APP - "UN's Final Verdict: Humans Caused Global Warming"


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Karl Ritter – September 27, 2013, 7:16 AM EDT
STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Scientists can now say with extreme confidence that human activity is the dominant cause of the global warming observed since the 1950s, a new report by an international scientific group said Friday.

Calling man-made warming "extremely likely," the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change used the strongest words yet on the issue as it adopted its assessment on the state of the climate system.

In its previous assessment, in 2007, the U.N.-sponsored panel said it was "very likely" that global warming was man-made.

One of the most controversial subjects in the report was how to deal with a purported slowdown in warming in the past 15 years. Climate skeptics say this "hiatus" casts doubt on the scientific consensus on climate change.

Many governments had objections over how the issue was treated in earlier drafts and some had called for it to be deleted altogether.

In the end, the IPCC made only a brief mention of the issue in the summary for policymakers, stressing that short-term records are sensitive to natural variability and don't in general reflect long-term trends.

"An old rule says that climate-relevant trends should not be calculated for periods less than around 30 years," said Thomas Stocker, co-chair of the group that wrote the report.

Many scientists say the purported slowdown reflects random climate fluctuations and an unusually hot year, 1998, picked as a starting point for charting temperatures. Another leading hypothesis is that heat is settling temporarily in the oceans, but that wasn't included in the summary.

Stocker said there wasn't enough literature on "this emerging question."

The IPCC said the evidence of climate change has grown thanks to more and better observations, a clearer understanding of the climate system and improved models to analyze the impact of rising temperatures.

"Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased," said Qin Dahe, co-chair of the working group that wrote the report.

The full 2,000-page report isn't going to be released until Monday, but the summary for policymakers with the key findings was published Friday. It contained few surprises as many of the findings had been leaked in advance.

As expected, the IPCC raised its projections of the rise in sea levels to 10-32 inches (26-82 centimeters) by the end of the century. The previous report predicted a rise of 7-23 inches (18-59 centimeters).

The IPCC assessments are important because they form the scientific basis of U.N. negotiations on a new climate deal. Governments are supposed to finish that agreement in 2015, but it's unclear whether they will commit to the emissions cuts that scientists say will be necessary to keep the temperature below a limit at which the worst effects of climate change can be avoided.

Using four scenarios with different emissions controls, the report projected that global average temperatures would rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees C by the end of the century. That's 0.5-8.6 F.

Only the two lower scenarios, which were based on significant cuts in CO2 emissions, came in below the 2-degree C (3.6 F) limit that countries have set as their target in the climate talks to avoid the worst impacts of warming.

"This is yet another wakeup call: Those who deny the science or choose excuses over action are playing with fire," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a statement. "Once again, the science grows clearer, the case grows more compelling, and the costs of inaction grow beyond anything that anyone with conscience or common sense should be willing to even contemplate."

At this point, emissions keep rising mainly due to rapid growth in China and other emerging economies. They say rich countries should take the lead on emissions cuts because they've pumped carbon into the atmosphere for longer.

Climate activists said the report should spur governments to action.

"There are few surprises in this report but the increase in the confidence around many observations just validates what we are seeing happening around us," said Samantha Smith, of the World Wildlife Fund.

Here are the key findings:

-- Global warming is "unequivocal," and since the 1950's it's "extremely likely" that human activities have been the dominant cause of the temperature rise.

-- Concentrations of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have increased to levels that are unprecedented in at least 800,000 years. The burning of fossil fuels is the main reason behind a 40 percent increase in C02 concentrations since the industrial revolution.

-- Global temperatures are likely to rise by 0.3 to 4.8 degrees C, or 0.5-8.6 F, by the end of the century depending on how much governments control carbon emissions.

-- Most aspects of climate change will continue for many centuries even if CO2 emissions are stopped.

-- Sea levels are expected to rise a further 10-32 inches (26-82 centimeters) by the end of the century.

-- The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been losing mass over the past two decades. Glaciers have continued to melt almost all over the world. Arctic sea ice has shrunk and spring snow cover has continued to decrease, and it is "very likely" that this will continue.

-- It's "virtually certain" that the upper ocean has warmed from 1971 to 2010. The ocean will continue to warm this century, with heat penetrating from the surface to the deep ocean.
Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased," said Qin Dahe, co-chair of the working group that wrote the report.
not to nit-pick, but this is a correlation, not causality - though I have read thru other messageboards that do seem to show causation.

I don't see any reference to increased solar activity here either.. The problem might very well be real, the politics obscure (as usual)

leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought.

“[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,”
reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

see what I am saying - the only MS source I could find was Fox.
The U.N is politically biased against humans, being controlled as it is by elitists. This is just a made up argument to sell genocide and population reduction to the masses.
More and more other science is becoming dependent on global warming and its known causes as an explanation and predictor of phenomena. The deniers are delusional.
Dr. Richard Lindzen, emeritus professor of atmospheric sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recently wrote an excellent article for the autumn issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Lindzen asserts that today's climate science has become a source of authority rather than a mode of inquiry, driven by political agendas. Today's climate science is characterised by:

  • Powerful advocacy groups claiming to represent both science and the public in the name of morality and superior wisdom;
  • Simplistic depictions of the underlying science so as to facilitate widespread "understanding";
  • "Events," real or contrived, interpreted in such a manner as to promote a sense of urgency in the public at large;
  • Scientists flattered by public attention (including financial support) and deferent to "political will" and popular assessment of virtue
  • Significant numbers of scientists eager to produce the science demanded by the "public."
He concludes with the hope that "some path will emerge that will end the present irrational obsession with climate and carbon footprints."

Read the rest of the article
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wishing we could get some clarity on this - clean/green energy means more costs, and what is the point if China and India exempt themselves?
wishing we could get some clarity on this - clean/green energy means more costs, and what is the point if China and India exempt themselves?

The point is america gets screwed. That's the whole goal of all this new world order crap. The totalitarians running the world hate freedom and the constitution, and are subverting it's protections through treaty.
The point is america gets screwed. That's the whole goal of all this new world order crap. The totalitarians running the world hate freedom and the constitution, and are subverting it's protections through treaty.
not too worried about what the world is doing to U.S. as we are doing a fine job of screwing ourselves into the ground.
not too worried about what the world is doing to U.S. as we are doing a fine job of screwing ourselves into the ground.

It's not, "the world" doing things to us, it's the leaders of the world influencing our domestic leaders to implement assinine policy. Their main tool is globalist propaganda which has been disseminated in all our institutions for many years. The people of the world are our co-victims in all this.
As a follower of science with a love of bio and epidemiology, I'm not convinced that humans started this next warming me that takes a huge amount of hubris.... but have no doubt that we contributed to it.

I also think it takes a huge amount of hubris to think we can change it. We can only lessen our contributing to it and prepare for it. And for those that think it wont be a big deal here in the US, at least in the near (noticeable) term, it certainly could be. Territory and lack of resources (starvation) still cause war and violence today. Start shifting boundaries & populations, have major agricultural areas move and/become arid and you'll have even more.

In case anyone hasnt noticed, even if you dont care about the 'human element,' we end up involved in those conflicts and sometimes it ends up over here. Certainly the costs can. Look at the emergence of the Somali pirates. If something like that becomes widespread, it will cost billions to protect the ships and the costs of those goods will go sky high. THat is just one very small example of what could happen.

An even scarier thing is the emergence of new diseases. They tend to emerge when there is environmental disruption and human incursion into undeveloped territory. Not to mention the affects of overcrowding and stress in places like refugee camps that will just concentrate and 'cook' such things into epidemics.

I think we (our govt, the UN, science, and humanitarian organizations) should be working pro-actively now on mitigating these things. And to do that, they have to keep studying climate change so they better understand which and how areas of the globe will be affected.

This is why I think we cant just ignore climate change and need to keep investing in research. Doesn't really matter what caused it at this point...but ignoring the science is just 'ostrich with its head in the sand' stuff.

(Sorry for the wall of text)
not to nit-pick, but this is a correlation, not causality - though I have read thru other messageboards that do seem to show causation.

I don't see any reference to increased solar activity here either.. The problem might very well be real, the politics obscure (as usual)

see what I am saying - the only MS source I could find was Fox.

There may be a reason that this is the only source for this so-called leaked report!
The globalist manipulators are starting to have trouble reconciling their various fictions.

For instance, the carbon footprint of shipping goods all around the world, as they do to ruin all local economies, must be high, but they still maintain that local manufacturing is a luddite notion.
The point is america gets screwed. That's the whole goal of all this new world order crap. The totalitarians running the world hate freedom and the constitution, and are subverting it's protections through treaty.

Really, you can't get 25 Americans to agree on much of anything and you think there is agreement among this group you identify as "the totalitarians running the world" to do what exactly? It seems to me you are simply creating this shit out of whole cloth. You don't believe in climate change but you believe in this group of "totalitarians running the world." Could you name a few of them or are we all suppposed to just know who they are. Do you have a list of their names,on a piece of paper somewhere perhaps? I mean if you claim it you must know something about them don't you?
The globalist manipulators are starting to have trouble reconciling their various fictions.

For instance, the carbon footprint of shipping goods all around the world, as they do to ruin all local economies, must be high, but they still maintain that local manufacturing is a luddite notion.

You've got the first step. You have created a "they" to be against, now care to tell us who this "they" are?
Really, you can't get 25 Americans to agree on much of anything and you think there is agreement among this group you identify as "the totalitarians running the world" to do what exactly? It seems to me you are simply creating this shit out of whole cloth. You don't believe in climate change but you believe in this group of "totalitarians running the world." Could you name a few of them or are we all suppposed to just know who they are. Do you have a list of their names,on a piece of paper somewhere perhaps? I mean if you claim it you must know something about them don't you?

They want to rule and control the world and our lives in all aspects, just like any totalitarian. Do you know what totalitarian means?

Du Pont
Van Duyn

Just to name a few of the names involved.