Under Armour forcing employees into ANTI-WHITE training sessions.

Text Drivers are Killers

Joe Biden - "Time to put Trump in the bullseye."
Sorry but black inferiority is a fact and everyone knows it. There is no giant conspiracy among whites to hold down blacks. Most blacks can't even read.


feb 25 2021 Under Armour appears to be the next big corporation found to be forcing employees to undergo anti-white training sessions, a report says.

According to the Outkick, a whistleblower is reporting that the sportswear giant has mandated that employees take a so-called “anti-racism” course entitled “Above the Surface: Dominant White Progressive Narratives” that urges white employees to examine how they might be racist.

Under Armour “forced its white employees to participate in a training program that asked them to consider ways in which they might be racist.”

The course’s moderator even reportedly asked white employees how many “virtually all-white” funerals they had attended during their lives, insisting that not going to a minority funeral may prove the employee is racist. After asking that question, the moderator quickly interrupted, saying that she didn’t want to give whites time to think of their answer. She then told white employees that the question “should be something that you are thinking about if you are white for the rest of your life.”

In another part of the training, whites are told that saying “I was taught to treat everyone the same” is also racist.
Actually there is a conspiracy, we just haven't let you in on it.

As for your topic here yes it's the new standard and part of the left's war on Whites.

When nothing makes all the Black's rich they will claim more needs to be done and the Whites will be oppressed even further until some sort of breaking point is reached.

I have no idea what will happen then I only know this is the unchangeable path we are on.

Just today I saw two cars that had an "ignore your priviledge" bumper sticker and it would have been funny if I didn't know what that is symbolic of.

Scary times coming for members of the white race and very dangerous for the conservative and Christian Whites.