Trump's Amazing Insight


Well-known member
There was Trump, his approval rating underwater, behind in the polls, betting odds sinking, yet somehow he knew the only way he could lose was if the election were "stolen". It was quite an amazing coincidence that this remarkable insight in the weeks and months leading up to the election came to only one person in the world and that person was none other than the candidate himself. So, how did Trump know? He's never said and his millions of true believers never asked. They still don't and they still believe.
There was Trump, his approval rating underwater, behind in the polls, betting odds sinking, yet somehow he knew the only way he could lose was if the election were "stolen". It was quite an amazing coincidence that this remarkable insight in the weeks and months leading up to the election came to only one person in the world and that person was none other than the candidate himself. So, how did Trump know? He's never said and his millions of true believers never asked. They still don't and they still believe.

Alleged fact not in evidence.
There was Trump, his approval rating underwater, behind in the polls, betting odds sinking, yet somehow he knew the only way he could lose was if the election were "stolen". It was quite an amazing coincidence that this remarkable insight in the weeks and months leading up to the election came to only one person in the world and that person was none other than the candidate himself. So, how did Trump know? He's never said and his millions of true believers never asked. They still don't and they still believe.

That's how cults work, eh?
The proof that the article is correct lies in the fact that everything it states is well documented and that some simple minds continue to believe the Big Lie even when presented with the evidence. But then again they have been trained for years to label anything that does not support the far-right agenda or trump in a good light as Fake News, most people that blindly believe in a Lie rarely know they are being Lied to. I always find it interesting and very telling that far right-wing sites, such as Infowars have the following as their motto: There's a War for your Mind, how very true and as we see with many they are winning that war.



....take a good, long look.
That's how cults work, eh?

Mystifying question is how did a lightweight like Trump turn one of the major political parties in the country into a cult? FDR had a rabid following so have other Presidents
but they remained relatively grounded in political sanity and were certainly not witless and therefore not cults.
Mystifying question is how did a lightweight like Trump turn one of the major political parties in the country into a cult? FDR had a rabid following so have other Presidents
but they remained relatively grounded in political sanity and were certainly not witless and therefore not cults.

#TRE45ON's super power is convincing the Reichtards that 1) they are forgotten, mistreated, abandoned, and in danger of extinction, 2) only HE understands and only HE can save them. He is aided and abetted by Reichwing media, which has done an outstanding job of convincing these people that "the left" doesn't give a shit about them. "The left" is destroying Christianity, promoting brown ppl over whites, allowing illegals to steal their jobs, taxing them to death so that lazy [black] people in the cities don't have to work, etc. It's a perfect storm of grievances and fears that they've conjured up, and it works.
#TRE45ON's super power is convincing the Reichtards that 1) they are forgotten, mistreated, abandoned, and in danger of extinction, 2) only HE understands and only HE can save them. He is aided and abetted by Reichwing media, which has done an outstanding job of convincing these people that "the left" doesn't give a shit about them. "The left" is destroying Christianity, promoting brown ppl over whites, allowing illegals to steal their jobs, taxing them to death so that lazy [black] people in the cities don't have to work, etc. It's a perfect storm of grievances and fears that they've conjured up, and it works.

Yes, it works, but it shouldn't work, that is a normal political mind would be able to separate ideas which they like from clear factual absurdities. Trump managed to disengage almost half the country from objective reality in a way no one else ever did in American politics.
The proof that the article is correct lies in the fact that everything it states is well documented and that some simple minds continue to believe the Big Lie even when presented with the evidence. But then again they have been trained for years to label anything that does not support the far-right agenda or trump in a good light as Fake News, most people that blindly believe in a Lie rarely know they are being Lied to. I always find it interesting and very telling that far right-wing sites, such as Infowars have the following as their motto: There's a War for your Mind, how very true and as we see with many they are winning that war.

When Trump went in with his "fake news" all the time it was alarm bells. When he had evidence based stricken from the CDC lexicon
I knew then and there we were already waist deep into Protocols of the Elders of Zion level disinfo campaign. Trump tried to
make not thinking the law.
When Trump went in with his "fake news" all the time it was alarm bells. When he had evidence based stricken from the CDC lexicon
I knew then and there we were already waist deep into Protocols of the Elders of Zion level disinfo campaign. Trump tried to
make not thinking the law.

He was successful and that is what is disturbing. Even when presented with a Mountain of evidence that they are being played and controlled their conditioning overrides any ability to actually see the truth. The unfortunate fact is many no longer have the will or ability to be deprogrammed, I consider many of the cult as not savable and actually dead from the neck up, Is what it Is.
Yes, it works, but it shouldn't work, that is a normal political mind would be able to separate ideas which they like from clear factual absurdities. Trump managed to disengage almost half the country from objective reality in a way no one else ever did in American politics.

There’s the kicker. “Normal political mind.”
He was successful and that is what is disturbing. Even when presented with a Mountain of evidence that they are being played and controlled their conditioning overrides any ability to actually see the truth. The unfortunate fact is many no longer have the will or ability to be deprogrammed, I consider many of the cult as not savable and actually dead from the neck up, Is what it Is.

Yep. I deal with a short tail relative almost every day on this.

He regurgitates the same shit we see from the Trumptards here. Sites the same bullshit, propaganda websites.

But not only about Trump. Even when presented with numerous articles on COVID, the same mis- and malinformation.
Yes, it works, but it shouldn't work, that is a normal political mind would be able to separate ideas which they like from clear factual absurdities. Trump managed to disengage almost half the country from objective reality in a way no one else ever did in American politics.

^ Truth. It's willful for the most part with the RWers, too. They deliberately refuse to entertain other explanations for things. Example: We had a neighbor who was a 22-year veteran of the air force, and then worked the next 20 years for the government as security for the CDC, until he retired. He has a BS degree and is intelligent. He is also, as you probably guessed, very conservative. We were talking one day about how the last coal-fired plant here shut down and was replaced by hydro and natural gas plants. He was earnestly explaining to us that if Obama hadn't stifled the coat industry with over-regulation, that this would not have happened. Mr. Owl mildly explained in rebuttal that the coal industry's problems are not caused by over-regulation, but by economics. He included some statistics about the costs per kilowatt, delivery costs, clean-up costs, etc. between the two forms of energy production. Our neighbor -- who is a very nice guy and not argumentative at all -- just kind of shook his head in disbelief. I imagine to this day that he *still* blames Obama for the shutdown of the coal-burning plants.
Yep. I deal with a short tail relative almost every day on this.

He regurgitates the same shit we see from the Trumptards here. Sites the same bullshit, propaganda websites.

But not only about Trump. Even when presented with numerous articles on COVID, the same mis- and malinformation.

This has passed the point of being amusing and segued into fairly alarming.
OK, libs watch this" in 2022 Trump runs for congress from florida, he wins, republicans gain control of the house and the senate. and Trump is elected speaker of the house, his first act as speaker is to impeach Biden and Harris. Trump becomes president again for 2 years, and then runs in 2024 and wins again.

It could happen. and it just might.