What Liberal Media?


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What liberal media?

The right wing and the righties here like to point out that most reporters are Democrats and make other outlandish claims about the people who work in the media to prove that the media is ‘liberal’ or has a ‘liberal bias’ but seldom do they look at the actual content that the stations run to see what the term 'liberal bias' means in terms of the stories that are put on the air to see whether there is a real liberal bias or even real news at all on any of these stations. For instance what kind of bias does 50 or more stories over a two week period about Justine Bieber really represent? Here is a compelling excerpt on just how liberal the media is as reported in the new book by John Nichols and Robert W. McChestney, Dollarocracy: How the Money-and-Media Election Complex is Destroying America (2013) that shows just how liberal all those media outlets really are. On the questions of who was paying for the third person ads that flooded so much of the local media during the 2012 election cycle. Most of the stations making millions on these ads couldn't have cared less where the ads or the money for them was coming from and they felt no compunction to inform their views about any of this either. In a look at how the media covers the groups that were buying millions of ad dollars worth of time on their stations, the authors found that most the news coverage at most stations was not directed or concerned with where the money was coming from or whether or not the claims made in the ads were true. In fact, the only real question ever asked is ‘has the check cleared.’ Liberal media bias indeed!

In Milwaukee, during the run-up to the recall election of Governor Scott Walker, there were no stories on any of the seventeen groups buying massive amounts of airtime before the recall election of Governor Scott Walker. But in the same two week period, local news programs aired fifty-three stories about Justin Bieber. In Cleveland, the four networks affiliates did no stories on the Koch-brothers-funded Americans for Prosperity, although that group placed five hundred anti-Obama attack ads on the same stations. In Charlotte, between January and August 2012, the three top-spending third-party groups spent $4 million for their ads at the network-affiliated stations. Those stations did zero stories on these three groups.

Another free press study, this time in Denver, compared the amount of coverage local news shows gave to the five biggest-spending third-party groups with the amount of time those groups ran ads on the same stations. The conclusion: or every 1 minute Denver TV news reported on these outside groups and their ads, the same stations ran 162 minutes of the ads from these groups. ‘In other words,’ journalist Edward Wasserman wrote, the finders of political advertising appear to hve purchased not just air time, but immunity from media scrutiny.’ As the Sunlight Foundation’s Bill Allison noted, local TV news has a ‘huge conflict of interest’ when it comes to examining these subjects. ‘Broadcasters have an incentive not to see the system changed.’

Deep into the [2012] campaign, the Pew Research Center determined that only one in four Americans had heard ‘a lot ‘ about outside third parties involved in the 2012 election, and that the balance of Americans had heard little or nothing on the subject. (A mere 2 percent of Americans thought the outside money had a positive effect on the election process.) (156-157)
We could just consider the news cycle of the past 2 months.

It began with Obama beating the war drums against Syria. When the storied failed .... dismally .... to make Obama look presidential it was quickly dropped. The political cartoons of a buff Putin kicking sand into a wimpy Obama's face were brutal. The envisioned drama never materialized, and for the sake of Obama's image the media moved on.

This was some pretty serious war drama. Lined up with Syria was a nuclear super power and an emerging nuclear power. The United States stood alone in the world demanding action. The United States said Syria's behavior could not be allowed to stand. The President was speaking of going it alone.

Where are we with that story now? It's gone. You'd have to hire a brigade of private detectives to find out anything more about it at this point.

The media quickly buried it and moved on to find a new drama to resuscitate Obama's image. They found it in the government shutdown. Now he can look tough again by crossing his arms, jutting out his chin like Mussolini and refusing to compromise.

An impartial media might be exploring the connection between how Syria damaged Obama's image, and how he's now trying to rebuild his credibility on the back of this government shutdown.

But to this media, Syria never happened. Last month is history, unless last month was bad news for Republicans.
We could just consider the news cycle of the past 2 months.

It began with Obama beating the war drums against Syria. When the storied failed .... dismally .... to make Obama look presidential it was quickly dropped. The political cartoons of a buff Putin kicking sand into a wimpy Obama's face were brutal. The envisioned drama never materialized, and for the sake of Obama's image the media moved on.

This was some pretty serious war drama. Lined up with Syria was a nuclear super power and an emerging nuclear power. The United States stood alone in the world demanding action. The United States said Syria's behavior could not be allowed to stand. The President was speaking of going it alone.

Where are we with that story now? It's gone. You'd have to hire a brigade of private detectives to find out anything more about it at this point.

The media quickly buried it and moved on to find a new drama to resuscitate Obama's image. They found it in the government shutdown. Now he can look tough again by crossing his arms, jutting out his chin like Mussolini and refusing to compromise.

An impartial media might be exploring the connection between how Syria damaged Obama's image, and how he's now trying to rebuild his credibility on the back of this government shutdown.

But to this media, Syria never happened. Last month is history, unless last month was bad news for Republicans.

Or you could learn a little about something called the "news cycle" and spend a little time thinking about why they call it "news" and then you could start making some sense when you write something. The war is still going on in Syria and just yesterday or maybe in this mornings NYT there is a story about SofS Chuck Hagel calling for the abdication of Assad. So the story hasn't gone away. The story was put on hold while the US and the Russians worked through their differences or maybe you missed that part. That seems to have been done. Just because you don't know what is happening does not mean there is nothing happening. Evidently you don't have enough news sources. I never thought that Syria had been dropped, but I don't watch television news, the war there has been dragging on and the left wing press what little there actually is of if has been covering it and I certainly never thought coverage of it had been dropped for the reason you speculate here. That is just silly!
Or you could learn a little about something called the "news cycle" and spend a little time thinking about why they call it "news" and then you could start making some sense when you write something. The war is still going on in Syria and just yesterday or maybe in this mornings NYT there is a story about SofS Chuck Hagel calling for the abdication of Assad. So the story hasn't gone away. The story was put on hold while the US and the Russians worked through their differences or maybe you missed that part. That seems to have been done. Just because you don't know what is happening does not mean there is nothing happening. Evidently you don't have enough news sources. I never thought that Syria had been dropped, but I don't watch television news, the war there has been dragging on and the left wing press what little there actually is of if has been covering it and I certainly never thought coverage of it had been dropped for the reason you speculate here. That is just silly!

At this point you're just being deliberately dopey.

When I say "dropped," I obviously do not mean it's not being discussed *ANYWHERE* in the media. That's a desperate and moronic reading of what I was saying.

We were on the brink of WWIII, with Russian warships steaming out to intercept our ships. The nation was rapt.

One month after the Cuban Missile Crisis the issue had not vanished from the daily headlines in this manner.

These are manufactured and carefully managed crises, by a news media acting as a ministry of propaganda for the White House.
Oh, and the part of the story *YOU* may have missed, as was discussed here yesterday on this very forum, is reports that the Syrian Al-Nusra rebels are receiving training in chemical weapons warfare in Afghanistan, for possible use in Iraq.

Indicating that the "slam dunk case" the Obama regime claimed existed against the Assad administration may very well have been false.
Or you could learn a little about something called the "news cycle" and spend a little time thinking about why they call it "news" and then you could start making some sense when you write something. The war is still going on in Syria and just yesterday or maybe in this mornings NYT there is a story about SofS Chuck Hagel calling for the abdication of Assad. So the story hasn't gone away. The story was put on hold while the US and the Russians worked through their differences or maybe you missed that part. That seems to have been done. Just because you don't know what is happening does not mean there is nothing happening. Evidently you don't have enough news sources. I never thought that Syria had been dropped, but I don't watch television news, the war there has been dragging on and the left wing press what little there actually is of if has been covering it and I certainly never thought coverage of it had been dropped for the reason you speculate here. That is just silly!

"Or you could learn a little about something called the "news cycle" and spend a little time thinking about why they call it "news..."

Oh, and the part of the story *YOU* may have missed, as was discussed here yesterday on this very forum, is reports that the Syrian Al-Nusra rebels are receiving training in chemical weapons warfare in Afghanistan, for possible use in Iraq.

Indicating that the "slam dunk case" the Obama regime claimed existed against the Assad administration may very well have been false.

I didn't miss it I never thought there was any such case to start with. But you wouldn't have known that because I wasn't posting here when those accusations were first made by the administration.
"Or you could learn a little about something called the "news cycle" and spend a little time thinking about why they call it "news..."


Yeah, of course. The world approaching the brink of WWIII and the United States being unable to muster up a single ally to its cause ceases to be "news" within a week. :rolleyes:

Do you folks ever think before you type?
A 2012 study examined the extent to which Twitter users tend to follow news sources with the same political views. Using data from the progressive Americans for Democratic Action, who rank news media on a scale from 0 to 100, with 0 meaning they never agree with the opinions of the ADA and 100 meaning that they always agree with the opinions of the ADA, the researchers found that Twitter users tend to follow media with similar scores. Of 26 major news sources ranked,

the most left-leaning are NPR, The New York Times, ABC News, and CNN, the most centrist (agree with the ADA fifty percent of the time) are Anderson Cooper, CNN, Richard Bacon, and GMA, while the most right-leaning are Fox News, The Washington Times, US News, and the Chicago Tribune.

All you gotta do is ask the reporters that make up "the media" and write the stories....They ADMIT to being liberal left wingers and overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

What the fuck do you want.....written confessions from them....
why do you deny that the media refuses to report on the republican election cheating?

Why do you deny that the Clintons routinely had people killed?


Clinton Insider Admits To Murder For Hire Claiming He Did It For The Money

Larry Nichols, former 10 year accomplice to the Clintons, can now add hit-man to his list of dirty deeds. Nichols dropped a bombshell on The Pete Santilli Show when he very calmly admitted that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton. Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas. That information would eventually play a key role to Clinton's impeachment in the 90′s. Larry says he makes no apologies.

They sent me overseas to kill people for them and told me it was for the good of the Country. So when they asked me to do it for them in the States it felt no different. The real truth is, I did it for the money and I didn't give a shit about the women I beat and the men I murdered. The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them. I had to live with that all of these years and now I just don't care anymore who knows it.

Larry maintains the Clintons were into so many illegal activities at the time, they had to have a team of mercenaries made up of friends and state-troopers to cover it all up and keep them protected from the public finding out. According to Larry Nichols, both Bill and Hillary were wild and out of control and both were relentless in their pursuit for money and power. From running drugs, to the rape and beating of women and young girls, both of the Clintons are guilty of the unspeakable crimes.
Bawahahaha, if he has admitted it, why hasnt he been arrested?


Why do you talk so stupidly.....killed who ?....what proof can a prosecuter offer...

Thats like saying you were speeding ten years ago...do you think a cop can just give you a ticket now and prove something in court ?
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I just read tea party people are 50 percent more likely to be college grads.
The media has def done a good job painting them as bat shit crazy.