whats joe biter doing about the riots in Wa and portland


Verified User
he hasn't said a word about it so he must be ok with them because the are democrat criminals destroying federal property demanding that illegals be released and demanding open boarder.
you would think he would of condemned them by now and sent back up to help as its on federal property.
He must agree with it or has his thumb stuck up his ass spinning on it while sucking the other thumb the trading off ever so often thing what to do what to do.
he hasn't said a word about it so he must be ok with them because the are democrat criminals destroying federal property demanding that illegals be released and demanding open boarder.
you would think he would of condemned them by now and sent back up to help as its on federal property.
He must agree with it or has his thumb stuck up his ass spinning on it while sucking the other thumb the trading off ever so often thing what to do what to do.

Maybe you ought to consider laying-off the Jack Daniels.
Oddly, attacks on federal buildings only seem to excite the left when someone they disagree with commits them.