What Goes Around Comes Around


Seems that Nicaragua is poised to elect Daniel Ortega to the Presidency. Take that, Ollie North -- you scum swilling swine.

That is the thing about elected socialist, that is the last honest election held, they all become dictators.
republicans are all for spreading democracy around the world, as long as those other countries elect the folks that the republicans want them to.... otherwise, they just go in and kill them.
Like all good libs you just can't believe what he says. But if he fooled enought to vote for him then fine. The US should cut off all aid. Simple as that.

>>Ortega has repeatedly said he has changed. In fact, his vice presidential candidate was once one of his biggest enemies: Jaime Morales, who served as the spokesman for the Contras.

As Sandinista leader, Ortega seized Morales' six-bedroom estate, but they reconciled after Ortega offered to pay Morales for his former home - now Ortega's campaign headquarters.

Marvin Lopez, a 46-year-old doctor waiting in a long line at the same polling station where Ortega voted, said he feared an Ortega win would bring back uncontrollable inflation and conflict.

"I don't want to return to a dictatorship, the misery, the abuse of families' rights," he said.

And this is just another reason we need a big ass fence on the border. This will just mean more wetbacks headed this way.