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Let's hear it for the shitty ways CHRISTIANS treat others!

Christians refuse to tip waiter because ‘homosexual lifestyle is an affront to God’

A group of customers refused to tip their 20-year-old server at a Carraba’s Italian restaurant in Overland Park, KS on the grounds that his homosexuality is “an affront to God.” According to KCTV Fox 19, the server went to the table after the group of customers left and found a note explaining their decision.

“Thank you for your service, it was excellent. That being said, we cannot in good conscience tip you, for your homosexual lifestyle is an affront to GOD. Queers do not share in the wealth of GOD, and you will not share in ours,” said the note. “We hope you will see the tip your queer choices made you lose out on, and plan accordingly. It is never too late for GOD’s love, but none shall be spared for queers. May GOD have mercy on you.”

Friends and supportive customers plan to dine at the restaurant Friday evening as a show of support for the waiter who received the hateful note. He has declined to give his name or go on camera and has asked people not to try and give him money.

He said in a statement, “The offers to help pay me back are much appreciated, but not at all needed. I’d prefer to let my work ethic and my service do the talking, nothing else.”

How did they know he was gay? If he was effeminate, that still doesnt mean he's gay.

Heh, every real Christian knows that judgement is to be left up to God....so how did they even know he was gay, much less decide not to tip him?
How did they know he was gay? If he was effeminate, that still doesnt mean he's gay.

Heh, every real Christian knows that judgement is to be left up to God....so how did they even know he was gay, much less decide not to tip him?

I wasn't there so I can't speak to whether this person was gay or not but I can say after living in San Francisco for 20 years there are certain people who are clearly gay. I'm not saying that in a bad way I'm just saying it's very clear.
I understand Zippy.....if you need a few extra bucks just let us know....and you'll get over it all in time.
America WAS a Christian nation. Now it's a nation of wanna be feel good Christians. Goats ,vipers and wolves in sheep's clothing(who lead them) who don't know the real Jesus.
The latest victim scam going around the Obamabot camps. The last one was the Red Lobster waitress, who cried nigger and got $10,000 from complete idiots.


Guess the Rump Ranger saw the story above and took the opportunity to make some money and cry wolf as well. Guess he figured if it can work for blacks, it might as well work for the faggots.

Yup...and every time another limp-dicked racist turd like yourself uses such hate-filled language it makes believing the next guy's story that much easier to accept.

Every time another one of these stories come out, it forces judgemental douchebags like you and those phony "Christians" to cower further back into the shadows to hide and renders you and those like you a bit more irrelevant.
I understand Zippy.....if you need a few extra bucks just let us know....and you'll get over it all in time.

Just thank the lucky stars it happened here in a "christian country"....you'd be fuckin' dead and have your cock stuffed down your throat in Iran.....lmao....

LOL at liberal hypocrites who use homophobic slurs as insults on JPP...
I understand Zippy.....if you need a few extra bucks just let us know....and you'll get over it all in time.

Just thank the lucky stars it happened here in a "christian country"....you'd be fuckin' dead and have your cock stuffed down your throat in Iran.....lmao....

Awwwwwwwww...what's wrong?

Decided your first comment just wasn't quite hateful and vicious enough the first time out?

Nothing like some tossing in some violent sexual imagery to add that little extra special dash of HATE that NOVA'S first post in this thread was lacking.
Yup...and every time another limp-dicked racist turd like yourself uses such hate-filled language it makes believing the next guy's story that much easier to accept.

Every time another one of these stories come out, it forces judgemental douchebags like you and those phony "Christians" to cower further back into the shadows to hide and renders you and those like you a bit more irrelevant.

Its been proved time and time again that 99.9% of these stories are made up. Tawana Brawley, Duke University lacrosse team, Charlie Rogers, Sharmeka Moffitt, to name a few as well as countless more. The race hustlers use these lies to get the sheep all up in arms and to donate money, if it was not for idiots like you, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would both be homeless crack heads.
Awwwwwwwww...what's wrong?

Decided your first comment just wasn't quite hateful and vicious enough the first time out?

Nothing like some tossing in some violent sexual imagery to add that little extra special dash of HATE that NOVA'S first post in this thread was lacking.

wow....touchy today, huh ?.....

Don't you think things might have turned out differently in Iran as opposed to this horrible "Christian country"..? How does describing what his treatment
might be in Iran 'hateful'....or is going off the deep end just something you do........I think its rather truthful....

Sorry the reality offends you.....homos would be treated a little differently in the ME....having his cock shoved down his throat would be the least
of his worries.....and not getting a 'tip', a nonevent.....

But then thats the difference between a Christian country and a non-Christian country, especially a Muslim country....
I'll bet that homo waiter has been 'stiffed' before, huh.....:palm:
I wasn't there so I can't speak to whether this person was gay or not but I can say after living in San Francisco for 20 years there are certain people who are clearly gay. I'm not saying that in a bad way I'm just saying it's very clear.

You mean San Francisco is full of queers. Who doesn't know that?

And I am saying that in a bad way.
How did they know he was gay? If he was effeminate, that still doesnt mean he's gay.

Heh, every real Christian knows that judgement is to be left up to God....so how did they even know he was gay, much less decide not to tip him?

Well that leaves you out because you're always judging people especially people you don't know and will never meet because you want to will how everybody else should live through your supreme court and your big federal government. And then you've got the nerve to pretend that this what that new age Jesus of yours would want.
wow....touchy today, huh ?.....

Don't you think things might have turned out differently in Iran as opposed to this horrible "Christian country"..? How does describing what his treatment
might be in Iran 'hateful'....or is going off the deep end just something you do........I think its rather truthful....

Sorry the reality offends you.....homos would be treated a little differently in the ME....having his cock shoved down his throat would be the least
of his worries.....and not getting a 'tip', a nonevent.....

But then thats the difference between a Christian country and a non-Christian country, especially a Muslim country....
I'll bet that homo waiter has been 'stiffed' before, huh.....:palm:

See, that's the difference between you and I.

I stick to FACTS.

You like to play these nonsensical bait and switch games.

You can't stick to the facts of the story so you have to trot out another outlandish non-sequitur to try and divert the discussion away from your homophobia and the violent sexual imagery you described over and over.

We don't live in the ME, so hows about you stop fantasizing about cocks being shoved down people's throats and stick to the topic.
Well that leaves you out because you're always judging people especially people you don't know and will never meet because you want to will how everybody else should live through your supreme court and your big federal government. And then you've got the nerve to pretend that this what that new age Jesus of yours would want.

Oh the irony. Esp. about the fantasies you have continually constructed about me on the forum...and here in your post^^^.


(psssttt, I told you, I am already taken, you'll have to find someone else to fill in for your doormat wife/gf/bf)
I wasn't there so I can't speak to whether this person was gay or not but I can say after living in San Francisco for 20 years there are certain people who are clearly gay. I'm not saying that in a bad way I'm just saying it's very clear.

Holy shit, living in SF must be like being in a huge human behavioural laboratory.
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Oh the irony. Esp. about the fantasies you have continually constructed about me on the forum...and here in your post^^^.


(psssttt, I told you, I am already taken, you'll have to find someone else to fill in for your doormat wife/gf/bf)

Look at the people you associate with magic Christian. People judge you by the company you keep.

Look at your political peers.
Look at the people you associate with magic Christian. People judge you by the company you keep.

Look at your political peers.

What people do I associate with?

And who are my political peers? (this should be really good)

Please, tell me. You've been wrong so far.