Veterans Day: Should "warmongers" be honored?

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Perhaps a new vessel should be dubbed "USS Obama"...


Artists rendition of USS Barack Obama
Not much discussion going to happen if I'm the only one with an opinion.

If discussion's what you're interested in, perhaps you could respond.
Should everything and every place named for "warmongers" be renamed?

What would Washington DC be renamed in Christie World?

Who - or what - would adorn our coins and currency?
Should everything and every place named for "warmongers" be renamed?

What would Washington DC be renamed in Christie World?

Who - or what - would adorn our coins and currency?

First tell me you understand the difference between brother v. brother, and citizens v. invaders.
No soldier is a warmonger, they are soldiers doing what they are assigned to do and commanded to do. If the command is beyond the boundaries of their moral frame, they can say no, and accept the consequences. If one wants to define warmonger, it would be those on the extremes who argue war is the solution. Ideologies like Cheney, Wolfowitz etc, neo-cons today, fascists in the past. Militia nutcases in America today, wacko doomsday preppers, and religious fanatics, they are the warmongers. On the other hand a soldier, especially in my time, when the draft was still in place, are serving their country as their country has instructed them to do. Can the country be wrong, sure but the soldier's role once he formally accepts his position is to be part of a unit, and not an armchair patriot.

Oh, and all my fellow vets have a good day today and always.

"A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point of their life, signed a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of 'up to and including my life. " anon

Old post:

Is the Voluntary Military a Good?

Everyone who served in the military knows some things. And while my perspective is from the sixties I would think these things still hold. No soldier, Marine, Air Force, Army, or Navy recruit does anything they are not told to do. GIs of any strip work for their government, if they disagreed with any policy or duty, be it KP or latrine duty, they were always free to see the Chaplain.

Military life can be a good life if you can tolerate the restrictions and the constant travel, sometimes to the remotest reaches of the earth. Family stayed home. This led to many family problems, the saddest thing for the soldier was the 'Dear John.' Personally I never quite fit in, my time was the time of the draft and most American boys thought it a duty and not the enslavement some consider it today. Failure to salute got my ass reamed out many times. 'Sorry Sir, I didn't see you.'

But you learn in the military, we still had the GI Bill, and the service taught you to take care of yourself, to grow up, to learn during those hours of just watch. We had lots of drunks, and lots of lifers, and lots of dreamers hoping for a better tomorrow, no one complained about three-two, like all things it was a mixed experience.

Now consider today when Navy Seals presume to take credit for something they were ordered to do and when they were provided the training and tools to do it? Obviously Obama deserves credit for a gutsy decision and the Seals great credit for a pretty flawless operation, but when did this mindless (political?) whining become part of the military too? It is bad enough we have the useless whining of the tea party, now the military has entered the fray. Remember RHIP, the chain of command matters if order is to be maintained. What has happened to the code of conduct.

So I ask is the voluntary military another step towards the decline of America? A step closer to a banana republic in which the banana owners control the republic. Is the all volunteer Army a good thing? I am beginning to think not. Diversity provides brakes on group think. Your thoughts.

A grunt forever and proud of it.
I think universal conscription (with appropriate non-combatant options for dissenters) would be worth trying.

And I thank all those who serve, or have served.
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