what all the "keep the mexicans OUT" policy has done



Ranchers, deputies and lawmakers from states along the U.S.-Mexico border have long pleaded for federal help, saying their areas were overrun by people entering the country illegally and armed smugglers.

But today there is growing opposition along the nearly 2,000-mile boundary to more agents and fences.

The Border Mayors Association says hours-long waits at crossings have cost the region billions by deterring Mexican shoppers and delaying U.S. shipments.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/0...l+(Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text)#ixzz2eDPyyAHI

Ranchers, deputies and lawmakers from states along the U.S.-Mexico border have long pleaded for federal help, saying their areas were overrun by people entering the country illegally and armed smugglers.

But today there is growing opposition along the nearly 2,000-mile boundary to more agents and fences.

The Border Mayors Association says hours-long waits at crossings have cost the region billions by deterring Mexican shoppers and delaying U.S. shipments.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/0...l+(Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text)#ixzz2eDPyyAHI
Wow, from Syria to Mexico. Keep it up, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Ranchers, deputies and lawmakers from states along the U.S.-Mexico border have long pleaded for federal help, saying their areas were overrun by people entering the country illegally and armed smugglers.

But today there is growing opposition along the nearly 2,000-mile boundary to more agents and fences.

The Border Mayors Association says hours-long waits at crossings have cost the region billions by deterring Mexican shoppers and delaying U.S. shipments.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/0...l+(Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text)#ixzz2eDPyyAHI

If we have been keeping the Mexicans out, how did we end up with 11 million of them here illegally?


Ranchers, deputies and lawmakers from states along the U.S.-Mexico border have long pleaded for federal help, saying their areas were overrun by people entering the country illegally and armed smugglers.

But today there is growing opposition along the nearly 2,000-mile boundary to more agents and fences.

The Border Mayors Association says hours-long waits at crossings have cost the region billions by deterring Mexican shoppers and delaying U.S. shipments.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/09/0...l+(Internal+-+US+Latest+-+Text)#ixzz2eDPyyAHI
Why are you so supportive of illegal activity?
Americans need to stop lying to themselves on illegal immigrants. They are the necessary cheap labour the greedy business owners need in order to remain viable businesses. Therefore, there will not be a solution to the 'imagined' problem. It would be far too costly for the US economy that has sunk to the level of dependence on dirt cheap wages with no benefits. There is most likely no way back from it now.

Wave old glory some more and try to not think of it too much. And your war diversion is coming soon!
And the other 229 million begrudge the carpenters who are making a union wage their luck. The march is on to destroy unions and it will succeed. It has to because the nature of the American is to begrudge others as opposed to challenging those who are stealing all the wealth.

I worry because the contagion which is the American sickness is carrying over to Canada.
Unions are so 1800's
Get an education
Crying still doesn't pay

You're living in denial of the facts. Your country has the second greatest income inequality in the entire world, only second to Mexico. And it's pretty obvious by your comments that you haven't escaped the problem either. Waving old glory must do it for you though! Too bad that nearly the entire rest of your country is going bankrupt.
You're living in denial of the facts. Your country has the second greatest income inequality in the entire world, only second to Mexico. And it's pretty obvious by your comments that you haven't escaped the problem either. Waving old glory must do it for you though! Too bad that nearly the entire rest of your country is going bankrupt.
Oh you foreign
My country has the best economy
We have millions of millionaires, y'all don't
Stop crying about it
dude sinks back into conland as we watch,

I guess he has a thing for the taste of tar

And you need to start to think about being part of the solution, not always a yapping mutt who's part of the problem.
(nothing against your beautiful little dog)
And you need to start to think about being part of the solution, not always a yapping mutt who's part of the problem.
(nothing against your beautiful little dog)

hes about 90lbs of long tall lean dog now.

hes also way smarter than you and keeps better company
that is a right wing trash site you fool.

who owns it?
Of course it's right wing. If I relied on left wing sites for information, I'd have to slam my head against the wall until I lost 50 IQ points, register as a democrat, buy an electric car and stop believing in God. On the plus side, I could just go through life ignorant of the presence of 12 million undocumented democrats in my country illegally, that the economy was going just gangbusters, and believing in rainbow-farting flying unicorns.
Americans need to stop lying to themselves on illegal immigrants. They are the necessary cheap labour the greedy business owners need in order to remain viable businesses. Therefore, there will not be a solution to the 'imagined' problem. It would be far too costly for the US economy that has sunk to the level of dependence on dirt cheap wages with no benefits. There is most likely no way back from it now.

Wave old glory some more and try to not think of it too much. And your war diversion is coming soon!

Very few legitimate business's hire illegal workers. Farm labor yes, most business's no. Service industries hire documented workers i.e. hotel workers and grounds keepers. Is this "cheap labor"? No, it's typical pay for the service industry. The trouble is we have raised too many kids to think they are above this kind of labor. Many illegal's start their own day labor business's and then THEY hire more illegals. Some contractors hire day labor and wink and nod at documentation forgeries- if they check at all.