What exactly is "compromise"?

Boris The Animal

It's Just Boris!
To Liberals, compromise means Republicans and Conservatives cave in and kowtow to everything being rammed down our throats by the left. I view compromise as dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. Compromise means selling out principles for the sake of "bipartisanship" and other feel good kumbayah bullshit. Sorry, but the name of the game is that once Conservatives regain the majority in DC, we quash all opposition in order to repair the damage Democrats have caused.
To Conservatives, "Compromise" consists of throwing the poor, the infirm and the elderly under the bus so that the Kochs' and Roves.can reboot the good old Robber Baron days.
Exactly. Boris is living in a dream world. Anyone who even briefly peruses the demographic trends in America realizes that the core constituencies of the democratic party are growing substantially, while the core constituencies of the republican party are shrinking. It's not even a matter of IF.... It's only a matter of WHEN.
Exactly. Boris is living in a dream world. Anyone who even briefly peruses the demographic trends in America realizes that the core constituencies of the democratic party are growing substantially, while the core constituencies of the republican party are shrinking. It's not even a matter of IF.... It's only a matter of WHEN.
And so what we're left with is a country that I hope gets nuked.
How patriotic of you. If I had my way, you'd be linedup against a wall and shot with the rest of your faux patriot pals.
And you would be branded as another Hitler. Nice going, asshole! Being patriotic does not mean that I have to worship your god and malevolent King Barack Hussein Obama.
No, you could leave and move to one of your Communist paradises like Cuba, or Venezuela. Your sick diseased ideology is welcome there.

Hey.....you're in the minority....you want your Capitalist Paradise with no taxes, no regulation and if you fail, you starve? YOU fuckin' move.
Hey.....you're in the minority....you want your Capitalist Paradise with no taxes, no regulation and if you fail, you starve? YOU fuckin' move.
No, this is more MY country than yours. We don't need, nor want a Euroweenie Socialist paradise like you and the rest of your ilk want.
And what we are left with is the new United Soviet States of Amerika. If that happens, this country is finished.

If we go your way...this country is finished. When.our citizens are starving in the street because YOU don't feel that the conglomerate should pay a sustainable wage, when the.only jobs that are left are.low wage service jobs, when all social programs that USED to help people stuck in those situations have been dismantled, and there are only a very few capable of "charity"....you will be living in your dream world....unfortunately.....you will be most likely part of the living hell of the majority.
WOW! Ain't you a real schmuck! I hope when Obama goes around collecting the guns he's got the guys in the white jackets to ship your ass off to Guantanamo.
Nope, I'm as serious as a heart attack on this. We need stronger conservatives to counter your sick agenda, queer bait.
Nope, I'm as serious as a heart attack on this. We need stronger conservatives to counter your sick agenda, queer bait.

Yep...we need MORE people who are bigoted against gays, minorities, the poor, the mentally ill, the addicted and the elderly and infirm.....so we can make rich folk even richer....because THIS TIME.....they'll trickle down and.make all of our dreams come true.....nevermind the outsourcing, nevermind the shitty wages and ever decreasing employer paid benefits, nevermind the ever increasing cost of living.....this time, THEY PROMISE....
