Warlord Obama doesn't care what you think, he's going to attack

Big Money

New member

Obama is prepared to move ahead with a limited military strike on Syria, administration officials said on Thursday, even with a rejection of such action by Britain’s Parliament, an increasingly restive Congress, and lacking an endorsement from the United Nations Security Council.

Most uneducated post ever.

The Corporate driven Right Wing are the drive behind a Syrian war. Just weeks ago all over Right Wing media they were stating Obama is weak for not going to war even though there is no proof who actually used the gas.

This is pretty basic stuff. Learn some politics kid.

Learn recent war history and see who is starting these wars. Then Look at who is funding the party. You'll get there........just kidding
Syria was on the attack list a long time ago.........did you know that.......?

Did you know that America doesn't have to go to war with countries to overturn their government? Sometimes we simply stage coup d'état's. Or sometimes we use a gun running CIA station known as Benghazi to arm Libyan and Syrian rebels to overturn their government. Or are you still confused as to why and undercover operation is covered up...............so dense.


Sound crazy? Then find me proof that Gaddafi killed his people.......search it..........no one could find the proof.

After Libya, there was said to be CIA staged acting scenes where it looked like Al-Assad was killing his people. It was stated that camera's were around and people were screaming, "It's Assad!". There is no factual proof that any YouTube video is an attack from Assad on the people. Last I checked anyway.

In reality.

Russia has promised to attack us if we attack Syria, and we (Obama) has promised Russia that everything will be ok and we won't attack.

Corporate gun lobbyists/Military Gun Manufacturers spend TONS of money on our political parties ever since Corporations were deemed "people". We since have been selling tanks to enemies just so we can buy new tanks with tax payer money. Big war is good money for lots of Corporations.

Even General Clark stated that we would try to start war with Iran and Syria back in '07 I think. Everyone called him a quack and now it's happening. It's all corporate driven. Paul Ryan even stated Obama shouldn't pull out of Afghanistan in "War Season"

Get Lockheed Martin and other Corporate money out of politics before it is too late. The Right Wing HAS to wake up and act like they have a brain.
So did "Warlord" Obama attack when America was extremely emotional about Iran having Nukes under blue tarps that for profit Right Wing Media kept showing? Because if it's under a blue tarp,,,,,it's got to be a nuke. And if it's a gas attack,,,,,it's got to be one and only source...........CERTAINLY NOT SOMEONE TRYING TO GET US TO ATTACK SYRIA...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................NUFF SAID.
Most uneducated post ever.

The Corporate driven Right Wing are the drive behind a Syrian war. Just weeks ago all over Right Wing media they were stating Obama is weak for not going to war even though there is no proof who actually used the gas.

This is pretty basic stuff. Learn some politics kid.

Learn recent war history and see who is starting these wars. Then Look at who is funding the party. You'll get there........just kidding
so Obama is a right wing corporate puppet?