Werewolf Lounge Thread


on indefiniate mod break
This thread is for general hanging out during werewolf. It's for waiting in those tense moments at night before the gamemod has revealed the result of villages actions. It's valhalla for the dead. It's just a chill zone where we all just bullshit about things.


1. Absolutely no strategy discussion pertaining to werewolf. Either in general or specifically as it pertains to the current game. If you have something to share and you are alive, go post it in the main thread. If you are dead, then be quiet. You shouldn't be giving any more insight.

2. Don't do anything that isn't allowed in the main werewolf thread

3. Don't give hints or advice. Don't speculate on who is a X or who is not a X

4. Your posts shouldn't go beyond superficial levels like "yay we got a wolf" or "boo we killed another villager"

5. If you are dead, don't start trying to help, even in roundabout ways. You are DEAD. It's up to the current players to pay attention to the game on their own. Lets say you made a really good post or something, don't say "hey LOOK AT THIS POST WHERE I SAID X!" that's basically helping the village. It's up to them to find whatever it is they need.
Should we post in character or as ourselves? :shots:

hmm. this could present issues. maybe we should stick to making it just for the alts? otherwise people might say they died and then people would know who others were. on the other hand, knowing that is a very minor thing, it's not like it reveals that much. Hell I already have a good idea of who a bunch of people are just based on what names they chose and how they have acted.
Unless the name gave me away, I have been deliberately masking my writing style. Then again, you've seen me do this before, so you might recognize broken Threedee. :clink:
Game thread will be opened at 7 AM heretic time. You guys are lucky I couldn't stay asleep, otherwise I would've woken up at 9 or something.
Bob thought that one of the rules was that no one was to give the thanks to a post.

## WEREWOLF: RED EDITION (Start date: 11/14)
Post #9
Post #12
Post #13
Post #19

3 of these are by Panda creature, who is overseer of game.
Is Panda creature trying to undermine game and give one side the edge?
Bob thought that one of the rules was that no one was to give the thanks to a post.

## WEREWOLF: RED EDITION (Start date: 11/14)
Post #9
Post #12
Post #13
Post #19

3 of these are by Panda creature, who is overseer of game.
Is Panda creature trying to undermine game and give one side the edge?

bob the rules say we can thank our fellow persons who make us happy to be here

but science and the rules say dead people cant :'(

Please DO NOT groan or thank posts when dead. This is virtually equal to saying "I agree with this post," or "I disagree with this post," which is equivalent to giving strategy input. This can and HAS influenced past games, and dead players should not be influencing the gameplay.
How does village work when villagers so lazy?
No one is collecting eggs or milking cows.
No one is working in fields.
Bob has work to do and maybe the music made by my hammer and anvil will wake sleepy villagers up.
[Bob uses bellows to make fire hot enough to melt metal and begins making sword]
How does village work when villagers so lazy?
No one is collecting eggs or milking cows.
No one is working in fields.
Bob has work to do and maybe the music made by my hammer and anvil will wake sleepy villagers up.
[Bob uses bellows to make fire hot enough to melt metal and begins making sword]

You lilly livered varmint who does ya think is workin in dem wheat fields? That is me and tha missus
Mkay, Bob is a shitty blacksmith.

Well dip my balls in sweet cream and squat me in a kitchen full of kittens. I wuz beginnin to think that me and tha missus wuz the only ones. That slimy varmint sold me a bum horse shoe and my best horse Bessy came up lame. sonofabitch