Wage inequality in sports

Big Money

New member
Liberals whine about the difference between McDonalds CEO salaries and workers wages...how much more than other franchise employees do these guys make?

Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805

Yet I don't recall seeing any demands for a wage hike for Lakers rank & file employees...can anyone explain?


Liberals whine about the difference between McDonalds CEO salaries and workers wages...how much more than other franchise employees do these guys make?

Kobe Bryant, SGLos Angeles Lakers$30,453,805

Yet I don't recall seeing any demands for a wage hike for Lakers rank & file employees...can anyone explain?



They also don't complain while Chris Mattews is making $6 million a year while a camera man makes $50,000
Each party sucks at major issues
Dems couldn't invest with warren buffet helping
Repubs couldn't do peace with gandi on there side
Liberals whine about the difference between McDonalds CEO salaries and workers wages...how much more than other franchise employees do these guys make?

Kobe Bryant, SG Los Angeles Lakers $30,453,805

Yet I don't recall seeing any demands for a wage hike for Lakers rank & file employees...can anyone explain?


Your posing a logical fallacy known as a "false equivalency".

The difference being in pro sports the employees ARE also the product being sold. Maybe you've forgotten but in most major sports leagues the athlestes have a players union. They also have the ability to negotiate their own wages both individually and collectively. That's why they have such things as league salary minimums and it's also why the owners have to share a negotiated percentage of the revenue earned to be paid to the players in salary. I think the NBA has to share 50% of league revenue with the players. They also have to pay large sums into player services, generous retirement benefits, health care and medical benefits that are the absolute best, etc, etc.

Now if you want to advocate a model for compensating employees nationally, like the NFL, MLB, NHL or NBA does, I don't think you'll find too many liberals who'd turn that deal down.

So maybe you'd like to reconsider your logic?
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LOL, pro sports is no different than Wal-Mart or McDonalds in terms of labor & wages.

Can't have it both ways.

Either employees can negotiate for higher compensation based on their value to the enterprise or they can't.

Free market supply and demand.

Heard of it?