Washington Shooter...


Well-known member
History of mental illness and illegally shooting at people.

Watch as the Republicans fight for people like this guy to keep a right to brandish assault rifles.
na hes black

they will say its all about him being evil

Most Conservatives, like most people, are not consciously racist. Some are, don't get me wrong, and on this board we have more than our share. The way racism currently exists is sub-conscious. Its the ignoring of the constant death of black people due to gun violence compared to the hot blaze of media attention the death of white people gets.

Remember Natalie Hollway? Well, what if she had been dark skinned? Would the media have hyped the story so much? And the media only gives us what sells, so you can hardly blame them without looking into a mirror.
Most Conservatives, like most people, are not consciously racist. Some are, don't get me wrong, and on this board we have more than our share. The way racism currently exists is sub-conscious. Its the ignoring of the constant death of black people due to gun violence compared to the hot blaze of media attention the death of white people gets.

Remember Natalie Hollway? Well, what if she had been dark skinned? Would the media have hyped the story so much? And the media only gives us what sells, so you can hardly blame them without looking into a mirror.

Remember Trayvon Martin ? Well, what if he had been white skinned? Would the media have hyped the story so much? And the media only gives us what sells, and the
media is 98% liberal.
Remember Trayvon Martin ? Well, what if he had been white skinned? Would the media have hyped the story so much? And the media only gives us what sells, and the
media is 98% liberal.

The media is not liberal or conservative, the media is just as affected by market forces as soap. The media is what sells. If a liberal bent sells, then the media will be liberal. If a Conservative bent is what sells, the media will be Conservative. If silliness sells, the media will be silly.
Thats bullshit and you know....most media outets have admitted time and time again to being liberal, supporting the left, slanting news to put the left in
a favorable light and voting left.....its common knowledge and obvious.
Remember Trayvon Martin ? Well, what if he had been white skinned? Would the media have hyped the story so much? And the media only gives us what sells, and the
media is 98% liberal.

Your media is totally owned by your rich masters, as you know. Are you raving mad?
Thats bullshit and you know....most media outets have admitted time and time again to being liberal, supporting the left, slanting news to put the left in
a favorable light and voting left.....its common knowledge and obvious.

That is simply false. I know its the Conservative mantra and an easy excuse for those who cant take personal responsibility when the lose, blame the media. Some amorphous force that is out to get them.

Its just not true, except when the audience demands liberalism.
Your media is totally owned by your rich masters, as you know. Are you raving mad?

That is simply false. I know its the Conservative mantra and an easy excuse for those who cant take personal responsibility when the lose, blame the media. Some amorphous force that is out to get them.

Its just not true, except when the audience demands liberalism.

How can you live with your head up your rear...>I can only lead you idiots to the truth, I can't make you accept it.

NY Times Public Editor Admits Paper Has a Liberal Bias

MSNBC's Chris Matthews finally admitted the so-called "mainstream media" - known here as the Democrat-media complex - has a liberal bias.

On Saturday, Newsbusters' Tim Graham , who last worked at NBC for Katie Couric, says he's no longer defending the so-called mainstream media from charges of liberal bias. http://tinyurl.com/lozv96b

NPR Admits a Liberal Bias

Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias, Part One
How can you live with your head up your rear...>I can only lead you idiots to the truth, I can't make you accept it.

NY Times Public Editor Admits Paper Has a Liberal Bias

MSNBC's Chris Matthews finally admitted the so-called "mainstream media" - known here as the Democrat-media complex - has a liberal bias.

On Saturday, Newsbusters' Tim Graham , who last worked at NBC for Katie Couric, says he's no longer defending the so-called mainstream media from charges of liberal bias. http://tinyurl.com/lozv96b

NPR Admits a Liberal Bias

Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias, Part One

From you New York Times link...

" ‘The Times’ reflects its readership, its community. It’s an urban paper; it’s a New York City paper. "

Clearly the NYT has a liberal bent, its readership is liberal and want to buy a liberal paper. Its what the market demands.

Now some of this depends on what you mean by Liberal. Any organization that seeks to inform people of reality or give access to information by definition has a liberal intent or goal. If you were seeking to prevent people from having information or trying to hold back information you would have a more conservative goal, but if that was your goal you would not be in the media, so if you are talking about the media being Liberal from that perspective, I would have to agree with you. Its impossible to be a media outlet without being that kind of Liberal.
How can you live with your head up your rear...>I can only lead you idiots to the truth, I can't make you accept it.

NY Times Public Editor Admits Paper Has a Liberal Bias

MSNBC's Chris Matthews finally admitted the so-called "mainstream media" - known here as the Democrat-media complex - has a liberal bias.

On Saturday, Newsbusters' Tim Graham , who last worked at NBC for Katie Couric, says he's no longer defending the so-called mainstream media from charges of liberal bias. http://tinyurl.com/lozv96b

NPR Admits a Liberal Bias

Journalists Admitting Liberal Bias, Part One

You are not living in the real world at all. What on earth do you nutters mean by 'liberal'? The Liberals and Fascists are the two forms of capitalist politics, as you know. What is the weather like on the Moon?
The media is not liberal or conservative, the media is just as affected by market forces as soap. The media is what sells. If a liberal bent sells, then the media will be liberal. If a Conservative bent is what sells, the media will be Conservative. If silliness sells, the media will be silly.

Once again you illustrate what a dense hyper partisan buffoon you are. The media has a profound leftist political bias and agenda that is readily apparent to anyone with a brain the size of a field mouse.

This bias is perhaps why so many media giants are floundering financially and losing out to other forms of news information; people are tired of propaganda and just want their news unfiltered by hyper partisan leftist morons like Dan Rather.
History of mental illness and illegally shooting at people.

Watch as the Republicans fight for people like this guy to keep a right to brandish assault rifles.

It's official; your a moron. But even worse, a lying asshat. Please provide factual support that this guy had a history of mental illness. There are none.

As for weapons, he obtained his weapon legally; so how did the gun laws prevent this from occurring; answer; they don't. Laws do not prevent criminals from committing crimes; they're criminals you morons!

But as is typical from the leftist asshat crowd, they jump to illogically false conclusions before we have all our facts in order to promote thier failed moronic ideological views.

So far, the theory is that he entered the facility with a shotgun, then took the handgun and M16, the media mistakenly calls assault rifles AR15, from someone he shot at the facility. While I think the logical thing to do is wait until we have all the facts, brain dead asshats like you are perfectly willing to jump to all sorts of stupid conclusions before we have the facts.

This is the same leftist asshattery we saw in the Zimmerman case. But then, since when did brain hyper partisan low information asshats like you ever care about the truth, reality or facts?