Whassup with the dissapearing Egyptian students ?


Villified User
I mean how did they dissappear, and what does their dissapearing mean ?
Does Fatherland security track all foreign visitors all the time ?
Did they just mess up and lose track of those students ?
Being native born I can dissapear for a while anytime, is it different here for foreign visitors, do they have to check in all the time ?
I have been to foreign countries and did not have to report or check in, just check in and out of the country.
I mean how did they dissappear, and what does their dissapearing mean ?
Does Fatherland security track all foreign visitors all the time ?
Did they just mess up and lose track of those students ?
Being native born I can dissapear for a while anytime, is it different here for foreign visitors, do they have to check in all the time ?
I have been to foreign countries and did not have to report or check in, just check in and out of the country.
They don't have to check in all the time, though I half expect some nimnull in Washington to introduce a bill requiring fur-reigners to wear GPS tracking anklets, like criminals on house arrest.

I think that this will turn out to be a tempest in a teapot. Two of the students have already turned themselves in and a third has been picked up. None have any ties to any terrorist groups that anyone's been able to find.
I'm assuming because they were egyptian and most of the 9/11 hijackers were egyptian, they were a lot more closely monitored than most
I think they've reached their goals to appease the public.

Admittedly, I do find some confort knowing that intel is able to quickly identify potential foreign threats.
I'm assuming because they were egyptian and most of the 9/11 hijackers were egyptian, they were a lot more closely monitored than most
Maybe, but I'm not sure.

When you're on the type of visa they had, you are allowed to stay in the country only for certain specific purposes. They were allegedly in the country to study at a school in Montana -- yeah, I know: Montana? Anyway, when they didn't show up for registration, they were in violation of the terms of their visas.

It got noticed because, as you say, they're Egyptian.
Thanks for that bit of information Ornot, I had missed that in the news. All I heard was that they dissapeared.....
Maybe, but I'm not sure.

When you're on the type of visa they had, you are allowed to stay in the country only for certain specific purposes. They were allegedly in the country to study at a school in Montana -- yeah, I know: Montana? Anyway, when they didn't show up for registration, they were in violation of the terms of their visas.

It got noticed because, as you say, they're Egyptian.

I just hope the same holds true for other foreign nationals. The shoe bomber was English.
I just hope the same holds true for other foreign nationals. The shoe bomber was English.
The regulations are the same for all, yes. The thing is that there are so many foreign nationals in the nation at any one time, it's flatly impossible to monitor all of them all the time. Frankly, I wouldn't want to live under a government capable of doing that, but that's another issue.

This is very much like the arguments in favor of racial profiling. There are just too many people out there to watch: you need to winnow the sample some way or you're totally scr*wed from the outset.