Welfare pays very well


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Welfare programs pay more than minimum wage in 35 states.

That's according to a new study released this week by the Cato Institute, a Washington-based libertarian think tank. It's an update from its 1995 study that examined the same issues.

Its conclusion this time around, accounting for the changes in the government's 126 separate programs for low-income people, is that government aid can be more than the earnings from a regular, entry-level job. And the pay gap has increased in recent years, the study concludes.

Here are some of its numbers:

Not only do government-assistance programs for the unemployed pay more than minimum wage in 35 states, but they also pay more than a $15-an-hour job, according to the report. Hawaii has the "most generous benefit package," following by the District of Columbia and Massachusetts.

In 11 states, these programs pay more annually than the average teacher after his or her first year on the job. In 39 states, it pays more than a starting salary of a secretary. And the comparisons continue.

well that sure explains a lot.

We have made people too comfortable in poverty. Yes, there is a huge disparity between the rich and poor and the democrat party has created it with their massive welfare state which saps initiative out of people.
Welfare programs pay more than minimum wage in 35 states.

That's according to a new study released this week by the Cato Institute, a Washington-based libertarian think tank. It's an update from its 1995 study that examined the same issues.

Its conclusion this time around, accounting for the changes in the government's 126 separate programs for low-income people, is that government aid can be more than the earnings from a regular, entry-level job. And the pay gap has increased in recent years, the study concludes.

Here are some of its numbers:

Not only do government-assistance programs for the unemployed pay more than minimum wage in 35 states, but they also pay more than a $15-an-hour job, according to the report. Hawaii has the "most generous benefit package," following by the District of Columbia and Massachusetts.

In 11 states, these programs pay more annually than the average teacher after his or her first year on the job. In 39 states, it pays more than a starting salary of a secretary. And the comparisons continue.


So sorry, moron, but minimum wage does not "pay very well" Hence the term "living wage" and the fact that minimum wage is not nearly enough to live on.
The welfare "problem" was rectified in the '90s by none other than Bill Clinton.

By the way, while the Cato Intstitute claims to be libertarian, this is lie, believable only by dupes such as yourself, and is in fact a far right conservative propaganda machine created by none other than the Koch bros, whose well known intentions are fascism, rather than free markets and liberty. P.T. Barnum was right and you are the proof, and excellent proof at that.

Nice try loser.
I'd like to hear more about what they included as "welfare" - since what we normally think of as welfare doesn't pay very well. But sounds like they're including food stamps, housing assistance, and other things.
I'd like to hear more about what they included as "welfare" - since what we normally think of as welfare doesn't pay very well. But sounds like they're including food stamps, housing assistance, and other things.

They include Medicaid. End of story.
This is why we need to declare martial law and ban the republican party. The conservative movement is out of control, it's a threat to democracy and the American people. If we don't do out, they'll do it first.
So sorry, moron, but minimum wage does not "pay very well" Hence the term "living wage" and the fact that minimum wage is not nearly enough to live on.
The welfare "problem" was rectified in the '90s by none other than Bill Clinton.

By the way, while the Cato Intstitute claims to be libertarian, this is lie, believable only by dupes such as yourself, and is in fact a far right conservative propaganda machine created by none other than the Koch bros, whose well known intentions are fascism, rather than free markets and liberty. P.T. Barnum was right and you are the proof, and excellent proof at that.

Nice try loser.

Wow... Do you normally have this type of reaction to someone printing a story for discussion?
I'd bet corporate welfare is a lot more lucrative. How about we ban it and start feeding the children, poor and homeless? And providing them healthcare?
I'd like to hear more about what they included as "welfare" - since what we normally think of as welfare doesn't pay very well. But sounds like they're including food stamps, housing assistance, and other things.

that is welfare. why wouldn't you count that?

any payments you get from the gobblement that you didn't work for is welfare.

now you want to redefine what is welfare?
So sorry, moron, but minimum wage does not "pay very well" Hence the term "living wage" and the fact that minimum wage is not nearly enough to live on.
The welfare "problem" was rectified in the '90s by none other than Bill Clinton.

Minimum wage jobs are for the youth, and to lazy to apply themselves. They're not for the person trying to feed a family.

But now with all the anti-business legislation that has ran off all the good paying jobs, people have forgotten this, or are to young to know better.

Like you.
Medicaid is welfare. What else could it be?

Well, its "welfare" but it isn't "Welfare." The former can refer to pretty much and governmental assistance to low income persons while the latter typically refers to Temporary Assistance to Needy Family benefits. You remember Welfare reform don't you?
Why not try to live on welfare and tell us how you make out? Fantasies about welfare have been around forever on the right, even before Reagan's imaginary Cadillac mom. America has become a heartless nation of the spoiled entitled who think only they deserve any of the pie.


"We do face an entitlement crisis, then. But it is not the one identified by Fox News and the Neoliberal Right. It is the one concealed by the nomenclature and attacks by the Right. What’s more, as the recent economic meltdown in 2008 demonstrated, these entitlements are not only unjust, they are extremely dangerous. A class entitlement to escape regulation while putting at risk a whole society, and indeed world, is nothing to sneeze at. And as we have seen most recently, even if a world wide depression is avoided after such a meltdown, its costs and sacrifices gradually trickle down the social ladder until they, too, reach those at the middle and bottom layers of society. So, the rich and the superrich feel entitled to monopolize the largesse when growth occurs and to pass down the costs of their adventurism when the bottom falls out. That is a hell of a lot of entitlement. That is precisely why so many are so eager to publicize the false version of “the entitlement society” today, within state legislatures controlled by the Republican Party, through Superpacs allowed by the gang of five neoliberals on the Supreme Court, and on the 24 hour News Media. Reduce the deficit, they chant, by curtailing programs supporting the middle and poor classes. Quietly accept the double-trickle down process. But don’t you dare touch the entitlements of the rich that put everyone else at risk." http://contemporarycondition.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-real-entitlement-crisis.html
Also, too, I like the false dichotomy between working a minimum wage job or living off of "welfare." Lots and lots and lots of people that work minimum wage jobs also receive "welfare" benefits, including SNAP, Medicaid and federal housing subsidies. So, like, comparing the two as an either/or proposition is ridiculous.