Was Trayvon a Dope dealing Thug of a Burglar?


Verified User
There are speculations that Trayvon Martin was making a drug deal at that 7/11 store and that he was smoking dope when Zimmer saw him, that 7/11 video sure looked suspicious. Zimmer did say that he saw Trayvon throw away a "cigarette", and there was Marijuana in Trayvon's system, according to the autopsy. Let's face it, Trayvon was a thug wantabe and that is why he attacked Zimmer, trying to act all tough and sheet to impress Rachel, who was on the phone. The web photos of Trayvon holding a gun, and his Marijuana plant shows me that Trayvon might have been a drug dealer, also he may have been part of the burglary ring that was "working" those condos/apartments. Trayvon routinely refereed street fights and he was admittedly into MMA, aka "Ground an Pound". Trayvon was Kicked out of school for 10 days for having Marijuana in his backpack and they also found a bunch of women's jewelry on him, tell me about it. You Pro-Trayvon fools need to wake up and smell the coffee, if there is a trial, all this sheet will come out because Trayvon will then be 18 years of age and not a protected minor no moore. Victory is sweet, Mensa rules, he who laughs last, laughs longest..TOUCHE'
Stop your racist hating. It's only going to destroy you in the end. Decent people will move on. Your only audience will be the angry children on this forum who are haters like you.
Stop your racist hating. It's only going to destroy you in the end. Decent people will move on. Your only audience will be the angry children on this forum who are haters like you.
Instead of crying wolf when you are getting bested, you are crying racism, like your cohors. Everyone who knows me knows that I am not a racist, but just like Bill O'Reilly last night, I am not adfraid to call it like it is. You have been brainwashed since your early childhood by your Leftist Teachers, etc, so I can actually understand where you are coming from and I pity you. You cannot face the facts, that Bill O'Reilly stated last night, so you attack the messinger, Trayvon was a thug, end of story, check out those websites, and the truth will set you free. I bet that you have a constipation problem, like Zappy has? Also, anyone who knows me knows that no one can intimidate me, no one, no way, no how.......lock and load
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I have no idea what Bill O'Reilly said last night.

This thread is just another attempt by you to say that killing a person because you perceive that he was a thug is justifiable.

I, on the other hand, am trying to get across to you that regardless of whether he was a thug or something a lot worse, or not, is not justification for killing a person. I'm trying to get you to understand that it is more desirable by far to prevent killing.

If you disagree with me on that just say so. I think your attempts to disguise what you really think about black people are childish and easy to see through.

Your choice on how you live your life. Just be advised that it's going to come back on you and bite you before long.

Otherwise, you're a waste of my time.
I have no idea what Bill O'Reilly said last night.

This thread is just another attempt by you to say that killing a person because you perceive that he was a thug is justifiable.

I, on the other hand, am trying to get across to you that regardless of whether he was a thug or something a lot worse, or not, is not justification for killing a person. I'm trying to get you to understand that it is more desirable by far to prevent killing.

If you disagree with me on that just say so. I think your attempts to disguise what you really think about black people are childish and easy to see through.

Your choice on how you live your life. Just be advised that it's going to come back on you and bite you before long.

Otherwise, you're a waste of my time.

He's just baiting people to respond which you choose to do.
I have no idea what Bill O'Reilly said last night.

This thread is just another attempt by you to say that killing a person because you perceive that he was a thug is justifiable.

I, on the other hand, am trying to get across to you that regardless of whether he was a thug or something a lot worse, or not, is not justification for killing a person. I'm trying to get you to understand that it is more desirable by far to prevent killing.

If you disagree with me on that just say so. I think your attempts to disguise what you really think about black people are childish and easy to see through.

Your choice on how you live your life. Just be advised that it's going to come back on you and bite you before long.

Otherwise, you're a waste of my time.

" another attempt by you to say that killing a person because you perceive that he was a thug is justifiable."

This reminds me of another favorite lie liberals hold onto...that "Clinton was impeached over a blow job"

Pinheads just refuse face the truth in either case.
He's just baiting people to respond which you choose to do.
I have read a lot of the posts on this Forum and many of them are simple back and forth cutesy chit chat, trying to out do each other verbally with mindless quips. Since I am not in the league of most of these poster's as far as cutesy comebacks, my approach has always been to just post the facts, and let the chips fall where they will. Why don't you read the websites that I posted, nothing is on there that has not already been validated repeatedly. The Left has been retrained/brainwashed for so long that most are beyond help, but I hope that you still can use your brain and not let your bleeding heart control your thinking. By the way, I want to thank you for posting, like the old lady who was caught pissing in the ocean and then told the cop, that every little bit helps. Zimmer just rescued a family from an overturned Van and he also put out the fire, what a hero. Please bring on the next trial, so Georgi can eventually own Florida along with NBC News, for defamation of character, etc, etc, etc.
Actually video from the 7-11 shows Trayvon doing something shady and that he was probably up to no good. Probably buying a blunt for his marijuana.
Stop your racist hating. It's only going to destroy you in the end. Decent people will move on. Your only audience will be the angry children on this forum who are haters like you.

The only ones who have made this a racial issue, are you and liberals like you.
Remember; Never let a tragedy go to waste.
The foaming at the mouth racists (ila, racistx, sjj, nova, et.al.) seem disappointed this has not turned into a race war.
A race war, you must be jacking me? Just who do you think would win, certainly not your Lib FemiNazis and their gunless eunuch Manboys. I bet that you could not even shoot a pistol and hit a target at 75 feet? I know, I know, you has a gun and you shoot with your pistol laid on it's side, gangsta style, to look cool on the store's video tapes. You really need to change the subject before ya'all get a good old fashion whomping by US People. We will never start it but you know what's up, and if a race war would start, the sheet would really hit the fan, and that is why there was a peaceful demonstration this last weekend, they did not want a good ass kicking.
A race war, you must be jacking me? Just who do you think would win, certainly not your Lib FemiNazis and their gunless eunuch Manboys. I bet that you could not even shoot a pistol and hit a target at 75 feet? I know, I know, you has a gun and you shoot with your pistol laid on it's side, gangsta style, to look cool on the store's video tapes. You really need to change the subject before ya'all get a good old fashion whomping by US People. We will never start it but you know what's up, and if a race war would start, the sheet would really hit the fan, and that is why there was a peaceful demonstration this last weekend, they did not want a good ass kicking.

There was a peaceful demonstration because you and the Davis/Wallace/Manson gang are a bunch of losers.
don't act like it wasn't a possibility baxter. The mainstream media alluded to it, sanford put out a PSA, members of this board said they even might riot. This was a case of immense profile that had both sides at maximum tension. It's not like it was this far out theory that riots might take place. It was a very mainstream opinion and concern to have. It's a good thing they didn't happen though obviously.
don't act like it wasn't a possibility baxter. The mainstream media alluded to it, sanford put out a PSA, members of this board said they even might riot. This was a case of immense profile that had both sides at maximum tension. It's not like it was this far out theory that riots might take place. It was a very mainstream opinion and concern to have. It's a good thing they didn't happen though obviously.

Only racists thought there was a strong likelihood of riots. Riots were always very unlikely and the race war they have been hoping for will never happen.
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Only racists thought there was a likelihood of riots. Riots were always very unlikely and the race war they have been hoping for will never happen.

ok so msnbc, foxnews, cnn, all of sanford and plenty of other of municipalities, people like poet who said they might riot, and people that know that riots have happened in the past and may think there is a plausible chance given one of the biggest cases in 20 years involving race are all racists. k.
Only racists thought there was a likelihood of riots. Riots were always very unlikely and the race war they have been hoping for will never happen.

Dude it was getting mentioned all over the media about the "possibility" of riots because of course the media would love to cover something like that.
Dude it was getting mentioned all over the media about the "possibility" of riots because of course the media would love to cover something like that.

all racist. everyone that doesn't agree with baxter is a racist. Did I mention you might be racist? Lets ignore history, it was only one of the biggest and polarizing cases in the history of the nation with issues surrounding race.
you are not allowed to even imagine the possibility of riots even though riots have happened before. If you think there might be riots, you are racist. Thought Crime!!!