What does this mean?


U. S. NAVY Veteran
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review.
Asked by another reporter how repeated statements by Obama to the contrary weren’t “misleading,” Hoyer said “I don’t think the message was wrong. I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough…[it] should have been caveated with – ‘assuming you have a policy that in fact does do what the bill is designed to do.’”........http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/362484/top-dem-admits-we-knew-jonathan-strong

It means Obama lied through his teeth and sold you a bill goods on those lies....They rail-roaded a shitty bill into law, refused input from the Republicans,
passed with out any support from the opposition, ran it through the House in the dark of night....and then the House pinhead, Pelosi has the gall to say " we have
to pass the bill to find out whats in it"....Passed on lies and even now the lies continue.....
amazing that this asshole, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, still, in this very statement, says Obama statements 'weren't misleading'.....
they were outright fuckin' lies.
No its means the whole damned thing was done because insurerers were creaing plans that covered less and less to make the profit margin bigger and the ACA law tried to reign them in.

Everyone knew that.

why are you pretending it was claimed that people would be exempt from that part of the law?
No its means the whole damned thing was done because insurerers were creaing plans that covered less and less to make the profit margin bigger and the ACA law tried to reign them in.

Everyone knew that.

why are you pretending it was claimed that people would be exempt from that part of the law?

Do you pretend to miss the point or are you just extremely stupid....?

Obama and his administratin lied ....lied....and then lied some more to get public support for a bill that doesn't allow you to keep you doctors or keep the insurance
you bought and were perfectly satisfied with....LIED....and that fact is indisputable.

Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

This is a confession by Steny Hoyer you moron...
Go get the proof that they lied and said you could keep a plan that is illegal after the bill was passed?
Go get the proof that they lied and said you could keep a plan that is illegal after the bill was passed?

Don't play the fool, fool......they've been airing Obama on tape saying exactly that, you can keep you doctor, you can keep you old insurance.....
he gave no qualifiers or caveats.....wtf more proof can be offered better than his own words, live and in color....he lied to get the bill passed
and even lied for years afterward......its only today he and his spokespeople are carefully choosing their words....the need to lie is passed...

You're utterly pathetic, "go get the proof".....?.....
I've seen those videos so much, there beginning to upset my stomach...his lying are undeniable.

BARACK OBAMA, Feb. 25, 2010: Actually, any insurance that you currently have would be grandfathered in so you could keep it. So you could decide not to get in the exchange the better plan. I could keep my Acme Insurance, just a high deductible catastrophic plan. I would not be required to get the better one.
You should run away from this thread as you did every time I posted links to Democrats charged and found GUILY of election fraud and cheating in recent years.
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House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review.
Asked by another reporter how repeated statements by Obama to the contrary weren’t “misleading,” Hoyer said “I don’t think the message was wrong. I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough…[it] should have been caveated with – ‘assuming you have a policy that in fact does do what the bill is designed to do.’”........http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/362484/top-dem-admits-we-knew-jonathan-strong

It means Obama lied through his teeth and sold you a bill goods on those lies....They rail-roaded a shitty bill into law, refused input from the Republicans,
passed with out any support from the opposition, ran it through the House in the dark of night....and then the House pinhead, Pelosi has the gall to say " we have
to pass the bill to find out whats in it"....Passed on lies and even now the lies continue.....
amazing that this asshole, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, still, in this very statement, says Obama statements 'weren't misleading'.....
they were outright fuckin' lies.

What it means is that when the Obama administration said that some would lose their current plan when Obama Care started gearing up, they were TELLING THE TRUTH.
Do you pretend to miss the point or are you just extremely stupid....?

Obama and his administratin lied ....lied....and then lied some more to get public support for a bill that doesn't allow you to keep you doctors or keep the insurance
you bought and were perfectly satisfied with....LIED....and that fact is indisputable.

Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

This is a confession by Steny Hoyer you moron...

I don't understand your problem...well actually, I do.

You hate Obama so you're willing to twist words around while trying to create another "scandal".

The Obama administration has said FROM THE VERY BEGINNING that some would lose their current plans when Obama Care became law.

Now, you're trying to pretend that never happened.
Go get the proof that they lied and said you could keep a plan that is illegal after the bill was passed?

I don't understand your problem...well actually, I do.

You hate Obama so you're willing to twist words around while trying to create another "scandal".

The Obama administration has said FROM THE VERY BEGINNING that some would lose their current plans when Obama Care became law.

Now, you're trying to pretend that never happened.

Well, in that case you must have something to prove that....;perhaps a teeny tiny video.....

I have plenty of them to PROVE my claims......start a new thread if you have to, so I won't miss your "proof"......
What it means is that when the Obama administration said that some would lose their current plan when Obama Care started gearing up, they were TELLING THE TRUTH.

Wrong again...they DIDN'T say it....they said they KNEW it.....thats a completely different thing
This is not ambiguos at all.....“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review....so its

Funny Obama didn't reveal that little fact.....do you need some videos as PROOF of what Obama
ACTUALLY did say, over and over and over and over and over and over.
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President ShamWow strikes again. Tomorrow he'll be out with another commercial selling us the craptacular law. Already we have Jared Polis trying to get his constituents a break, after he foisted the stupid law onto them to begin with.

Remember how we could keep our plan if we like it... Period? Remember the good ole days when we could keep our doctor if we liked them? (Period he said...)

He lied while saying others were lying.

Remember when death panels were imaginary hobgoblins? That was before 12 year old girls had to have a judge force the government to "allow" lifesaving surgery.
Don't play the fool, fool......they've been airing Obama on tape saying exactly that, you can keep you doctor, you can keep you old insurance.....
he gave no qualifiers or caveats.....wtf more proof can be offered better than his own words, live and in color....he lied to get the bill passed
and even lied for years afterward......its only today he and his spokespeople are carefully choosing their words....the need to lie is passed...

You're utterly pathetic, "go get the proof".....?.....
I've seen those videos so much, there beginning to upset my stomach...his lying are undeniable.


You should run away from this thread as you did every time I posted links to Democrats charged and found GUILY of election fraud and cheating in recent years.

dear fucking idiot,

the bill had not been passed yet.

how could he be saying that was in the final bill before it passed?

because he was talking about what could be done NOT "now that the we have the final draft of the bill THIS is in it"

your megan kelli was fooling you
dear fucking idiot, the bill had not been passed yet. how could he be saying that was in the final bill before it passed? because he was talking about what could be done NOT "now that the we have the final draft of the bill THIS is in it" your megan kelli was fooling you

Was the bill passed when this appeared on the White House website? Did Megyn Kelly put it there?
