US signs UN Arms Trade Treaty: Canada Refuses

Say what???

OTTAWA - The Harper government faced sharp criticism Wednesday for its continued refusal to sign a landmark treaty to regulate the global arms trade.

A group of non-governmental agencies, called the Control Arms Coalition, said it was frustrated and disappointed that the government did not follow the United States and more than 90 other countries in signing the Arms Trade Treaty.

The criticism was unleashed after Secretary of State John Kerry signed the treaty on behalf of the U.S. on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

Kerry called it a "significant step" in keeping the world safe.

Kerry's view appears to differ sharply from those expressed by the Harper government on the issue.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has said there is a potential link between signing on to the treaty and Canada's now-abolished long gun registry. His office has said the government is still trying to determine whether the treaty would affect lawful recreational firearms owners in Canada.......

NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar said he was shocked that the U.S., which has a much tougher gun lobby, has signed the treaty before Canada....... If the United States can sign on, then it is a mystery to us why Canada would not."

Anyone else find this somewhat strange?
Well, signing it is irrelevant. The Senate has to ratify it, so....yeah, not gonna happen.

Kudos for Canada though. You guys are quickly getting ready to surpass us on gun rights. I may have to apply for citizenship.