Two British women injured after acid is thrown into their faces on Zanzibar

cancel2 2022

Here is a sickening story which could have been much worse as yet another place want to impose Sharia Law.

Two British women injured after acid is thrown into their faces on Zanzibar where they were volunteering at local schools

  • The victims, 18, hurt in late night attack where acid was thrown in their faces
  • Londoners Kate Gee and Kirstie Trup were in final week of trip
  • Pair flown to Tanzania to treat burns on their faces, chests and hands
  • Police on Zanzibar have launched a manhunt for the attackers
  • Foreign Office said it 'concerned' and in contact with Tanzanian authorities

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That is sick. The article says we don't know WHY they were injured - whether it was thought they were violating Sharia law or whether it was because they were foreigners or because they didn't like the organization they worked for or some other reason - so shouldn't jump to conclusions on that.

But regardless of why, that some one - men in this case - thought it was ok to throw acid on someone else is just horrible.
This is the Religion of Peace's standard method of operation against women.

That is sick. The article says we don't know WHY they were injured - whether it was thought they were violating Sharia law or whether it was because they were foreigners or because they didn't like the organization they worked for or some other reason - so shouldn't jump to conclusions on that.

But regardless of why, that some one - men in this case - thought it was ok to throw acid on someone else is just horrible.

Zanzibar wants to break away from Tanzania and impose Sharia Law, one of the best ways to do that is to destroy the tourist industry.
That is sick. The article says we don't know WHY they were injured - whether it was thought they were violating Sharia law or whether it was because they were foreigners or because they didn't like the organization they worked for or some other reason - so shouldn't jump to conclusions on that.

But regardless of why, that some one - men in this case - thought it was ok to throw acid on someone else is just horrible.

Yes, and previous to that, one of them was hit by a woman for singing during Ramadan!!
It looks like they may have been targeted for being Jewish, they have also suffered horrific burns.

Father of Zanzibar acid attack victim says his daughter suffered burns 'beyond imagination' ahead of the two girls' return to UK today

  • The victims, 18, hurt in late night attack where acid was thrown in their faces
  • Londoners Kate Gee and Kirstie Trup were in final week of trip
  • Friends claim they may have been targeted because they are Jewish
  • The teenagers were last night 'medically evacuated' from Tanzania
  • They are due to land in London in the next few hours
  • Police arrest five men last night and this morning in the capital Stone Town, near where attacks took place

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[h=1]Muslim preacher wanted for acid attack on British teenagers in Zanzibar shot by police as he tried to escape[/h]
  • Sheikh Issa Ponda Issa shot in shoulder with tear gas canister
  • Shot as he was cornered by police near Tanzania's capital Dar es Salaam
  • Accused of acid attack on Katie Gee and Kirstie Trup, 18
  • Kirstie's father Marc said the women will have to live with 'mental and physical scars for a long time.'
  • Acid was so corrosive it caused their clothes to disintegrate in minutes
  • Both girls have been described as being 'stable' in hospital
  • London surgeon says 'no question' girls will require skin grafts

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That is sick. The article says we don't know WHY they were injured - whether it was thought they were violating Sharia law or whether it was because they were foreigners or because they didn't like the organization they worked for or some other reason - so shouldn't jump to conclusions on that.

But regardless of why, that some one - men in this case - thought it was ok to throw acid on someone else is just horrible.

Unreal what goes on in the mind of libs.

Because it may be Muslimes we can't "jump to conclusions"

But she doesn't have a problem indicting "men"

Let me break it down for ya. It was Muslime men. Key word being Muslime.

You guys are fighting the wrong people and one day you are going to wish there were people like me around and I am just going to say "fuck it, you had your chance you are getting what you deserve"
Liberals want their fellow Americans who disagree with them to be forced to leave the country and gloat if they suffer calamity at sea.

How come liberals aren't flocking to Zanzibar to defend the rights of Jewish women?