You may want to start doing a little research on the Zoomers. I have been talking about this for awhile now as have many others. I myself have a son that is Zoomer age. They were pretty indifferent to the left as it was to be honest. These kids have spent their entire lives in the information age. They can smell out bullshit faster than a rabbit gets you know what. Now, after Covid and all the propaganda that went along with it coupled with the funny business of the last election that indifference toward the left is quickly turning into outright hostility. They cant stand being LIED TO anymore,...and I dont blame them a bit. And the media? They see it as PURE controlled left wing propaganda. They despise it. They also seem to look at Millennials for the most part as total losers.
I know many of the left wingers in here if not all will fight this tooth and nail and tell me how wrong I am. But I am not, is you who are wrong. I have put in quite a bit of time reading on this subject,...enuff to know that I am 100% on the right track.
Kind of reminds me of my own age group in a way. I was in high school from 79-82. We saw first hand when we were younger what the hippies of the late 60's up until the mid seventies or so were all about and wanted no part of it. We helped usher in a new era of conservatism and helped push it along to 12 straight years of Republican leadership. The Zoomers stand a good chance of doing the same.......
I know many of the left wingers in here if not all will fight this tooth and nail and tell me how wrong I am. But I am not, is you who are wrong. I have put in quite a bit of time reading on this subject,...enuff to know that I am 100% on the right track.
Kind of reminds me of my own age group in a way. I was in high school from 79-82. We saw first hand when we were younger what the hippies of the late 60's up until the mid seventies or so were all about and wanted no part of it. We helped usher in a new era of conservatism and helped push it along to 12 straight years of Republican leadership. The Zoomers stand a good chance of doing the same.......