"Watchdog" Media Re-post


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O.k., we've had a Trillion $$$ "stimulus", "Recovery Summer", 2 X Gas prices (the new norm), a record number of Americans on Food Stamps and the First Credit Down-grade in American history in this, the 5th year of the Obama Recovery.

Now......let's imagine what your Front Page and daily campaign season Network News would look like if Bush were running for re-election with that Track record........

Yeah, just imagine our "Watchdog Media" Demonizing Kerry, blaming the Dems for everything and Circling the Wagons around the White House and never mentioning anything in the first sentence during the campaign.

Got it?

Now pretend the Benghazi-gate request for extra security had been rejected by the Bush administration and the subsequent Murders... think the Media would cling to the Youtube video "explanation" ?

A typical night of "analysis" on the Networks:

"Well Jane, as year three begins for the Obama administration the economy has gotten worse, unemployment has increased and gas prices have doubled and yet the Presidents' ratings have remained high! How can that be ? ! ?"

"Gee Al, it must be that everybody just likes him......"

"Leadership" Update : http://0.tqn.com/d/politicalhumor/1/0/q/L/5/Obama-Scandals.jpg
O.k., we've had a Trillion $$$ "stimulus", "Recovery Summer", 2 X Gas prices (the new norm), a record number of Americans on Food Stamps and the First Credit Down-grade in American history in this, the 5th year of the Obama Recovery.

Now......let's imagine what your Front Page and daily campaign season Network News would look like if Bush were running for re-election with that Track record........

Perhaps you are unaware that Pres. Obama can't run for re-election again? That's your first fail.

The stimulus was too small; I agree. But Pres. Obama couldn't get anything bigger from Republicans.

Presidents DON'T control gas prices.

Credit downgrades have been due to Republican intransigence.

Unemployment numbers and food stamp numbers are left over from Bush crashing the economy; and also are due to Republicans standing in the way of any plans to change that. Oh, and by the way - who eliminated funding for food stamps from the farm bill? That's right, Republicans.

Republicans wanted the economy to stay bad so they could use it against Democrats. That's pretty unpatriotic.

I'd be happy if *I* were a Democrat running for office to run on those facts.

But since you seem to think Pres. Obama can run for another term, I imagine you are pretty impervious to facts.
fucking everything up and then calling names the guy who was hired to fix your mess while he fixes dosent make your party very smart.

why would anyone one want fuckups who refused to help clean the messes they make in power again?
Perhaps you are unaware that Pres. Obama can't run for re-election again? That's your first fail.

The stimulus was too small; I agree. But Pres. Obama couldn't get anything bigger from Republicans.

Presidents DON'T control gas prices.

Credit downgrades have been due to Republican intransigence.

Unemployment numbers and food stamp numbers are left over from Bush crashing the economy; and also are due to Republicans standing in the way of any plans to change that. Oh, and by the way - who eliminated funding for food stamps from the farm bill? That's right, Republicans.

Republicans wanted the economy to stay bad so they could use it against Democrats. That's pretty unpatriotic.

I'd be happy if *I* were a Democrat running for office to run on those facts.

But since you seem to think Pres. Obama can run for another term, I imagine you are pretty impervious to facts.

Of course its all the Republicans fault....Bush's fault, somebody's fault,.....it sure wasn't Obama's fault or the Democrats fault....what the hell was nji thinking.....

Now lets all sing it again.....
fucking everything up and then calling names the guy who was hired to fix your mess while he fixes dosent make your party very smart.

why would anyone one want fuckups who refused to help clean the messes they make in power again?

damn right.....we want Obama for a 3rd and 4th term.........and then Hillary while shes still young and virile....we want more of the same, hope and change next
term and then change and hope in the 4th..... go desh go....
Regardless of whose fault it is, it's a sideshow worth watching for the entertainment value.
America destroying itself from within.
fucking everything up and then calling names the guy who was hired to fix your mess while he fixes dosent make your party very smart.

why would anyone one want fuckups who refused to help clean the messes they make in power again?
When is he going to start fixing stuff?
Regardless of whose fault it is, it's a sideshow worth watching for the entertainment value.
America destroying itself from within.
Dang, you're a nasty little cuss aren't you? No discernible redeeming qualities, just....nasty. Desh is mildly entertaining, tekkychick is articulate, both of them and the rest of the lefties here are, IMHO, wrong but I think in their own misguided ways, they love this country and want the best for it. You, on the other hand are not even an American! I don't know what happened to you, maybe some American gave you a wedgie and stole your lunch money when you were a kid, I'll admit we've got some 14 karat solid gold assholes down here. Whatever. I just wanted you to know that you have the honor of being the first person I've ever put on ignore. Not because you offend me(which you do)or that I get frustrated because you are superior at the art of debate(you most definitely are NOT, I doubt you know the meaning of the word), it is simply that you add no value. Now if you will excuse me, I have to find out how to ignore you.
Perhaps you are unaware that Pres. Obama can't run for re-election again? That's your first fail.

The stimulus was too small; I agree. But Pres. Obama couldn't get anything bigger from Republicans.
Presidents DON'T control gas prices.

Credit downgrades have been due to Republican intransigence.

Unemployment numbers and food stamp numbers are left over from Bush crashing the economy; and also are due to Republicans standing in the way of any plans to change that. Oh, and by the way - who eliminated funding for food stamps from the farm bill? That's right, Republicans.

Republicans wanted the economy to stay bad so they could use it against Democrats. That's pretty unpatriotic.

I'd be happy if *I* were a Democrat running for office to run on those facts.

But since you seem to think Pres. Obama can run for another term, I imagine you are pretty impervious to facts.

Earth to dipshits; Bengazi was during an election where Obama got re-elected.

Earth to dipshits; Government stimulus spending doesn't create jobs...no matter how much you spend. It takes a brain dead librul dipshit to think that almost a trillion in unfunded spending is too little.

Earth to dipshits; when gas prices spiked under Bush, there was a media frenzy and idiots like you blamed Bush.

Earth to dipshits; credit downgrades were thanks to this idiot of a President you elected and Democrats in the Senate thinking they don't have to compromise with the opposition and their inability to pass a budget.

Earth to dipshits; Bush had NOTHING to do with the implosion of the mortgage market and subsequent economic crash. Those were a result of Liberal housing policies and cries of racism everytime Republicans tried to deal with them starting in 2004. If you're too stupid to find it, I will link the video here as proof.

Earth to dipshits; Republicans didnt make the economy stay bad. You can thank the low information idiots who helped to elect and re-elect Democrat dipshits..

One can only be happy to run on this platform if one is a dipshit relying on low information fools who vote based on emotion rather than their brains.

No one claims that Obama can run on another term except for dipshits like you who think strawman claims can mask your incredible ignorance; it can't.

It's official, you're an idiot.
checked out the recovery in the housing market lately? the unemployment rate?

There isn't a housing recovery worth talking about because prices are still lower than before the implosion. The real unemployment rate is 13.5%. The reason the gap between the rich and the poor is getting so big is due to the complete lack of a job recovery. More people are dropping out of he workforce the are finding jobs. Black unemployment is at its highest
Even. Gas prices are at an all time high and the only jobs being created are low wage fast food jobs.

Yet brain dead fools like you think we're recovering; you're proof that Obama was elected and re-elected by low information fools.

It's official; you're an idiot.
checked out the recovery in the housing market lately? the unemployment rate?
I prefer to look at the labor participation rate, which is the reason why the "official" unemployment rate looks like it's dropping(and may I add that it's dropping at an agonizingly slow rate, it really is pitiful. Down about a half percent in 5 years? That's not really sustainable)
As for the housing market, did you know the adjustable rate mortgage is back? Yeah, that's going to help it along. And then there is this:
Thank you for noting the "Repost" portion of my title and correcting "tekky"s "first fail". One good turn deserves another so here's a page of the Dems defense of Fannie/Freddie from the increased oversight/regulation proposed by the Bush administration/congressional Republicans, the biggest story we didn't hear during the 2008 campaign: http://video.search.yahoo.com/searc...nRpZANWMTE2?p=fannie+mae+++democrats&ei=utf-8
Earth to dipshits; Bengazi was during an election where Obama got re-elected.

Earth to dipshits; Government stimulus spending doesn't create jobs...no matter how much you spend. It takes a brain dead librul dipshit to think that almost a trillion in unfunded spending is too little.

Earth to dipshits; when gas prices spiked under Bush, there was a media frenzy and idiots like you blamed Bush.

Earth to dipshits; credit downgrades were thanks to this idiot of a President you elected and Democrats in the Senate thinking they don't have to compromise with the opposition and their inability to pass a budget.

Earth to dipshits; Bush had NOTHING to do with the implosion of the mortgage market and subsequent economic crash. Those were a result of Liberal housing policies and cries of racism everytime Republicans tried to deal with them starting in 2004. If you're too stupid to find it, I will link the video here as proof.

Earth to dipshits; Republicans didnt make the economy stay bad. You can thank the low information idiots who helped to elect and re-elect Democrat dipshits..

One can only be happy to run on this platform if one is a dipshit relying on low information fools who vote based on emotion rather than their brains.

No one claims that Obama can run on another term except for dipshits like you who think strawman claims can mask your incredible ignorance; it can't.

It's official, you're an idiot.
I prefer to look at the labor participation rate, which is the reason why the "official" unemployment rate looks like it's dropping(and may I add that it's dropping at an agonizingly slow rate, it really is pitiful. Down about a half percent in 5 years? That's not really sustainable)
As for the housing market, did you know the adjustable rate mortgage is back? Yeah, that's going to help it along. And then there is this:

Its always encouraging when I see people who actually "get" it. Bravo!