US oil boom raised household incomes $1,200 last year

It is one good thing Bush did and is keeping the economy from completely collapsing. Imagine what the economy would be doing if we allowed this throughout the country and really harnessed our energy potential instead of this crazy alternative fuel crap.

We also wouldn't be talking about war with Syria because we have enough oil, natural gas and coal to make us a net exporter and completely bankrupt those middle eastern camel jockeys.

What we lack is political will to do the right thing

If I were President I would write an executive order opening up all federal lands for energy exploration and sell them off to private energy producers.

GDP would be at 7% and oil prices would plummet to $20 barrel
It is one good thing Bush did and is keeping the economy from completely collapsing. Imagine what the economy would be doing if we allowed this throughout the country and really harnessed our energy potential instead of this crazy alternative fuel crap.

We also wouldn't be talking about war with Syria because we have enough oil, natural gas and coal to make us a net exporter and completely bankrupt those middle eastern camel jockeys.

What we lack is political will to do the right thing

If I were President I would write an executive order opening up all federal lands for energy exploration and sell them off to private energy producers.

GDP would be at 7% and oil prices would plummet to $20 barrel
Wow....just when I thought you were incapable of saying anything dumber. What year did you get your GED in Mississippi?
if oil was $20 a barrel we wouldn't be having an oil boom......

That's the point. We wouldn't need an oil boom at that point. Our production would bring down the price of oil (a worldwide commodity) and our economy could enjoy the financial benefits of lower energy costs. Our production can drive down the price worldwide. We can control the price of oil.
That's the point. We wouldn't need an oil boom at that point. Our production would bring down the price of oil (a worldwide commodity) and our economy could enjoy the financial benefits of lower energy costs. Our production can drive down the price worldwide. We can control the price of oil.
and what happens when the speculators stop speculating and you have over supply?
And in the mean time oil speculators have cost the average household about $7,000/year by driving oil up to $110/barrel. Thanks a lot Dude!!

And all of the world's commodity speculators are located in one building, somewhere in lower Manhattan. Right?

There are none in places like the Netherlands, Greece, and Japan. Right?

And since they're all in that one building in lower Manhattan, we can control the speculating on this worldwide commodity. Right?

And you make grilled cheese sammiches on your radiator? Right?