"We can fund what we agree on"

That's the Republican talking point now. That they're the adults, because they're willing to compromise and fund what they agree should be funded.

How long, exactly, would our government last, if all that was funded were programs and measures that only members of both parties agreed on 100%?

Babies. Republican babies. Get ready to lose, because you look really bad right now.
The memory of this autocracy will fade in the next 13 months, but it will help Hillary Clinton get the presidency, as if she needed it. I think it will solidify the Senate for the Democrats, but I dont know what effect it will have on the gerrymandered House.
If you think voter will remember this in 2014, you have far more faith in the long term memory of Americans than you should. Hell we've already forgotten the NSA thing, or how the presses phones were tapped. And I'll be damned if anyone can even point to Syria on a map by tomorrow. It's a never ending cycle of 'Crises' with this Congress and this administration. I hope Azathoth answers my prayers and hurls a comet into D.C.
If you think voter will remember this in 2014, you have far more faith in the long term memory of Americans than you should. Hell we've already forgotten the NSA thing, or how the presses phones were tapped. And I'll be damned if anyone can even point to Syria on a map by tomorrow. It's a never ending cycle of 'Crises' with this Congress and this administration. I hope Azathoth answers my prayers and hurls a comet into D.C.

Fuck you. A comet could endanger me in CT, and the rest of the world if big enough. I want a volcano under DC, like a 90s sci-fi movie.
Fuck you. A comet could endanger me in CT, and the rest of the world if big enough. I want a volcano under DC, like a 90s sci-fi movie.

Hey, can't make an omelet without break a few eggs with a chunk of ice from outer space.
If you think voter will remember this in 2014, you have far more faith in the long term memory of Americans than you should. Hell we've already forgotten the NSA thing, or how the presses phones were tapped. And I'll be damned if anyone can even point to Syria on a map by tomorrow. It's a never ending cycle of 'Crises' with this Congress and this administration. I hope Azathoth answers my prayers and hurls a comet into D.C.

The problem though is that they can be reminded by those challenging their office. Those furloughed won't forget. I don't forget those whose votes affect me, just like gun owners won't forget those who vote to restrict guns.
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The problem though is that they can be reminded by those challenging their office. Those furloughed won't forget. I don't forget those whose ite affect me, just like gun owners won't forget those who vote to restrict guns.

We are, politically speaking, very different than the mass of proles that vote (not that most gun owners aren't proles themselves).
Don't forget that according to Deshy and BAC Panther, people are going to flock to the polls in hoodies in the name of Trayvon.

Trayvon who you say?