US Troops Capture Pakistani Taliban Leader, Foiling Peace Talks


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Several months of intense negotiations by the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS) almost bore fruit this week, when they finally managed to convince a key Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leader, Latif Mehsud, to come to NDS headquarters to help organize peace talks.

Latif was in an Afghan government convoy being taken to the NDS headquarters when the convoy was suddenly captured by the US military and Latif was carted off by the US forces, to be detained at Bagram as an “enemy combatant.”

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is said to be enraged by the move, and the tension may further aggravate the negotiations over post-2014 terms for US military operations in the country.

At the same time, the US operation foiled a key effort at peace with a major Taliban faction, and such peace deals would make it a lot easier for Karzai or any subsequent Afghan leader to reject a continued occupation. As it stands, the US seems to oppose peace talks if they undermine the war talks.

US officials confirmed the capture of Latif, but declined to offer any further details, citing the “sensitivity of the issue.”
The United States recently seized a senior Pakistani Taliban commander in eastern Afghanistan, snatching him from the custody of Afghan intelligence operatives who had spent months trying to recruit him as an interlocutor for peace talks, Afghan government officials charged Thursday.

Latif Mehsud, an influential commander in the Pakistani Taliban, was taken into custody by U.S. personnel, who intercepted an Afghan government convoy in Logar province, Afghan officials said.
The dramatic capture enraged Afghan President Hamid Karzai and is a new irritant in already-contentious negotiations for the terms under which a U.S.-led military coalition will remain in Afghanistan after the formal end of combat operations next year.

Afghan officials described their contact with Mehsud, thought to be about 30, as one of the most significant operations conducted by their country’s security forces. After months of conversations, the Taliban leader had agreed to meet with operatives of Afghanistan’s main spy agency, the National Directorate of Security, said Aimal Faizi, a spokesman for Karzai.

The Afghan officials were en route to an NDS facility, where they expected to start debriefing Mehsud, when a U.S. contingent stopped the vehicles, Faizi said.

“The Americans forcibly removed him and took him to Bagram,” said the spokesman, referring to the military base that includes a detention facility where the United States continues to hold more than 60 non-Afghan
This must be another example of O-BOMB-YAs' masterful foreign policies that resulted in gas price decreases in Houston last week.
This was obviously done behind Obama's back. He can't be aware of everything that goes on that is going to disrupt his plans for peace in the ME.
You trust the Pakistani Taliban? They will stop at nothing to create a fundamentalist state.
of course not. but:

Afghan intelligence operatives who had spent months trying to recruit him as an interlocutor for peace talks
have to be able to use interlocurs; to relay info back to the Paki Taliban.

It's either that, or a continued low grade ( or hot) war. You can't secure the future of Afg , without dealing with the tribals, or the Paki Taliban.

It is a difficult situation, one reason to let the LOCALS try to sort it out. If we just snatch and grab eveyone that is part of the Taliban;
how does that allow a peace talk to happen? It doesn't.

Either let the Afgans try to negotiate, or just provide "security" - Karzai has been on the rampage about US interference - different in that he wants the US to provide border security, and not Afg's internals.

So whom do we deal with here? just Karzai, and war/snatch any Paki Taliban? Or let the Afgans try to work with Paki's T?

It's a bad situation, i'm not even sure myself..
of course not. but:

have to be able to use interlocurs; to relay info back to the Paki Taliban.

It's either that, or a continued low grade ( or hot) war. You can't secure the future of Paki, without dealing with the tribals, or the Paki Taliban.

It is a difficult situation, one reason to let the LOCALS try to sort it out. If we just snatch and grab eveyone that is part of the Taliban;
how does that allow a peace talk to happen? It doesn't.

Either let the Afgans try to negotiate, or just provide "security" - Karzai has been on the rampage about US interference - different in that he wants the US to provide border security, and not Afg's internals.

So whom do we deal with here? just Karzai, and war/snatch any Paki Taliban? Or let the Afgans try to work with Paki's T?

It's a bad situation, i'm not even sure myself..

You should be sure. It's crystal clear that some premise needs to be manufactured to change Karzai's resolve to get rid of US forces on time. It's a certainty that is not going to happen and this is a small step taken to make it impossible. Did you know that the US is not going to leave Afghanistan? This is pretty elementary stuff.
You should be sure. It's crystal clear that some premise needs to be manufactured to change Karzai's resolve to get rid of US forces on time. It's a certainty that is not going to happen and this is a small step taken to make it impossible. Did you know that the US is not going to leave Afghanistan? This is pretty elementary stuff.
yes. this isn't any "premise" the US IS pulling combat troops, and leaving maybe 7000+ trainers, and support personel past 2014.

They are negotitaing with Afg. now to resolve what the State of Forces will be past 2014.
yes. this isn't any "premise" the US IS pulling combat troops, and leaving maybe 7000+ trainers, and support personel past 2014.

They are negotitaing with Afg. now to resolve what the State of Forces will be past 2014.

That's exactly what I was telling you. They are in negotiations to decide what US forces will remain. This incident is intended to play a part in those negotiations. I assume you aren't under any illusion that negotiations aren't limited to what is said over a conference table. Karzai has become difficult to deal with and this incident seems to be directly connected. Or, to put it simple, the US is not going to give up Afghanistan to the Taliban even though Karzai is intent on making them a partner in government.
are you sure he wasn't playing cards in the situation room while it came down?.......

He has some spare time after defeating Boehner and he was just shuckin and jiving with his black friends. There's little else for him to do now that the R's have been defeated and are taking the big heat for the shutdown.

You people need to talk about it and not keep it bottled up inside yourselves.
monty the teenage Mountie said:
Eh, hoser, eh

That's exactly what I was telling you. They are in negotiations to decide what US forces will remain. This incident is intended to play a part in those negotiations. I assume you aren't under any illusion that negotiations aren't limited to what is said over a conference table. Karzai has become difficult to deal with and this incident seems to be directly connected. Or, to put it simple, the US is not going to give up Afghanistan to the Taliban even though Karzai is intent on making them a partner in government.

US unilaterally decides what forces remain; the SOFA is the scope and use that US, and Afg are negotiating.

Karzai isn't making the Taliban part of any gov't ; Karzai is leaving office this was the PAKISTANI Taliban, a supposed interlocure to help a regional peace.

Apparently the Afg INTEL people wanted to bring him in either as a heads up info, or negotitating an's not clear.
US unilaterally decides what forces remain; the SOFA is the scope and use that US, and Afg are negotiating.

Karzai isn't making the Taliban part of any gov't ; Karzai is leaving office this was the PAKISTANI Taliban, a supposed interlocure to help a regional peace.

Apparently the Afg INTEL people wanted to bring him in either as a heads up info, or negotitating an's not clear.

Well, you're just completely wrong. Karzai is definitely attempting to bring the Taliban into government. I watched the words come out of his very mouth.
Well, you're just completely wrong. Karzai is definitely attempting to bring the Taliban into government. I watched the words come out of his very mouth.
Q: Is the goal to bring them into a power-sharing deal in government?
A: Absolutely. They’re Afghans, where the afghan president, where the afghan government can appoint the Taliban to a government job, they’re welcome we will do that. But where it’s the afghan people appointing people through elections to state organs then the Taliban should come and participate in elections. So to clarify this, yes as Afghans they are welcome to the Afghan government, like all other Afghans. Yes, as Afghans they are welcome to participate in elections as all other afghans.
yes; you are more correct then wrong here - my mistake. I remember the stalled talks in Qatar between the Taliban, and the US. Karzai ws throwing his usual fits

I'm not sure if they are actually going to be part of the gov't, or appointed, but I'd have to agree with you here.

So..if the Afg. Taliban, are going to at least be appointed to gov't jobs, if not actully part of the gov't (unclear) -why not liason with the Paki Taliban?