Warmer update - Arctic Ice Makes Comeback

Big Money

New member
Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean underwent a sharp recovery this year...


Must be all those taxpayer-subsidized luxury Teslas...
It's a blip and it's not predicted to be a permanent trend. But think whatever suits your sick mind. It's all about what your political agenda causes you to think and that goes for uninformed leftists too. They just think the opposite of you.
Sea ice in the Arctic Ocean underwent a sharp recovery this year...

Must be all those taxpayer-subsidized luxury Teslas...

Did you read the entire article?

here's what you left out of the title...but Long-Term Decline May Continue

...much of the ice remains thin and slushy, a far cry from the thick Arctic pack ice of the past. Because thin ice is subject to rapid future melting, the scientists said this year’s recovery was unlikely to portend any change in the relentless long-term decline of Arctic sea ice.

a third grader can see thru your bullshit.
What does this mean to you?
this year’s recovery was unlikely to portend any change in the relentless long-term decline of Arctic sea ice.
What I'm saying is you did what we expect from the right wing propaganda machine. You cherry-picked only the info that backs up your view and didn't consider the real meaning of the article. Sooo faux news of you.
What I'm saying is you did what we expect from the right wing propaganda machine. You cherry-picked only the info that backs up your view and didn't consider the real meaning of the article. Sooo faux news of you.

What's the real meaning of "may"? Find that third-grader yet?
what I am wondering is if this is really man made global warming? * dunno *


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