Unintended consequences....


Well-known member
16 year olds awarded right to vote.

Then comes legally making them adults at 16. Why not? They are allowed to help decide the fate of the nation.

Can be drafted into military service. Drink and smoke dope.

Oh,....no more tax write offs either for you as they arent a dependent anymore.

Responsible for their own medical and medical bills.

As adults they are free to marry at 16. Run up debt they are responsible for,..ect ect...

This opens the door to a whole plethora of things that can happen.

And if you think these things are crazy and cant happen,....... think again. Who ever thought anyone would be crazy enuff to allow 16 year old kids help decide the fate of a nation?
The lending institutions will have a FIELD DAY. Gonna start em young. Parasite off of them at 16 years old. Get them when they are REALLY young and dumb.
But hey,....as long as it helps D's win elections no big deal right? These fucks have no problem wiping out a whole generation before they can even grow in decent facial hair. DISGUSTING and indefensible.

Just shows what I have been saying all along. They run wild like little kids when D's control everything. They literally go crazy. In a way its good. Let them pound everything into the dirt. Nobody else to point the finger at or blame. THEY DID THIS. NO ONE ELSE. Eventually they will have no where to run to or hide. The people will KNOW exactly who did this to them. Good luck......;)
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But hey,....as long as it helps D's win elections no big deal right? These fucks have no problem wiping out a whole generation before they can even grow in decent facial hair. DISGUSTING and indefensible.

You keep thinking that DEMOCRATS need voters to win elections. :palm:
But hey,....as long as it helps D's win elections no big deal right? These fucks have no problem wiping out a whole generation before they can even grow in decent facial hair. DISGUSTING and indefensible.

Just shows what I have been saying all along. They run wild like little kids when D's control everything. They literally go crazy. In a way its good. Let them pound everything into the dirt. Nobody else to point the finger at or blame. THEY DID THIS. NO ONE ELSE. Eventually they will have no where to run to or hide. The people will KNOW exactly who did this to them. Good luck......;)

you know you are on the Crazy Train when one of the reasons you are against 16 year olds voting is "you are wiping out a whole generation before they can even grow in decent facial hair." I guess girls you know grow in "decent facial hair" sometime after 16, like 17 or 18.
You keep thinking that DEMOCRATS need voters to win elections. :palm:

No I dont. My OP was mostly talking about other consequences that could arise. Furthermore,.....if they dont need voters to win, which they clearly do not,....it further proves my point in the initial posts of this thread.
you know you are on the Crazy Train when one of the reasons you are against 16 year olds voting is "you are wiping out a whole generation before they can even grow in decent facial hair." I guess girls you know grow in "decent facial hair" sometime after 16, like 17 or 18.

Then start acting like it.

I am. The posts were mostly about other consequences. The votes, or new D supporters are secondary , extra gravy,...which is why I gave it secondary attention in the OP.
what country are you from?.....

This one. I know there is no draft and hasnt been one in many decades. That can change. If we were to enter into a major war again,... say against China and their allies you can bet your ass the draft would be re instituted.
Then start acting like it.

The post you are quoting here actually goes on to say......" if the dems do not need voters to win, which they CLEARLY DO NOT"

Dont be so quick to find fault that isnt there.
The post you are quoting here actually goes on to say......" if the dems do not need voters to win, which they CLEARLY DO NOT" Dont be so quick to find fault that isnt there.

Don't mention a need for voters that doesn't exist, then.
Don't mention a need for voters that doesn't exist, then.

I followed up by saying WHICH THEY CLEARLY DO NOT. Besides that,.....I can post any way I choose to post. Not up to you or anyone else,....only me.
How is this even remotely a current event topic??

No link, nothing but someone's opinion based on his opinion... :palm: