The writing was on the wall for Lou Dobbs on the day Rupert Murdoch handed the reins to his liberal sons:
FOX got marching orders from the White House:
Bottom line: Dobbs was a gone goose on the day Scummy Joe Biden got away with stealing the election.
Tucker Carlson is smart enough to start packing his balloons even though he often gave liberals face time.
Finally, FOX has become an unabashed Parasite Class propaganda platform. In FOX’s early years it got away with passing off itself as the voice of conservatism. That lie was discredited for all-time when the Murdoch Boys took control of FOX.
FOX got marching orders from the White House:
BREAKING: Fox News Cancels 'Lou Dobbs Tonight'
By Mike Miller
Feb 05, 2021 7:45 PM ET
By Mike Miller
Feb 05, 2021 7:45 PM ET
Bottom line: Dobbs was a gone goose on the day Scummy Joe Biden got away with stealing the election.
p.s. Lou Dobbs hosts the only FOX news show that never gives a liberal face time to spout talking points. Every other FOX news show gives Democrat ‘guests’ ample face time —— in addition to FOX liberals conducting the interviews. On top of everything else FOX’s liberal ‘contributors’ are often interviewed like they are guests.
Tucker Carlson is smart enough to start packing his balloons even though he often gave liberals face time.