What are your views about the current Pope?

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
As obviously stated, I'm curious to know everyone's view of the current pope and how they feel about the positive press. Does anyone feel the pope needs to do something to win them over (assuming you're not convinced the pope is legitimately good)?
Well, when he was voted in they knew what he would do, so I'd imagine they, the cardinals, expect his 'humble', relatively anti-material piety to appeal to the largely materialistic world. A new model of humility. Also, being from a 'peripheral country' helps the church maintain members in these types of countries.

Personally, I'm rather undecided about him. something about him uneases me, but I'm not a practicing Catholic.
What I like about him is that he's not a detached, ivory-tower type who's locked into the trappings of the office. He doesn't live in the palatial apartments and wear designer duds like his predecessors. He's taken on the Vatican insiders and is working to clean up the corrupt banking system.

What I most like is his strong focus on social justice and acceptance of people others like to denigrate, such as gays and minorities.
Well, when he was voted in they knew what he would do, so I'd imagine they, the cardinals, expect his 'humble', relatively anti-material piety to appeal to the largely materialistic world. A new model of humility. Also, being from a 'peripheral country' helps the church maintain members in these types of countries.

Personally, I'm rather undecided about him. something about him uneases me, but I'm not a practicing Catholic.

Interesting perspective..
I think what is also important here is that I would hope the Pope would rattle the cages of the scandels the church has been doing regarding child molestation. I hope in the future he would reign in the monsters who take advantage of the helpless, that being children. With regards to homosexuality I'm not going to hold my breath. I think a long standing tradition is not to be messed with although I disagree with the church's stance on homosexuality, I wouldn't be the one to ask them to change their views.
I think what is also important here is that I would hope the Pope would rattle the cages of the scandels the church has been doing regarding child molestation. I hope in the future he would reign in the monsters who take advantage of the helpless, that being children. With regards to homosexuality I'm not going to hold my breath. I think a long standing tradition is not to be messed with although I disagree with the church's stance on homosexuality, I wouldn't be the one to ask them to change their views.

He's spoken out that homosexuals shouldn't be judged but IMO Church teaching is never going to change on something like gay marriage, for instance. Like you I don't agree with the official stance on homosexuality. But I commend him for even tackling the subject; he's pissed off a lot of the more conservative wing already and that's a good thing. :)

However, at a news service in July, the pope made similarly progressive comments about homosexuality, telling reporters, "A gay person who is seeking God, who is of good will -- well, who am I to judge him?" Francis later expanded on that surprisingly candid statement in a wide-ranging interview, concluding the church should not "interfere spiritually" in the lives of gays and lesbians.

What I like about him is that he's not a detached, ivory-tower type who's locked into the trappings of the office. He doesn't live in the palatial apartments and wear designer duds like his predecessors. He's taken on the Vatican insiders and is working to clean up the corrupt banking system.

What I most like is his strong focus on social justice and acceptance of people others like to denigrate, such as gays and minorities.

I agree with you and he also drives a simple car too!

He sounds a remarkably decent bloke, as popes go, but he has a very huge weight tied to his ankle, poor dab.
he so far is the best pope in my lifetime.

Lets hope his open heart stays open and he continues to actually walk and talk like the real Jesus