Want Robust Job Growth? Vote for Democrats

dats a fact Jack

same advantage for democrats in the dow jones average, in less deficit spending, in GDP growth, in average wage growth. the only ones who benefit from repub policies are the rich and the big corporations they own or have so much stock in.
same advantage for democrats in the dow jones average, in less deficit spending, in GDP growth, in average wage growth. the only ones who benefit from repub policies are the rich and the big corporations they own or have so much stock in.

when you look at the difference in asg stimulous vs Biden stimulous you are correct. Biden's plan brings a lot of people out of poverty. https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/w...ill-differs-from-trump-s-tax-cut-102347333932
According to your own graphic Obama REALLY sucks. Only a little over 12 million jobs came back after the biggest world wide crash since the great depression. You could have done literally NOTHING and that many would have came back.

I guess now we know why financial analysts have said he had the WORST recovery in U.S history....;)
same advantage for democrats in the dow jones average, in less deficit spending, in GDP growth, in average wage growth. the only ones who benefit from repub policies are the rich and the big corporations they own or have so much stock in.

remember this post the next time you say we can't find one of your lies.........Obama had more deficit spending than all of the presidents before him combined including all the Republicans and all the demmycrats......
Can I have the Kosher meal?

When I worked at ESB as a custodian everyone was real
friendly and always made me feel comfortable. I remember
walking in and the women's locker room was next to the
mens and I would yell. Yo poppies here and I would throw
3 or 4 singles inside the women's locker room.

When I worked in the sweatshop. They sent me for a 2 week
course at the machine company. After I came back to work.
6 months later the head tech from the machine company
Said, I have a apprenticeship open. are you interested, I pur-
sued it and then was job placed after.

Why didn't you go to plumbing heating and air conditioning school?
It never got to that point. I'm driving the inspector to overlook our finished job.


Loading the oil truck. They had a oil spill.

I'm up on a ladder. Oil shot in my face and went in my eyes.