Here is a synopsis of how "The Bet" went down...
Dixie stated that Liberalism is dead, as a viable political ideology...
Mainperv issued challenge in the form of a wager...
Dixie declined, perv assumed this meant original point was invalid...
Dixie stated that Liberalism is not popular in mainstream America...
Mainperv isses challenge in the form of a wager...
Dixie declines, far too many things can happen in mid-term politics.
Mainperv again assumes this meant the original point was invalid.
Dixie states the only way Liberals can win, is if Conservatives self-destruct.
Mainperv issues challenge in the form of a wager...
Dixie declines, citing historical precident of mid-term elections of 2nd term presidents, and insists this has nothing to do with the original point.
Mainperv demands the wager be accepted to prove it.
Dixie defers to a later date.
Weeks of goading and challenging continue, and in an effort to put an end to the inceasant rants, Dixie accepted the wager on the condition this would stop the goading, challenging, boasting, and bragging. It was clearly articulated and understood, the only reason Dixie would make such a bet, was to stop the persistent challenges and taunting. These were the terms and conditions of the wager, and they were legitimate from the day the bet was made.
Just weeks after making the wager on this condition, the unethical perv decided to throw it up in my face and taunt me with it, and I warned him that I would cancel the bet if he couldn't stop bringing it up. He agreed that he would not bring it up again.
I will let you people search for yourself, he has continued to bring it up, and this was clearly part of the conditions of the wager, that he not do so.
I am sorry if some of you feel that I have reneged on a wager, I certainly haven't. I fully intended to pay the pervert, if I lost the wager. He had the opportunity to uphold the conditions of the wager, and failed to do so, and that isn't my fault. In fact, I even gave him warnings about it, and was still willing to go through with the wager, after he violated the conditions.
Now... at this point, I don't care if Prissy posts the entire archive of conversation between me and the perv, from I don't care if Jarod and Ornut are satisfied with my explanation.... I don't care if the pervert is crying and moaning about being reneged on... I don't care if SR has proclaimed that I must pay the bet or be banished from his kingdom... I don't care if Damo, Toby, and Dano collectively boot me from the right-wing and disown me... I am not honoring a bet that was cancelled by the perv's actions!