Virginia’s largest school system votes down inclusion of non-Christian holidays

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The school board of the largest school system in Virginia voted on Thursday against adding four minority faith holidays to the public school calendar. Despite a months-long campaign in Fairfax County by Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu community leaders, the new calendar — approved on a 7-5 vote — will not give students days off for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Diwali and Eid.

“We are very disappointed and pained by the school board’s decision last night,” Guila Franklin Siegel, the associate director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington said in an interview Friday. “The school board throughout this process has demonstrated complete lack of cultural competency and understanding of how our minority faiths practice our religions.”

“The bright spot,” she said, “has been seeing how our communities have bonded together and the allyship we’ve received.”
The school board of the largest school system in Virginia voted on Thursday against adding four minority faith holidays to the public school calendar. Despite a months-long campaign in Fairfax County by Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu community leaders, the new calendar — approved on a 7-5 vote — will not give students days off for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Diwali and Eid.

“We are very disappointed and pained by the school board’s decision last night,” Guila Franklin Siegel, the associate director of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Greater Washington said in an interview Friday. “The school board throughout this process has demonstrated complete lack of cultural competency and understanding of how our minority faiths practice our religions.”

“The bright spot,” she said, “has been seeing how our communities have bonded together and the allyship we’ve received.”

When I was a kid I grew up among Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. The kids whose families celebrated Jewish and Catholic holidays got those days off as excused absences. And the teachers explained about their faiths and why that was. Mostly we were envious. lol
Why should The Most Righteous, Beautiful, and Benevolent Sun God have to put up with the Jesus Freaks, the Hebrew Hillbilly Quacks, and the Muslim Nut Jobs?

what Christian holidays do they take off?.....Pentecost?.....Good Friday?.....or were you just thinking about Santa Claus Day.....