What the Obamacare lovers continue to lie about

Big Money

New member
Yesterday, in an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, Obama addressed the problems caused by his incessantly-repeated pledge to the American public that “if you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

As millions of Americans receive cancellation letters in the mail, however, that pledge looked increasingly strained.

“I am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation, based on assurances they got from me,” the President said last night.

In the course of his interview, however, Obama made several other misleading statements that don’t accurately reflect Obamacare’s impact on pre-existing health insurance plans.

In the wake of the cancellation conflagration, the President and his deputies have attempted to minimize the problem by arguing that the failure of the “like your plan” pledge only affects “5 percent of the population”; that is, around two-thirds of the 25 million Americans who shop for coverage on their own.

But that’s not true.

As I noted last week, in 2010, the Obama administration estimated that 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their prior health coverage under the narrow grandfathering provisions issued by the administration in June 2010.

And we are here only talking about disruptions to private health plans, and not counting the law’s $716 billion in cuts to Medicare.

The level of disruption in the employer-sponsored market will be less than that in the individual market, where people shop for coverage on their own.

But the President is most certainly violating his “like your plan” pledge in the employer-sponsored market, too.

For example, employer-sponsored insurance will now have to cover costly, federally-dictated benefits that they did not have to cover before, rendering many plans illegal.

Excise taxes on premiums, drugs, and medical devices will drive premiums upward.

And the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-value insurance plans will force a massive restructuring of many coverage arrangements.

It’s for these reasons that Delta Air Lines has said that it will spend $100 million more on health insurance in 2014 than it did in 2013, and why labor unions have complained that Obamacare “will drive the costs of collectively bargained, union administered plans, and other plans that cover unionized workers to unsupportable levels.”

Democrats are fucking relentless. How these scum bags can stay up with their twisted chaos is absolutely mind blowing.
Democrats are fucking relentless. How these scum bags can stay up with their twisted chaos is absolutely mind blowing.

Have you seen them blaming the insurance companies who were forced to cancel existing policies because of Obamacares ridiculous requirements?
Employer-sponsored health insurance is going to be significantly more expensive under Obamacare than it was before.

But the biggest spike in the underlying cost of health insurance will take place in the market for individually-purchased health insurance.

Obamacare forcibly increases the premiums paid by healthy people in order to correct this perceived inequity.

Most people are healthy rather than sick, which is why a recent Manhattan Institute analysis of individual-market insurance premiums found that the average state faces a 41 percent increase in rates relative to the old system.

Some of these people—especially older individuals—will benefit from taxpayer-funded subsidies marshaled by the law.

But analysis shows that most Americans will face premium increases, despite the application of subsidies.

Exchange plans will typically have far narrower choices of physicians and hospitals—so-called “narrow networks”—than plans did in the old individual market.

While I have no fundamental problem with narrow-network plans, so long as they’re freely chosen by consumers, progressive health wonks rarely argue that narrow networks produce “better care” than broad networks.

Individual-market health coverage, under Obamacare, will feature plans that are more expensive, with narrower physician networks, than the ones offered under the old system.

I re-signed up for my health coverage today....it's 'open enrollment time.'

No changes. No more $. Only one new plan offered and it's not any different, just has different deductibles.

I did read this however, in our 'benefits booklet,' on the first page. I called my benefits representative for clarification.

"Effective 1/1/2014, there may be other coverage options for you and your family. When key parts of the health care law take
effect, you’ll be able to buy coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace at www.healthcare.gov. In the Marketplace,
you could be eligible for a new kind of tax credit that lowers your monthly premiums right away, and you can see what your
premium, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs will be before you make a decision to enroll."

She said that by (new) law, they MUST add this to their benefits material. I asked her if I could re-evaluate my plan in Jan, 14. She said no. (Because as we all know, open enrollment happens now.) I asked why it was there...she said it was mandated and that was their exact wording (also mandated.) I said....isnt that kinda weird? She said, yeah, because open enrollment timing & regulations are also federally controlled. She said she didnt think they had their shit ready in time. She also said I could go to the federal health 'marketplace' and see what they have to offer. Then we both laughed (who has that kind of time?)
I re-signed up for my health coverage today....it's 'open enrollment time.'

No changes. No more $. Only one new plan offered and it's not any different, just has different deductibles.

I did read this however, in our 'benefits booklet,' on the first page. I called my benefits representative for clarification.

"Effective 1/1/2014, there may be other coverage options for you and your family. When key parts of the health care law take
effect, you’ll be able to buy coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace at www.healthcare.gov. In the Marketplace,
you could be eligible for a new kind of tax credit that lowers your monthly premiums right away, and you can see what your
premium, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs will be before you make a decision to enroll."

She said that by (new) law, they MUST add this to their benefits material. I asked her if I could re-evaluate my plan in Jan, 14. She said no. (Because as we all know, open enrollment happens now.) I asked why it was there...she said it was mandated and that was their exact wording (also mandated.) I said....isnt that kinda weird? She said, yeah, because open enrollment timing & regulations are also federally controlled. She said she didnt think they had their shit ready in time. She also said I could go to the federal health 'marketplace' and see what they have to offer. Then we both laughed (who has that kind of time?)

I have open enrollment now also. The co-pay is better and the premium is about $10 less than the old plan. Where I took a hit was on dental, it increased over 100%.
Yes, the ACA launching is anything but smooth, the President should have indeed been more upfront about the details of keeping your plan.

Something else he might have mentioned, this exchange plan has roots to the Heritage Foundation and even back to the Nixon era...

"The idea of an individual mandate was popularized by the Heritage Foundation and other conservative think tanks as early as 1989. Today, Heritage cites differences between their idea and the Obama version. Yet the basic principles are the same.

In 1992, Heritage proposed a sweeping reform it called the Heritage Consumer Choice Health Plan. Among the plan’s features:

“Require all households to purchase at least a basic package of insurance, unless they are covered by Medicaid, Medicare, or other government health programs. The private insurance market would be reformed to make a standard basic package available to all at an acceptable price.”

As President Bill Clinton began to push for a government-run system in 1993, Republicans introduced bills that included an individual mandate. At the time, Newt Gingrich hailed them:

“I am for people, individuals — exactly like automobile insurance — individuals having health insurance and being required to have health insurance,” he told “Meet the Press” in 1993. “And I’m prepared to vote for a voucher system which will give individuals, on a sliding scale, a government subsidy, to ensure that everyone as individuals has health insurance.”

Sorry, can't post a link yet.

And of course we all know Mitt Romney implemented it in Massachusetts, conservatives cannot completely wash their hands of this program. But of course, since "That man!" touched it, it's now a rolling disaster and "sochulizm!"

In fact, they could have said: "The President doesn't have his own HC plan, he had to steal ours!"

(Where was Karl Rove when you needed him?)

When the GOP is criticized for not having a HC plan, well, there it is...

So the President should have been more forthcoming on several things, not just the folks who will lose their old plans.

Also, I would take a look at some of these "junk" policies and highlight them so people can see what they actually had.

Thx :)
I have open enrollment now also. The co-pay is better and the premium is about $10 less than the old plan. Where I took a hit was on dental, it increased over 100%.

Thats not bad....mine (me and the wife), ours went up about $20....coverage remained unchanged. Of course it goes up every year a few bucks, so I
wasn't surprised.....
In Jan 2014, as a result of Obama Care; employer paid health benefits will be taxable as a fringe benefit.
How are you gonna like this....?.......I say it sucks and its gonna be big bucks too....
And what really sucks is that Obama big supporters, the freaken' unions, are gonna get a pass on paying this tax.....
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We are supposed to believe the anecdotal accounts of Obamacare bliss from two well-known partisan Democrats...Gerud also claimed he got a great deal because of Obamacare, didn't he?

Thats not bad....mine (me and the wife), ours with up about $20....coverage remained unchanged. Of course it goes up every year a few bucks, so I
wasn't surprised.....
In Jan 2014, as a result of Obama Care; employer paid health benefits will be taxable as a fringe benefit.
How are you gonna like this....?.......I say it sucks and its gonna be big bucks too....
And what really sucks is that Obama big supporters, the freaken' unions, are gonna get a pass on paying this tax.....

I'm pretty sure the bolded isn't true.
We are supposed to believe the anecdotal accounts of Obamacare bliss from two well-known partisan Democrats...Gerud also claimed he got a great deal because of Obamacare, didn't he?

If you were referring my response as one of those and believe mine indicated 'bliss' or anything close to it, you rank along with Evince and Silly Wabbit in the delusional and reading comprehension categories.
If you were referring my response as one of those and believe mine indicated 'bliss' or anything close to it, you rank along with Evince and Silly Wabbit in the delusional and reading comprehension categories.

I guess you think it's all about you...:palm: