Two wrongs don't make a right: responding to racism with racism

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes

My intent in this thread is for it to be a productive discussion on the subject of how people ought to respond to sensitive social issues, especially issues dealing with ethnicity and culture. Although I don't like to discuss racism on the internet due to the amount of trolling, baiting people do, I feel the discussion is necessary since racism still effects our society even today.

The reason I wanted to discuss this subject because I notice a lot of trends on the internet, most specifically forum websites such as this where whenever the subject of racism comes up for example the discussion of Al Sharpton people immediately start discussing how racist he is. Ok fine. But then, it seems that the topic of discussion seems to transition into talking about crime statistics and the percentage of blacks along with who commits the most crime. Now, crime statistics and demographics had nothing to do with discussing the actions of Al Sharpton, but it seems people felt it was necessary to make it a point about Al Sharpton's antics regarding certain social issues to point out that "hey why speak out against racism when you're own people kill each other?" Seems logical right?

What angers me with situations like that are two things:

1) Deflection

2) Making two wrongs a right

When discussing subjects like Sharpton often times people tend to use the deflective model of mentioning another point which is not related to the current point (e.g pointing out black crime statistics while discussing an issue not related to ethnic demographics). I think most times people think why one individual prioritizes one point when he or she ought to look at this point. The other point (point #2) is also evident in people using the two wrongs making it a right model. For example I notice on Yahoo during the Jaime Foxx movie Django unchained, over 10,000 people commented saying racist things, but the most common was "well Africans sold their own into slavery too....." When I took African diaspora studies in college that was one of the first things my professor had told the class:

"In encountering people discussing slavery you will see countless people comparing the Trans-Atlantic slave trade with North American slavery as if there was some kind of trade-off. Most people will often times get their information from either racist websites, separatist websites, or merely use google to get their information. Not one will approach the situation regarding tribalism in African slavery in a scholarly approach...."

In other words one evil justifies another evil......

I think what bothers me is the lack of maturity in discussing sensitive topics especially if the people who are bothered by the antics of one mperson have to resort to the same kind of antics just to make themselves feel bad. I remember during the Sharpton issue regarding boycotting barneys people were making all kinds of racist remarks--mind you this is on Yahoo (I'll explain why I'm on Yahoo so much in a minute). I remember making a comment to the likes of:

"If you're going to call Sharpton a racist, why resort to the same tactics of racism that you accuse this man of?"

Oh boy did I get so many thumbs down for that, but I felt that this was evident in the nature of people in the internet because quite frankly, the fact that there is anonnymity, people feel comfortable espousing their racist feelings. I currently work with someone at my job who is Half white and Costa Rican (I believe) and he I believe has internal racist feelings. I notice whenever we discuss the gang members who are shot that get admitted to our hospital he refers to them as "animals" or he references their gang area as a "zoo" or when a Hispanic comes in he mocks stereotypical Hispanic (Cholo) attitude with a specific voice in jest. I personally feel is is one of the many that come on forums like this or on yahoo and espouse racist rhetoric while in the face of people of color, as if he is not racist.

For me, I don't give into the racist garbage nor do I subscribe to the idea that "we all are a little bit racist...." Whoever believes that is thinking backwards. I believe in a lot of cases we all exhibit some prejudices based on our experiences and social stereotypes that have been pressed upon us, but to be racist is entirely different. To get above the belief of certain racial stereotypes it takes intelligence about cultures to understand that although there are those that exhibit stereotypical behavior, that behavior is not typical of that culture. We all must exercise some sort of distinction between behavior and culture. Just like when people say "he talks black" there is no scientific study that backs that idea up. Blacks vary just like whites and asians. There is a way to speak in an english dialect that relates to a specific culture exhibited by a type of genre of music (e.g rap) however there is no way to talk "like" an ethnic culture especially one that is so diverse.

I see this a lot on Yahoo and so which brings me as to why I'm on yahoo so much is because these social media networks give me a partial idea as to how some people think. If you don't believe me go on yahoo everyday and look around for topics discussing race or subjects discussing Jay-Z, Kanye West, etc. People on yahoo often complain about yahoo baiting people in race but logic shows if you complain about race-baiting while in a thread discussing race baiting then obviously you bought the bait because you're participating in a thread that you know is race baiting but you're buying the bait just by your participation....Doesn't make sense.

But ultimately people need to shy away from the need to make two wrongs a right. As I recall someone who once said "the more I see Sharpton the more I feel like I'm getting closer to being racist." One individual does not make one racist. If you have internal racist feelings those feelings were presented there long ago suppressed in the depths of the subconscious. There is no such thing as spontaneous racism there is only an evolution of such a behavior and it was planted there long before you became interested in Sharpton or whoever. Despite that I personally feel people need to address those issues not allow a subject they dislike bring that out of them.
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I'll go ahead and let the thread die. This is why things are the way they are. People would rather avoid discussing it and rather bicker.

My intent in this thread is for it to be a productive discussion on the subject of how people ought to respond to sensitive social issues, especially issues dealing with ethnicity and culture. Although I don't like to discuss racism on the internet due to the amount of trolling, baiting people do, I feel the discussion is necessary since racism still effects our society even today.

The reason I wanted to discuss this subject because I notice a lot of trends on the internet, most specifically forum websites such as this where whenever the subject of racism comes up for example the discussion of Al Sharpton people immediately start discussing how racist he is. Ok fine. But then, it seems that the topic of discussion seems to transition into talking about crime statistics and the percentage of blacks along with who commits the most crime. Now, crime statistics and demographics had nothing to do with discussing the actions of Al Sharpton, but it seems people felt it was necessary to make it a point about Al Sharpton's antics regarding certain social issues to point out that "hey why speak out against racism when you're own people kill each other?" Seems logical right?

What angers me with situations like that are two things:

1) Deflection

2) Making two wrongs a right

When discussing subjects like Sharpton often times people tend to use the deflective model of mentioning another point which is not related to the current point (e.g pointing out black crime statistics while discussing an issue not related to ethnic demographics). I think most times people think why one individual prioritizes one point when he or she ought to look at this point. The other point (point #2) is also evident in people using the two wrongs making it a right model. For example I notice on Yahoo during the Jaime Foxx movie Django unchained, over 10,000 people commented saying racist things, but the most common was "well Africans sold their own into slavery too....." When I took African diaspora studies in college that was one of the first things my professor had told the class:

"In encountering people discussing slavery you will see countless people comparing the Trans-Atlantic slave trade with North American slavery as if there was some kind of trade-off. Most people will often times get their information from either racist websites, separatist websites, or merely use google to get their information. Not one will approach the situation regarding tribalism in African slavery in a scholarly approach...."

In other words one evil justifies another evil......

I think what bothers me is the lack of maturity in discussing sensitive topics especially if the people who are bothered by the antics of one mperson have to resort to the same kind of antics just to make themselves feel bad. I remember during the Sharpton issue regarding boycotting barneys people were making all kinds of racist remarks--mind you this is on Yahoo (I'll explain why I'm on Yahoo so much in a minute). I remember making a comment to the likes of:

"If you're going to call Sharpton a racist, why resort to the same tactics of racism that you accuse this man of?"

Oh boy did I get so many thumbs down for that, but I felt that this was evident in the nature of people in the internet because quite frankly, the fact that there is anonnymity, people feel comfortable espousing their racist feelings. I currently work with someone at my job who is Half white and Costa Rican (I believe) and he I believe has internal racist feelings. I notice whenever we discuss the gang members who are shot that get admitted to our hospital he refers to them as "animals" or he references their gang area as a "zoo" or when a Hispanic comes in he mocks stereotypical Hispanic (Cholo) attitude with a specific voice in jest. I personally feel is is one of the many that come on forums like this or on yahoo and espouse racist rhetoric while in the face of people of color, as if he is not racist.

For me, I don't give into the racist garbage nor do I subscribe to the idea that "we all are a little bit racist...." Whoever believes that is thinking backwards. I believe in a lot of cases we all exhibit some prejudices based on our experiences and social stereotypes that have been pressed upon us, but to be racist is entirely different. To get above the belief of certain racial stereotypes it takes intelligence about cultures to understand that although there are those that exhibit stereotypical behavior, that behavior is not typical of that culture. We all must exercise some sort of distinction between behavior and culture. Just like when people say "he talks black" there is no scientific study that backs that idea up. Blacks vary just like whites and asians. There is a way to speak in an english dialect that relates to a specific culture exhibited by a type of genre of music (e.g rap) however there is no way to talk "like" an ethnic culture especially one that is so diverse.

I see this a lot on Yahoo and so which brings me as to why I'm on yahoo so much is because these social media networks give me a partial idea as to how some people think. If you don't believe me go on yahoo everyday and look around for topics discussing race or subjects discussing Jay-Z, Kanye West, etc. People on yahoo often complain about yahoo baiting people in race but logic shows if you complain about race-baiting while in a thread discussing race baiting then obviously you bought the bait because you're participating in a thread that you know is race baiting but you're buying the bait just by your participation....Doesn't make sense.

But ultimately people need to shy away from the need to make two wrongs a right. As I recall someone who once said "the more I see Sharpton the more I feel like I'm getting closer to being racist." One individual does not make one racist. If you have internal racist feelings those feelings were presented there long ago suppressed in the depths of the subconscious. There is no such thing as spontaneous racism there is only an evolution of such a behavior and it was planted there long before you became interested in Sharpton or whoever. Despite that I personally feel people need to address those issues not allow a subject they dislike bring that out of them.

well-said. I don't believe the "we're all a little racist" mantra, either. I think some whites, some blacks, and some of everybody, act "stereotypically", whether that be perception-based, or anecdotally. There is someone, somewhere who will act out every stereotype......does that mean it can be applied, across the board, as a blanket indictment of a
whole people? Of course not. I have white friends who are on equal par with my black friends, and vice versa.
They don't act like or think like these cases up in here. I don't ever have to go "there", with them, because they follow a code of ethics and fair play. Because I've been "done wrong" by some whites, should I, therefore, have
grievances with all whites or some whites? It's on an individual basis, not based on skin color. Individuals are are fucked up, not an entire race. All white people don't subscribe to blacks "as inferior". And all black people don't hold an everlasting grudge for slavery, or expect any reparations for it. Hello?
There is a gain to be had by falsifying and fudging data about black keeps the status "quo"....which
translates to power, money, influence, and control. What? Do people think everybody is stupid, and can't see what is going on, and has been going on???????
I'll go ahead and let the thread die. This is why things are the way they are. People would rather avoid discussing it and rather bicker.

It's a very good post and some of us appreciate that you tried. But the reactionaries here who need it the most won't bother discussing because they don't do common sense and reason.

And.. there are an awful lot of bottom feeders who respond to Yahoo articles. One can only hope they're marginal and not representative of the whole.
I don't think Al Sharpton is a racist.

I agree with most of the Op but Al is NOT a racist.

hell some of these idiot racist we have here think MLK was a racist.

their brains opperate on the pee wee level
I don't think Al Sharpton is a racist.
I agree with most of the Op but Al is NOT a racist.

hell some of these idiot racist we have here think MLK was a racist.

their brains opperate on the pee wee level

Race hustlers like Sharpton are ok because they support Democrats and that's overriding rule and principle number one.
I'll go ahead and let the thread die. This is why things are the way they are. People would rather avoid discussing it and rather bicker.
Not really. I think your post just discouraged to many people who are too lazy to read it. "Wall of text" can often defeat the purpose of starting the discussion. You might have just started with your first paragraph as your OP and continued with your input as the discussion went along.
That is what the right wing fucks who hate black people called him when he pointed out racism and stood with victims and their families
That is what the right wing fucks who hate black people called him when he pointed out racism and stood with victims and their families

So we are back to this again huh? I am racist and I hate black people. You are a piece of work Desh.
You just called a Black man who has spent his life fighting racism a race hustler yet you refuse to bring to bare ANY proof of your claim.

Yeap your a racist

This is why the right in this country have smeared the man for decades

MIAMI (CBSMiami) — Thousands of Hispanic, Caribbean and African-American voters across Florida will head to polling precincts starting Saturday to usher in Souls to the Polls Weekend, as the state’s Early Voting period begins.

Clergy, union honchos, activists and civic leaders in several parts of the state are leading the effort, dubbed Operation Lemonade. These leaders say they will make sure crowds of minorities; women and young adults are at the precincts in a show of force. Some activists say organizations had to work triple time in the last two months to boost registration numbers because of state legislation that toughened the requirements and penalties for third-party organizations that register new voters.

Those rules scared most organizations away from doing registrations, including the League of Women Voters and the black Greek letter organizations, which historically have performed voter registration as part of their civic service