in Congress!

It's the 'they don't understand' option. Isn't it obvious from their posts? Deflecting blame is what's going on now.
thanks for posting the link, it sure saves me from wasting my time reading anything further.

dailykos ?....what a buffoon you are.

Once again, Nova demonstrates the intellectual cowardice that is a-typical of the neocon/teabagger peanut gallery. Nova doesn't DARE discuss CONTENT, he just bitches about headlines and source titles....which absolves him from actual rational, logical discussion (or so he thinks).

Thanks Nova...I can always count on you to represent the willfully ignorant that slit their own throats so long as McConnell, Cruz, Boehner, Graham and their sycophants on the media (WND, Limbaugh, etc.) plays on your prejudices and pre-conceived notions. Carry on.
thanks for posting the link, it sure saves me from wasting my time reading anything further.

dailykos ?....what a buffoon you are.

Wait, what?

You just posted a thread with these four RW links, probably expecting us to believe the info, but you can't read one little LW article.


Originally Posted by christiefan915 View Post
Wait, what?

You just posted a thread with these four RW links, probably expecting us to believe the info, but you can't read one little LW article.


They just seem right wing to far left socialists, communists and democrats.....lmao

Translation: you just got nailed being a hypocrit so you bray like a typical neocon/teabagger jackass.