
Verified User^tfw

Check out the first video Clip when you click on the link above. It's called "Trump's New Army."

"Big Tech" (Twitter and Co.) don't have any problem with it at all. They didn't censor the "Trump's New Army" clip. The sub-text of this little video clip is that the 75 million US citizens who voted for Donald Trump in the November, 2020 Presidential election (the vast majority of whom were White/Western European descended Americans who adhere to conservative, traditional and Constitutional views are "domestic terrorists" and racist White supremacists who must be hunted down and then have their lives destroyed by the cancel culture because they pose an existential threat to American national security.

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The cowardly left so wishes it could draw those long knives but draw the line at pitching hissy fits.
Bunch of cunts...^tfw

Check out the first video Clip when you click on the link above. It's called "Trump's New Army."

"Big Tech" (Twitter and Co.) don't have any problem with it at all. They didn't censor the "Trump's New Army" clip. The sub-text of this little video clip is that the 75 million US citizens who voted for Donald Trump in the November, 2020 Presidential election (the vast majority of whom were White/Western European descended Americans who adhere to conservative, traditional and Constitutional views are "domestic terrorists" and racist White supremacists who must be hunted down and then have their lives destroyed by the cancel culture because they pose an existential threat to American national security.


The insurrection army.

YES, the morons do pose a threat to nation security, all traitors do.
The cowardly left so wishes it could draw those long knives but draw the line at pitching hissy fits.
Bunch of cunts...

Nothing like whiny teabaggers and their dear leader.

Nothing but whining as they are led to jail, " It's not my fault, Trump told me to do it".

Just like their dar leader, nothing is his fault.
How much do you think you can heap on people before they start to react?

Exactly, Trump was heaping butt loads of lies and conspiracy theories and gullible teabaggers reacted by attempting an insurrection.

Worse than the Salem witch trials or the Jim Jones cult.
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and current US Senator, Diane Feinstein, were, BTW, Democrat Party buddies of the charming Reverend Jim Jones in California (San Francisco) during the early 1970's.;)

Red Jenkins is right. If the Democrats (who are now controlled by the hard Left) keep insulting and threatening the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump, (the vast majority of whom were White ,traditional conservatives and Constitutionalists) by branding them "White Supremacists and domestic terrorists" and vowing to hunt them down, all it will take is for one or two individuals to become paranoid or over-enraged and "snap" psychologically resulting in their doing something drastic - an assassination of a senior Democart Party politician perhaps, or sometime equally violent and extreme ? Who knows ?. That would then start an escalating cycle of violence that could rapidly grow out of control, and doesn't really bear thinking about. The Democrat left are too stupid and too indoctrinated with crap like neo-Marxist Critical Theory and Postmodernist activism (e.g. "woke" ideology, CRT, "Social Justice" and so forth) to understand this and dial - down their rhetoric; so , I agree with RJ, it is all a major "worry" to say the very least.


Check out the first video Clip when you click on the link above. It's called "Trump's New Army."

"Big Tech" (Twitter and Co.) don't have any problem with it at all. They didn't censor the "Trump's New Army" clip. The sub-text of this little video clip is that the 75 million US citizens who voted for Donald Trump in the November, 2020 Presidential election (the vast majority of whom were White/Western European descended Americans who adhere to conservative, traditional and Constitutional views are "domestic terrorists" and racist White supremacists who must be hunted down and then have their lives destroyed by the cancel culture because they pose an existential threat to American national security.


The MAGA militia?

Trump’s influence on his lemmings will fade in time now that he lost the Presidential pulpit, it won’t vanish, but won’t be as strong
The MAGA militia?

Trump’s influence on his lemmings will fade in time now that he lost the Presidential pulpit, it won’t vanish, but won’t be as strong

I disagree. Trump will remain a powerful influence within the American conservative movement for a LONG time.

You are right, however, to note that there is no "MAGA Militia." The 75 million Americans who voted for Trump are nothing at all like fanatical IRA gunmen. They are most average, ordinary White Americans who lead law-abiding lives and have faith in the American Constitution and the basic principles and moral values of Western culture/civilization. They are not revolutionaries who wish to transform America into some promised, hare-brained, neo-Marxist utopia where everyone is forced to become a transgender freak or a "woke" activist.

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I disagree. Trump will remain a powerful influence within the American conservative movement for a LONG time.

You are right, however, to note that there is no "MAGA Militia." The 75 million Americans who voted for Trump are nothing at all like fanatical IRA gunmen. They are most average, ordinary White American who lead law-abiding lives and have faith in the American Constitution and the basic principles and moral values of Western culture/civilization. They are not revolutionaries who wish to transform America into some promised, hare-brained, neo-Marxist utopia where everyone is forced to become a transgender freak or a "woke" activist.


But when they don’t have Trump on social media platforms telling how to think every minute of the day they will lose focus
I disagree. Trump will remain a powerful influence within the American conservative movement for a LONG time.

You are right, however, to note that there is no "MAGA Militia." The 75 million Americans who voted for Trump are nothing at all like fanatical IRA gunmen. They are most average, ordinary White American who lead law-abiding lives and have faith in the American Constitution and the basic principles and moral values of Western culture/civilization. They are not revolutionaries who wish to transform America into some promised, hare-brained, neo-Marxist utopia where everyone is forced to become a transgender freak or a "woke" activist.


The right turned on Mitt after he lost they will turn on Trump also.
But when they don’t have Trump on social media platforms telling how to think every minute of the day they will lose focus

I kinda lean toward that being what will happen, but with people susceptible to the obvious lies that they have embraced...who knows?

For the sake of humanity, I hope a large contingent of them finally come to their senses.
Trump's Army. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:








Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and current US Senator, Diane Feinstein, were, BTW, Democrat Party buddies of the charming Reverend Jim Jones in California (San Francisco) during the early 1970's.;)

Red Jenkins is right. If the Democrats (who are now controlled by the hard Left) keep insulting and threatening the 75 million Americans who voted for Trump, (the vast majority of whom were White ,traditional conservatives and Constitutionalists) by branding them "White Supremacists and domestic terrorists" and vowing to hunt them down, all it will take is for one or two individuals to become paranoid or over-enraged and "snap" psychologically resulting in their doing something drastic - an assassination of a senior Democart Party politician perhaps, or sometime equally violent and extreme ? Who knows ?. That would then start an escalating cycle of violence that could rapidly grow out of control, and doesn't really bear thinking about. The Democrat left are too stupid and too indoctrinated with crap like neo-Marxist Critical Theory and Postmodernist activism (e.g. "woke" ideology, CRT, "Social Justice" and so forth) to understand this and dial - down their rhetoric; so , I agree with RJ, it is all a major "worry" to say the very least.


Nope. We will toss them in jail with the rest of the traitorous scum. Thanks for playing.
But when they don’t have Trump on social media platforms telling how to think every minute of the day they will lose focus

Trump wont have any trouble orgaizing media platforms to speak to the American people. You clown's on the left think he's stupid, but the truth is he's crazy - like a fox. Putting politics to one side, I can 't think of a bigger public CELEBRITY America has produced in many decades than Donald Trump. And Americans have always loved big celebrities. Right ? Even Dummycrats who say they absolutely loathe him, hang on every word he says, and I would bet the farm they all tuned in to watch his MAGA rallies on tellie, because, let's face it, even if you disagreed with what he was saying on the issues, they were one hell of an entertaining show and Trump was often lol funny when he was taking the mickey out of his political opponents, (and sometimes even himself - which people loved).

Who would you rather listen to for half an hour (?): AOC or Trump ? Ilhan Omar or Trump ? Nancy Pelosi or Trump ? Cryin' Chuck Schumer or Trump? Rashida Tliab or Trump? "Pocahontas" or Trump ? Mini-Mike Bloomfieid or Trump ? Beto O'Rourke (speaking in Spanish) or Trump ? Eric Swalwell (Fang Fan, Bang Bang) or Trump ? Anal Retentive, pop-eyed Adam Schiff or Trump ? Fat and grumpy, little Jerry Nadler or Trump? Crazy leftie, Jane Fonda, or Trump ? "SLEEPY"JOE BIDEN or Trump ? :) KAH-MAH-LAH - HAW-HAW-HAW - HAW - Harris or Trump ? "I mean, C'mon man, let's keep it real "!

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The right turned on Mitt after he lost they will turn on Trump also.

Mitt Romney the spineless "CHOKE ARTIST" who didn't have the guts to take the fight to Obama.

Mitt Romney the sanctimonious Moron.... "I'm only being a granstanding traitor because (eyes mist up) God told me to do it."

As the English say, Mitt Romney is "one the nose". He's dead, buried, and mouldering in the grave as a politician. He couldn't win a race for Mayor of any small town in America, now - he an offical NOTHING.

Trump wont have any trouble orgaizing media platforms to speak to the American people. You clown's on the left think he's stupid, but the truth is he's crazy - like a fox. Putting politics to one side, I can 't think of a bigger public CELEBRITY America has produced in many decades than Donald Trump. And Americans have always loved big celebrities. Right ? Even Dummycrats who say they absolutely loathe him, hang on every word he says, and I would bet the farm they all tuned in to watch his MAGA rallies on tellie, because, let's face it, even if you disagreed with what he was saying on the issues, they were one hell of an entertaining show and Trump was often lol funny when he was taking the mickey out of his political opponents, (and sometimes even himself - which people loved).

Who would you rather listen to for half an hour (?): AOC or Trump ? Ilhan Omar or Trump ? Nancy Pelosi or Trump ? Cryin' Chuck Schumer or Trump? Rashida Tliab or Trump? "Pocahontas" or Trump ? Mini-Mike Bloomfieid or Trump ? Beto O'Rourke (speaking in Spanish) or Trump ? Eric Swalwell (Fang Fan, Bang Bang) or Trump ? Anal Retentive, pop-eyed Adam Schiff or Trump ? Fat and grumpy, little Jerry Nadler or Trump? Crazy leftie, Jane Fonda, or Trump ? "SLEEPY"JOE BIDEN or Trump ? :) KAH-MAH-LAH - HAW-HAW-HAW - HAW - Harris or Trump ? "I mean, C'mon man, let's keep it real "!


So for you, politics is nothing but entertainment for really stupid people. Got it. Thanks.
So the 75 million conservative Americans who voted for Trump are all really stupid.

But, of course, you're not. You think Critical Race Theory and Neo-Marxist -Postmodern wokeness ideology and BLM identity politics and the religion of Political Correctness and the suppressioin of Freedom of Speech by ferrets like Jack - "the Hipster" -Dorsey are all really clever? You think an open border policy is a smart move for America ? Joining the BS Paris Climate Accord is sheer genius, just like the fake, revisionist history curriculum called "The 1619 Project" they're shovelling down kids throats at high school ? And impeacking Trump for a second time in violation of the Constition is a stroke of Democrat political, it's actually all "really (REALLY) stupid. And this stuff is just the tip of the "Democrat stupid" iceberg.

Later, Concart
