Voters will need to show ID at polling stations from 2023

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes New Election Integrity Measures – Wants To Ban Mail-In Voting
By Mike LaChance
Published February 19, 2021 at 11:50pm
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Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing new measures in election security, including the banning of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

If the Republican party has any sense, they will launch a similar campaign nationwide.

DeSantis is a man to watch for the 2024 election and this is just one reason why.

DeSantis proposes election integrity measures: Ban universal mail-in voting; ban ballot harvesting

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday announced a series of new proposals to strengthen election integrity in Florida, touting the state’s previous successes and committing to transparency and security in elections moving forward.

Speaking at a press conference in West Palm Beach with state Rep. Blaise Ingoglia, DeSantis criticized ballot drop boxes, universal mail-in voting, and the practice of ballot harvesting, proposing new laws to ban or reform those election practices.

“Florida had the most transparent and efficient election anywhere in the country,” DeSantis said of Florida’s performance in the 2020 election. “Other states took days, weeks, and even months to count their votes. And yet Florida, by midnight on election night, we had 99% reporting and 11 million votes counted, tabulated, and put out to the public.

“It can be done and don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.”

“Last November, Florida held the smoothest, most successful election of any state in the country,” DeSantis said in a statement announcing his proposals. “While we should celebrate this feat, we should not rest on our laurels.

This guy is awesome.

Are you listening. GOP? This is what leadership looks like.

I think we have over 160 voter suppression measures currently pending in the U.S.

Republicans always want to prevent people from voting. The fewer who vote, the better it is for their prospects.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes New Election Integrity Measures – Wants To Ban Mail-In Voting
By Mike LaChance
Published February 19, 2021 at 11:50pm
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Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing new measures in election security, including the banning of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

If the Republican party has any sense, they will launch a similar campaign nationwide.

DeSantis is a man to watch for the 2024 election and this is just one reason why.

DeSantis proposes election integrity measures: Ban universal mail-in voting; ban ballot harvesting

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday announced a series of new proposals to strengthen election integrity in Florida, touting the state’s previous successes and committing to transparency and security in elections moving forward.

Speaking at a press conference in West Palm Beach with state Rep. Blaise Ingoglia, DeSantis criticized ballot drop boxes, universal mail-in voting, and the practice of ballot harvesting, proposing new laws to ban or reform those election practices.

“Florida had the most transparent and efficient election anywhere in the country,” DeSantis said of Florida’s performance in the 2020 election. “Other states took days, weeks, and even months to count their votes. And yet Florida, by midnight on election night, we had 99% reporting and 11 million votes counted, tabulated, and put out to the public.

“It can be done and don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.”

“Last November, Florida held the smoothest, most successful election of any state in the country,” DeSantis said in a statement announcing his proposals. “While we should celebrate this feat, we should not rest on our laurels.

This guy is awesome.

Are you listening. GOP? This is what leadership looks like.

Right, Florida has a record of running successful elections, also one of the highest States with mail in voting, all the OBG’s, and they open up the ballots prior to Election Day meaning it makes sense they have a pretty good count when the election is over.

And by the way, no one has a problem asking for ID, rather the sudden demand for an official State mandated voter ID, only a attempt to discourage voting given that Voter ID fraud is next to nonexistent
At present, British voters go to a polling station, give their name to the clerk, then vote, much as they have been doing for centuries. Oh yeah, and anyone can register for a postal vote.

In the 2019 general election, out of 48 million votes cast, there were 34 allegations of fraud, one of which led to a conviction. You can see how much of a problem it is. Not even Jeremy Corbyn claimed to have been robbed.

My guess is the Johnson administration doen't have enough business to keep them occupied.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes New Election Integrity Measures – Wants To Ban Mail-In Voting
By Mike LaChance
Published February 19, 2021 at 11:50pm
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Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing new measures in election security, including the banning of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.

If the Republican party has any sense, they will launch a similar campaign nationwide.

DeSantis is a man to watch for the 2024 election and this is just one reason why.

DeSantis proposes election integrity measures: Ban universal mail-in voting; ban ballot harvesting

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday announced a series of new proposals to strengthen election integrity in Florida, touting the state’s previous successes and committing to transparency and security in elections moving forward.

Speaking at a press conference in West Palm Beach with state Rep. Blaise Ingoglia, DeSantis criticized ballot drop boxes, universal mail-in voting, and the practice of ballot harvesting, proposing new laws to ban or reform those election practices.

“Florida had the most transparent and efficient election anywhere in the country,” DeSantis said of Florida’s performance in the 2020 election. “Other states took days, weeks, and even months to count their votes. And yet Florida, by midnight on election night, we had 99% reporting and 11 million votes counted, tabulated, and put out to the public.

“It can be done and don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done.”

“Last November, Florida held the smoothest, most successful election of any state in the country,” DeSantis said in a statement announcing his proposals. “While we should celebrate this feat, we should not rest on our laurels.

This guy is awesome.

Are you listening. GOP? This is what leadership looks like.

It won't survive the courts. That said one has had to show an ID here in Texas as far back as I can remember. There are some reasons people can vote by mail but not many, Florida might go that far but to ban it completely is doomed to failure. Oh and Desantis is an Idiot that has asperations of running thois Nation, which will Never happen, he is too stupid.
I think we have over 160 voter suppression measures currently pending in the U.S.

Republicans always want to prevent people from voting. The fewer who vote, the better it is for their prospects.

They hate truth freedom democracy and dancing involving pelvic thrusts. All the best stuff.