voter supression


when the right trys to suppress voter turn out to win elections they now get pointed out.

Here it is a year before the next elections and its in the news and people know about it.

this tactic will NOT win you elections anymore.

It merely helps increase the turn out of the VERY people you try to keep from voting.

the demographics are about to blow your historically failed ideas off the map.

America is about to enter a golden era of freedom and prosperity.

free from the evil that has run the republican party for decades
yes he took gerrymandering to new hieghts.

In a few years we will redraw these districts without evil assholes like tom delay(justice) and the people will get truly represented again.

By then the only people watching the tea party tards actions will be the FBI and police.

I just wish they would die off without killing someone.

I know it in my soul that they will kill someone before they disappear.

they are extremists and their type doesn't go out without hurting someone
I dont have as harsh an opinion as you Evince. I do not like anything about the teaparty or their agenda and I loathe their rhetoric for the rich at the expense of everyone else.
I stop short of calling anyone murderers or thieves until I know that to be fact. I dont think teaparty extremists are much different than left wing extremists that do dmg and have hurt people like the environmental nutjobs that burn down peoples houses and burn developments in the process of being built or the animal rights folks that have attacked people on the street.
I truly try to look at both sides and I take what I believe to be right about both of them. I find more to be right on the left now than I do on the right.
and you are mixing things all up.

I am talking party actions.

It is completely provable that the republican party has cheated in elections for decades.

why do you pretend all the court cases mean nothing?
why this country keeps pretending this is NOT fully documented in court cases spanning decades is beyond the pale.

because the record is replete with the illegal tactics of the republican party to KEEP LEGAL AMERICAN VOTERS from voting to win elections.

election after election,

republican leader after republican party leader they keep doing it.

Its systemic in the party no matter who is running it.

completely moralless behavior and EVERYONE they pick to run the party just keeps doing it
why does EVERY single Judge including the scotus members refuse to allow the republican party to vacate this 30 year old consent decree?

Because they are guilty as hell if you look at the court documents
yes he took gerrymandering to new hieghts.

In a few years we will redraw these districts without evil assholes like tom delay(justice) and the people will get truly represented again.

By then the only people watching the tea party tards actions will be the FBI and police.

I just wish they would die off without killing someone.

I know it in my soul that they will kill someone before they disappear.

they are extremists and their type doesn't go out without hurting someone

Do democrats gerrymander districts to their advantage or is it only a republican phenomenon?
Hey Deshy

Glad you are back posting. I was worried that maybe you had a massive stroke or something because you were absent yesterday. Or maybe you were off investigating who sabotaged the bamsters website that is failing miserably.
Tell me why EVERY Judge for the last 30 years who looks at these cases REFUSES to allow the republican party out of the consent decree?
Evince I was denying that the GOP uses dirty deals and illegal acts to suppress votes. That just cant be denied there have been to many proven cases of it.
Maybe I did convolute the issues I apologize for that
the history is undeniable.

the FACTS get out to more and more people every time the republican Cheat anew.

the demographics are getting more and more away from the right.

Soon they will NOT be able to cheat without getting caught.