We are only in the Middle East for Oil, so Drill Baby Drill, go Solar, go wind


Verified User
Follow the money, no follow the oil. This entire Mid East debacle is all about protecting oil, whether it's Republican or Democrat Administrations. The key here is to start drilling everywhere including Alaska's Anwar, and in the offshore Ocean again. We need to build that Canadian Pipeline, and start doing whatever North Dakota is doing to get oil from rock. We need to open up our huge Natural gas resources. We need to harness the wind, like they do with the wind turbines north of Palm Springs, which I posted photos of on the old Board. Even the ocean's waves can be utilized to create electricity. We need to place solar panels all over the USA, every home, every fence, sides of buildings, but of course we should only buy from USA companies like Solyndra, yes Solyndra, but not from China.
Over 50% of U.S. crude oil and petroleum products imports came from the Western Hemisphere (North, South, and Central America, and the Caribbean, including U.S. territories) during 2012.

Only about 29% of our imports of crude oil and petroleum products came from the Persian Gulf countries of Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Which doesn't change that we should ensure we never are reliant on foreign energy sources again. We shouldn't just entertain the conversation, we are entirely late in the implementation. Yes, spend the money on alternate energy creation, but until then, get it domestically and tell the "Western Hemisphere" (some of which are NOT our friends) we'll just not be buying from foreign sources anymore...

The fact that the availability (and prices) of sources from the Western Hemisphere is affected by what happens in the ME absolutely drives us to play stupid and take part where discretion and patience would pay off.
Which doesn't change that we should ensure we never are reliant on foreign energy sources again. We shouldn't just entertain the conversation, we are entirely late in the implementation. Yes, spend the money on alternate energy creation, but until then, get it domestically and tell the "Western Hemisphere" (some of which are NOT our friends) we'll just not be buying from foreign sources anymore...The fact that the availability (and prices) of sources from the Western Hemisphere is affected by what happens in the ME absolutely drives us to play stupid and take part where discretion and patience would pay off.

U.S. oil production last week hit its highest level in nearly a quarter century, as companies seek to capitalize on high oil prices, according to federal data.

Domestic oil production hit 7.621 million barrels per day in the week ending Aug. 30, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said in its latest weekly update.

Oil boom: U.S. could top Saudi Arabia’s output by 2020, IEA says

That surpassed the 7.609 million barrels per day production mark set the week prior and was the highest production total since October 1989, when production averaged 7.644 million barrels per day.

And almost all of it in spite, rather than the cause of, current policies. Almost all new production comes from private and state allowed rather than any central policy. We keep electing morons who refuse to take a longer view, corporate owned idiots who play stupid and try to limit production... We do not serve our own interests through continuing reliance on foreign sources of energy.
And almost all of it in spite, rather than the cause of, current policies. Almost all new production comes from private and state allowed rather than any central policy. We keep electing morons who refuse to take a longer view, corporate owned idiots who play stupid and try to limit production... We do not serve our own interests through continuing reliance on foreign sources of energy.
We can buy electric cars and install solar panels on our own roofs right now. That is the bridge technology that we need and it exists already and uses domestic fuel only.
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Reality denier? Me? Check your bearings, sweetie. I support 100% alternative energy and certainly American energy independence. I don't support any idea that would alter any of that. It appears that others get a burr up their butts when reality really does hit them in the face.

Follow the money, no follow the oil. This entire Mid East debacle is all about protecting oil, whether it's Republican or Democrat Administrations. The key here is to start drilling everywhere including Alaska's Anwar, and in the offshore Ocean again. We need to build that Canadian Pipeline, and start doing whatever North Dakota is doing to get oil from rock. We need to open up our huge Natural gas resources. We need to harness the wind, like they do with the wind turbines north of Palm Springs, which I posted photos of on the old Board. Even the ocean's waves can be utilized to create electricity. We need to place solar panels all over the USA, every home, every fence, sides of buildings, but of course we should only buy from USA companies like Solyndra, yes Solyndra, but not from China.

I disagree.

We are also in the ME for Israel.

MUCH of US foreign policy is for Israel.

The cost of Israel to the American taxpayer is huge.

Americans have never addressed this truth.

Hopefully, this does not raise the shroud of 'antisemitism' .. which has kept this question out of main-stream conversation.

It isn't just oil and greed that moves us .. there is also power.
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I disagree.

We are also in the ME for Israel.

MUCH of US foreign policy is for Israel.

The cost of Israel to the American taxpayer is huge.

Americans has never addressed this truth.

Hopefully, this does not raise the shroud of 'antisemitism' .. which has kept this question out of main-stream conversation.

It isn't just oil and greed that moves us .. there is also power.

Many racists hate Israel and Jews.

So is that like anybody who discusses Israel, even as how it relates to our foreign policy is a racist?

Would that be your point .. because I haven't said anything remotely similar to the video you posted, nor am I a racist.
A black nazi??? :whoa:

:0) I think not.

So is that like anybody who discusses Israel, even as how it relates to our foreign policy is a racist?
Would that be your point .. because I haven't said anything remotely similar to the video you posted, nor am I a racist.

Nobody said that you are, my good Brother.

Do you agree with Minister Farrakhan re: Israel?