Video shows vicious Pinellas school bus attack


GULFPORT, FL -Gulfport police recently released surveillance video from a school bus that shows the bus driver's perspective of a beating earlier this month.

In the video from July 9th, the victim is sitting in the second seat of the Pinellas school bus with his head down. The violence starts as soon as he stands-up to get off the bus.

The bus driver, John Moody can be heard yelling for somebody to try to stop them and calls dispatch for help, "I got a fight. I need help in a hurry, I got a fight I need help in a hurry."

The punches and kicks continue, and the victim falls between the seats. At one point you can hear his screams on the video. The bus driver yells at the attackers, "leave that boy alone," but doesn't try to intervene physically.

Then he again calls dispatch to verify the address. "Get somebody out here quick, quick quick they're about to beat this boy to death. There's nothing I can do...please send somebody," said Moody.

According to Pinellas school bus driver policy the driver's first duty is to call dispatch, and only has to step in if they think it's safe. They're not required to intervene.

Gulfport Police Chief Robert Vincent has publicly questioned the driver's lack of action even after the offending teens had left the bus. "There was time for him to intervene and or check on the welfare of the child in this case. He didn't make any effort to do so and that's what we want to bring to the attention of the prosecutor," said Chief Vincent.

Police investigators turned this video and other evidence to the state attorney's office. Prosecutors will determine whether to charge the driver with child neglect.

7/11/2013 Related Story: 3 teens charged in Pinellas school bus beating

Three students are accused of beating a younger student aboard a Pinellas County school bus.

Officials said the bus driver from Lealman Intermediate School called for help when three students "ganged up" on a 13-year-old student, kicking and punching the victim.

Joshua Reddin, Julian McKnight, and Lloyd Khemradj, all 15 years old, were arrested a short time later.

An investigation revealed one of the suspects had tried to sell drugs to the victim in a school bathroom. The victim notified officials at the school. Later that day, the suspects and victim rode the same school bus home.

If Obama Had Sons.....
GULFPORT, FL -Gulfport police recently released surveillance video from a school bus that shows the bus driver's perspective of a beating earlier this month.

In the video from July 9th, the victim is sitting in the second seat of the Pinellas school bus with his head down. The violence starts as soon as he stands-up to get off the bus.

The bus driver, John Moody can be heard yelling for somebody to try to stop them and calls dispatch for help, "I got a fight. I need help in a hurry, I got a fight I need help in a hurry."

The punches and kicks continue, and the victim falls between the seats. At one point you can hear his screams on the video. The bus driver yells at the attackers, "leave that boy alone," but doesn't try to intervene physically.

Then he again calls dispatch to verify the address. "Get somebody out here quick, quick quick they're about to beat this boy to death. There's nothing I can do...please send somebody," said Moody.

According to Pinellas school bus driver policy the driver's first duty is to call dispatch, and only has to step in if they think it's safe. They're not required to intervene.

Gulfport Police Chief Robert Vincent has publicly questioned the driver's lack of action even after the offending teens had left the bus. "There was time for him to intervene and or check on the welfare of the child in this case. He didn't make any effort to do so and that's what we want to bring to the attention of the prosecutor," said Chief Vincent.

Police investigators turned this video and other evidence to the state attorney's office. Prosecutors will determine whether to charge the driver with child neglect.

7/11/2013 Related Story: 3 teens charged in Pinellas school bus beating

Three students are accused of beating a younger student aboard a Pinellas County school bus.

Officials said the bus driver from Lealman Intermediate School called for help when three students "ganged up" on a 13-year-old student, kicking and punching the victim.

Joshua Reddin, Julian McKnight, and Lloyd Khemradj, all 15 years old, were arrested a short time later.

An investigation revealed one of the suspects had tried to sell drugs to the victim in a school bathroom. The victim notified officials at the school. Later that day, the suspects and victim rode the same school bus home.

If Obama Had Sons.....

I'd probably be in jail; because I would have punched the nearest attacker in the head and then if the other two didn't back off, more retribution would have been handed out.
Sorry. Didn't see this one when I posted it. I will delete my thread. These are obviously heroes to Desh. You know, Trayvon wannabes.

I wish that poor kid was armed and put a few slugs in the animals. Funny that blacks always seem to have to attack in groups. I guess one black guy can't take on one white guy
Sorry. Didn't see this one when I posted it. I will delete my thread. These are obviously heroes to Desh. You know, Trayvon wannabes.

I wish that poor kid was armed and put a few slugs in the animals. Funny that blacks always seem to have to attack in groups. I guess one black guy can't take on one white guy

And of course its not a hate crime unless it would have the younger smaller white kid beating up 3 older bigger blacks...
And of course its not a hate crime unless it would have the younger smaller white kid beating up 3 older bigger blacks...

Well yeah, if a single white kid beat up three blacks, Al "Resist we much" Sharpton would be on a plane screaming about "white privilege" and how this is another "Trayvon". But since it was three blacks beating up a white kid, we are supposed to understand. You know because of slavery and all.

I am sure that deep down BAC Panther Party is cheering inside. They couldn't get Zimmerman so they get a third string wide receiver and some poor white kid on a bus.

These folks don't realize that

1) they are still an overwhelming minority
2) people are only going to tolerate so much of their shit for so long
3) they will only be able to play the "Remember slavery" card for so long

Then it is game on.
What I do not understand, if the kid turned in the little thug to the school administration for trying to sell him drugs, why the fuck was he on the bus and not expelled or taken to jail?
I wonder why Al Crapton isn't defending this young man's civil rights?
OH-WAIT, he's not black.

How fascinating that Desh, BAC Panther, 2D and the rest of JPPs dirtbag race hustlers ignore this.

Surprised? Not me.

I hope somebody Trayvons these motherfuckers
I think I am going to make an app. There will be some street thugs with Skittles and wearing hoodies. you gotta shoot em without hitting innocent bystanders.

You get extra points for hitting them at night, head shots, and if they are moving.

Think anyone will buy it?