what is slowing the recovery



Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery

By Patrice Hill


The Washington Times

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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What is making the recovery impossible is that the very rich are still stealing all the money, so no-one has any to buy anything. Long live capitalism and all who drown in her!
there is NOTHING wrong with capitalism that wise regulations cant cure.

The wealthy want it deregulated so they can have an undulating economy that allows them to corner nearly all the wealth.

They want the rest of us desperate and compliant.
there is NOTHING wrong with capitalism that wise regulations cant cure.

The wealthy want it deregulated so they can have an undulating economy that allows them to corner nearly all the wealth.

They want the rest of us desperate and compliant.

How do you define an undulating economy?
I was right.

Obama signs order activating deep spending cuts...

I guess its much like your claim of what democracys definition is.

bullshit republican talking points