Violence Against Women


New member
Sorry! For all those who think that Darla had some kind of “meltdown” or otherwise “hysterical” episode, you have been brainwashed. Darla didn't "meltdown" or “go off the rails” or otherwise suffer from some hysterical episode out of Greek mythology. She started thinking about her protest from the moment Damo made his stupid move and blamed her and I and claimed that the violence against women depicted in the posts from the last three days here from one single poster who was encouraged every step of the way by others here as well in his posts of violent rape, gang rape, and rape fantasies continues even this morning in his claim in his earlier comment that she and I "are begging" to be raped and physically abused by him, couldn’t have been considered that bad because we were willing to repeat them in a post. The actual last straw was when Damo laughed at a post by ILA. As if he is some kind of clown and his despicable actions over the last three days and every day since he came here were not really anything more serious than another example of boys being boys. And this is all approved and vicariously enjoyed by others here under the misguided libertarian guise of "freedom." And make no mistake about it, when ILA first came here he had been banned from every other board he had been on and he even said he was thrilled that he could say anything he wanted to here and get away with it and that this "freedom" to depict violence and abuse of women is what attracted him to this place.

He is an attention seeking cretin and admitted as much yesterday when he said that when he posts like a normal person nobody pays any attention to him and that the only time he gets any attention is when he posts Violence against Women. In the broader context Darla's protest, and it was a calculated protest not a "hysterical meltdown," was not about a single post or the use of the word "c...t" by one of the most despicable people to inhabit this or any other internet site, it is about a board that has created, approved and actively encouraged through example after example and comment after comment as well as actions from some of the people who run this site a climate that encourages the kind of violence against women that is depicted in nearly every post by ILA over the last three days. This site is at the front lines of a culture of violence against women that has grown up all over the internet in the last few years as more and more women have come on line and attempted to engage in what is in far too many cases seen as the last vestige of male dominance and people like ILA are the result of that online emergence. The violent reactionaries who have emerged in the path of that entry by women are making a last ditch effort to prevent women from expressing themselves or when they do of having to face the most despicable images and descriptions of rape and rape fantasies and other violent acts. This continued active and passive encouragement of violence against women is what this is about and few of the ignorant people here even understand that.
obviously not.....she deliberately set out to get banned......nothing more to consider after that......

It's called a protest or civil disobedience as when people get arrested in order to make a point about injustice. But people who have spend their whole lives in front of a damn computer screen thinking that they are making a difference know absolutely nothing about taking direct action in one form or another!
I understand Darlas desire to have the comments banned.

I understand it is suggested violence against women.

I understand it is selectively seen as harmless by some men.

I also understand that I am allowed to react to it differently.

I tip my cap to her efforts.

I still think the best way to denut their scare tactics is to make fun of their flesh donut bag.

I mean come on guys there is just NO body party funnier than the nutsack.

what a joke on men to have to carry around their most tender parts swinging between their legs getting constantly pinched and sat on.

no wonder they seek the safety of the womb again.

our junk in all neat and tidy and well protected and theirs is hanging out just waiting for a dog to jump on them or a kid to step on them.

Poor guys

remember to tuck before you sit guys
It's called a protest or civil disobedience as when people get arrested in order to make a point about injustice. But people who have spend their whole lives in front of a damn computer screen thinking that they are making a difference know absolutely nothing about taking direct action in one form or another!

she chose to do what she did......her supporters will make her a martyr.....the rest of us will go about our lives not giving a fuck......
That's right, and you will do that because you are all passive supporters of violence against women.

I understand what you're saying.....I feel the same way about the left and their passive support of killing unborn children......I'm just not stupid enough to think that leaving here is going to convince someone I'm right and they're wrong......
Violins are not against women. They're beautiful musical instruments that, when played properly, make incredible music. They're just inanimate objects, they have no feeling towards women one way or the other. I mean tha'ts just crazy, violins are not against women!!!
Violins are not against women. They're beautiful musical instruments that, when played properly, make incredible music. They're just inanimate objects, they have no feeling towards women one way or the other. I mean tha'ts just crazy, violins are not against women!!!

Listen Emily, that wasn't violins against women it was violins on television.