What Costs Have Republicans Proposed So Far?!?!!


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
This is where I separate from the Republican Party for now.

Tell me what programs the Republicans have proposed to cut fully, the obvious Obamacare aside. Tell me what proposals they have made to cut back on government fraud. Tell me what programs they have proposed to cut a portion of overall funding to.

Pretty straight forward question. The answer will be not many. Because they don't want to look like the bad guy when they make the cuts. So they just DEMAND that Obama makes the cuts for them like the cowards they are. And I can tell you that since I actually communicate with the Left (I know, I'm some sort of weakness and obviously a Liberal for communicating with them), that the Left is just fine with the programs and is willing to pay the taxation to fund these programs for the most part.

So since the current GOP doesn't want to grow a pair and make these cuts, they are just going to push us over a cliff. When we hit bottom they will have the ability to say "I told you so" and start making cuts and look like the good guy. Basic Republican tactics. Start a fire and sell water.........but America isn't stupid and they will remember you were the one giving the push because you were too weak to tackle any cuts.
This is where I separate from the Republican Party for now.

Tell me what programs the Republicans have proposed to cut fully, the obvious Obamacare aside. Tell me what proposals they have made to cut back on government fraud. Tell me what programs they have proposed to cut a portion of overall funding to.

Pretty straight forward question. The answer will be not many. Because they don't want to look like the bad guy when they make the cuts. So they just DEMAND that Obama makes the cuts for them like the cowards they are. And I can tell you that since I actually communicate with the Left (I know, I'm some sort of weakness and obviously a Liberal for communicating with them), that the Left is just fine with the programs and is willing to pay the taxation to fund these programs for the most part.

So since the current GOP doesn't want to grow a pair and make these cuts, they are just going to push us over a cliff. When we hit bottom they will have the ability to say "I told you so" and start making cuts and look like the good guy. Basic Republican tactics. Start a fire and sell water.........but America isn't stupid and they will remember you were the one giving the push because you were too weak to tackle any cuts.

Actually all fair points. Which is why I left the party. Wish I had an answer for you. I don't. They like big gobblement too. I don't.
Actually all fair points. Which is why I left the party. Wish I had an answer for you. I don't. They like big gobblement too. I don't.

They don't love big government, they are just too coward to make a cut because they know it will make them look bad for elections. But since they are the "Corporate Party" they don't know a thing about politics and don't know that there are TONS of things they could cut that wouldn't make anyone mad. And YOU KNOW they are 100% in the control of YOUR party right now and they don't have any lists in hand for cuts.
So you just bail on the Republican party and side with Nihilism? The reason the Republican Party don't represent the people is because of Citizens United. They are all Corporate puppets, along with some of the Left. Since you are a party person you think you have to stand FOR Citizens United because if you disagree with your cult they will hang you out to dry. I'm not a coward, I speak up, I may be labeled a Liberal for speaking truth instead of repeating what the cult tells me to repeat but I stand for something so I won't fall for anything.
You don't know how to take yes for an answer do you?

I just don't understand because I went through that phase too. Republicans were driving up debt and buying votes by cutting taxes below spending and acting conservative. The uneducated didn't know any different they just looked at their pay check.

I looked into the Libertarian party and it was cool until I saw it's end game. Basic Nihilism. I backed out.

Today the Libertarians are controlling the Republicans and we have panic and violence all over the Country. And you join that movement with your "I hate N*gg*rs!" comments and your "Burn down the Government" comments. At what point will you realize it's Nihilism and bs that thrives on chaos? I know the brainwash is deep. It took them saying "Obama is the anti-Christ" for me to educate myself beyond Right wing media.
Hours into this now and you cowards haven't answered a single question that DIRECTLY obtains to America today......
43 reads, no one banned and no significant replies...............................

Must feel like a winner
