Trump's defense lawyer reminds me of Animal House Deltas on Trial

Joe Capitalist

Racism is a disease
The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules or took a few liberties with our female party guests.
We did.
But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals.
For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system?
And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general?
l put it to you, lsn't this an indictment of our entire American society?
Well, you can do what you want to us, but we are not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!

The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules or took a few liberties with our female party guests.
We did.
But you can't hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few sick, perverted individuals.
For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole fraternity system?
And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general?
l put it to you, lsn't this an indictment of our entire American society?
Well, you can do what you want to us, but we are not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America!

You remind me of Bluto who thought Germany bombed Pearl Harbor
Trump's lawyers have to prove that fomenting an insurrection is free speech to a hundred people who got attacked over it. That would be successful to people like Yakuda who would accept anything they threw his way. But some of them were terrified by rioters Trump sent. They also are not that stupid. Trump has no real defense.
Trump's lawyers have to prove that fomenting an insurrection is free speech to a hundred people who got attacked over it. That would be successful to people like Yakuda who would accept anything they threw his way. But some of them were terrified by rioters Trump sent. They also are not that stupid. Trump has no real defense.

How did he "foment" insurrection? Was it when he said protest, "peacefully and patriotically"?
First guy wasn’t bad, made his case, but the second guy sucks, first off he is reading his argument like a high school student presenting his term paper, and secondly, he is just flat out boring, but he has the phony moralism the right loves, as if he watched too many Law and Orders episodes
How did he "foment" insurrection? Was it when he said protest, "peacefully and patriotically"?

Well, beginning back in the Fall, even before the election, he planted the motivating lie, which he perpetuated and echoed after the election, and assembled those that swallowed on January 6th. All he needed to do from there was give them direction, which he did

Cheney put it best, “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”
Now the clown is holding up Mao’s Red Book comparing it to the Constitution, implying a decide to continue with the trial is a choice between the two

What is funny, he keeps drinking water, and when he does, he has to hold his comb over in place so it doesn’t fall in his face
Well, beginning back in the Fall, even before the election, he planted the motivating lie, which he perpetuated and echoed after the election, and assembled those that swallowed on January 6th. All he needed to do from there was give them direction, which he did

Cheney put it best, “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.”

Yes the direction he gave was "peacefully and patriotically".
Trump's lawyers have to prove that fomenting an insurrection is free speech to a hundred people who got attacked over it. That would be successful to people like Yakuda who would accept anything they threw his way. But some of them were terrified by rioters Trump sent. They also are not that stupid. Trump has no real defense.

Free speech doesn’t apply if he failed to uphold his oath regarding the Constitution.
Now the clown is holding up Mao’s Red Book comparing it to the Constitution, implying a decide to continue with the trial is a choice between the two

What is funny, he keeps drinking water, and when he does, he has to hold his comb over in place so it doesn’t fall in his face

Hey hey hey Joe isn't a clown he's a fucking imbecile.
Yes the direction he gave was "peacefully and patriotically".

Right, telling a crowd, who just previously were told to get “ready for combat,” including radical right elements all geared up for action, they have to “fight like hell” is peaceful and patriotic
Right, telling a crowd, who just previously were told to get “ready for combat,” including radical right elements all geared up for action, they have to “fight like hell” is peaceful and patriotic

None of those terms is inciting unless you hate someone with such a passion that, good morning gives you a hard on to fuck him over. You realize don't you that most of us have been conscious for the past 4 years and the words and behavior of leftists have been evaluated and clearly you people will say and do ANYTHING to fuck him. Nobody REALLY thinks you give a shit about insurrection or "our democracy" or any of the other buzzwords you leftists vomit out. You sat by as cities across America burned and we're looted. With all due respect shut the fuck up. No one is buying this shit form you people.
Trump's lawyers have to prove that fomenting an insurrection is free speech to a hundred people who got attacked over it. That would be successful to people like Yakuda who would accept anything they threw his way. But some of them were terrified by rioters Trump sent. They also are not that stupid. Trump has no real defense.
He never does, that’s why they do procedural defense. His actions are indefensible.
None of those terms is inciting unless you hate someone with such a passion that, good morning gives you a hard on to fuck him over. You realize don't you that most of us have been conscious for the past 4 years and the words and behavior of leftists have been evaluated and clearly you people will say and do ANYTHING to fuck him. Nobody REALLY thinks you give a shit about insurrection or "our democracy" or any of the other buzzwords you leftists vomit out. You sat by as cities across America burned and we're looted. With all due respect shut the fuck up. No one is buying this shit form you people.

And the MAGA militia on the lawn that morning didn’t have “a hard on to fuck over (Pelosi, Pence, any Democrat)?”

Rest of your post is just talk radio rambling, oh, with the usual useless personal crapola thrown in, didn’t I tell you about the Napoleon complex
How did he "foment" insurrection? Was it when he said protest, "peacefully and patriotically"?

Start with , he did not say that. They showed what he said. Can your ears hear selectively like that mass on ganglia sitting on top of your brain stem?
And the MAGA militia on the lawn that morning didn’t have “a hard on to fuck over (Pelosi, Pence, any Democrat)?”

Rest of your post is just talk radio rambling, oh, with the usual useless personal crapola thrown in, didn’t I tell you about the Napoleon complex

Maybe they did but you need to prove that was Trump's fault.

No shit stain it's common fucking sense. You motherfucking pricks have been talking shit for 4 fucking years and you expect people to just shit down and shut up? Fuck you. If trump is responsible for causing problems with his speech then the same is true for you bag of twats. You cunts are so fucking self absorbed you think you shit ice cream. Maybe if you're weren't such dickheads people wouldn't be bashing down your doors.
First guy wasn’t bad, made his case, but the second guy sucks, first off he is reading his argument like a high school student presenting his term paper, and secondly, he is just flat out boring, but he has the phony moralism the right loves, as if he watched too many Law and Orders episodes
The first guy was awful. He gave a word salad. The first guy was like a high school student who did his term paper on the bus on the way to school.