Trump to tell CPAC he is Republican 'presumptive 2024 nominee' – report


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Is this twice impeached vile man-child the best the pukes can put up for candidate for president in the 2024 election?!!

Even if the piece of human waste is the pukes candidate, I can't see him winning, who the hell wants to go back to chaos, incompetence, lawlessness, corruption and lies and deceit?!! Trump could not do the job as president, why would he want it back???

Donald Trump will reportedly tell the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this week he is the man to drain the Washington swamp – as Republicans’ “presumptive 2024 nominee”

Trump will address CPAC on Sunday, his subject the future of the Republican party. On Monday, citing anonymous sources, the news site Axios reported his plan to assume the mantle.

An unnamed “longtime adviser” was quoted as saying Trump’s speech to the rightwing event will be a “show of force” with the message: “I may not have Twitter or the Oval Office, but I’m still in charge.”

A named source, close adviser Jason Miller, said: “Trump effectively is the Republican party. The only chasm is between Beltway insiders and grassroots Republicans
around the country. When you attack President Trump, you’re attacking the Republican grassroots.”


Early Notes on Trump's CPAC Speech

I'm back, you miss me, I never left, I am the party, my tools still visit, ain't Graham a gem, how about that doofus Cruz, told em that when he ran for president, remember that ugly women, no Melania for sure, then there is Scalise Gaetz Rubio King Cotton Jordan, my boys, how they follow, afraid of my base, all leaders need my base, they follow, I paid off porn stars, still won, caged children broke up families, evangelicals still voted for me, I can't lose unless they cheat, that's true, same stuff next time, pollute the earth, golf, no more honest talk on buses places to grab, corruption should stay in the family, safer that way, what a scotus huh, darn Pence didn't listen, next vp is Marjorie, what's her name, golf, white supremacist luv me, I luv em, my base, hate works, you'd think they'd learn, nah, I had a great AG till the end, darn, gotta be more careful next time, now I have pac, aint that great, more money more money, more rallies, I luv rallies cheering crowds, OAN Newsmax and Fox keeps em in the dark and they cheer, more hats, more maga, make America great again and again, magaaa, hahaha, golf, gotta get twitter back, it was better than Newsmax OAN Breitbart or that goofy pillow guy, he luved me, Vlad luves me, loved our private talks, can't you just see it, Melania and me back on the balcony, no mask, Mel in a her Manolo Blahniks, golf, jeez I miss the helicopter, the saluting, power to forgive my criminal friends, can you beat that, nah, maybe elected forever, Mt Rushmore bound, golf, family paid by government wow, I'll beeeee back.....

Editor's note first edit so please return for more good words from DJT
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From the November 4th election day of 2020 moving forward, Donald Trump will be in control of the success the Democrats will have again in winning the 2024 upcoming presidential election.

If Donald Trump runs again in the 2024 primary, that will guarantee another ass-whooping for Donald Trump, much worse for him or the Republicans than in 2020.

I don't know about the Republicans, but the Democrats intend to register 10 million more Democrat voters between now and 2024- mostly in the southern RED STATES!

Is this twice impeached vile man-child the best the pukes can put up for candidate for president in the 2024 election?!!

Even if the piece of human waste is the pukes candidate, I can't see him winning, who the hell wants to go back to chaos, incompetence, lawlessness, corruption and lies and deceit?!! Trump could not do the job as president, why would he want it back???

Donald Trump will reportedly tell the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this week he is the man to drain the Washington swamp – as Republicans’ “presumptive 2024 nominee”

Trump will address CPAC on Sunday, his subject the future of the Republican party. On Monday, citing anonymous sources, the news site Axios reported his plan to assume the mantle.

An unnamed “longtime adviser” was quoted as saying Trump’s speech to the rightwing event will be a “show of force” with the message: “I may not have Twitter or the Oval Office, but I’m still in charge.”

A named source, close adviser Jason Miller, said: “Trump effectively is the Republican party. The only chasm is between Beltway insiders and grassroots Republicans
around the country. When you attack President Trump, you’re attacking the Republican grassroots.”


Not unexpected, got to keep his status as numero uno alive while killing any never Trumpers attempts for ascendency

Guarantee Fox will cover it live, they don’t cover anything today live, but Trump spewing his attacks and insults is just what the lemons want to hear
Is this twice impeached vile man-child the best the pukes can put up for candidate for president in the 2024 election?!!

If trump runs, he will almost certainly get nominated. Republican primary voters are strongly for trump.

The general election is another story. he is noticeably less popular now than when he lost the election. he will be even less popular in 2024. This would be a blood bath for Republicans.
Is this twice impeached vile man-child the best the pukes can put up for candidate for president in the 2024 election?!!

Even if the piece of human waste is the pukes candidate, I can't see him winning, who the hell wants to go back to chaos, incompetence, lawlessness, corruption and lies and deceit?!! Trump could not do the job as president, why would he want it back???

Donald Trump will reportedly tell the Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida this week he is the man to drain the Washington swamp – as Republicans’ “presumptive 2024 nominee”

Trump will address CPAC on Sunday, his subject the future of the Republican party. On Monday, citing anonymous sources, the news site Axios reported his plan to assume the mantle.

An unnamed “longtime adviser” was quoted as saying Trump’s speech to the rightwing event will be a “show of force” with the message: “I may not have Twitter or the Oval Office, but I’m still in charge.”

A named source, close adviser Jason Miller, said: “Trump effectively is the Republican party. The only chasm is between Beltway insiders and grassroots Republicans
around the country. When you attack President Trump, you’re attacking the Republican grassroots.”


I hope so just to watch you imbeciles try and pre-emptively impeach him. LMFAO
Not unexpected, got to keep his status as numero uno alive while killing any never Trumpers attempts for ascendency

Guarantee Fox will cover it live, they don’t cover anything today live, but Trump spewing his attacks and insults is just what the lemons want to hear
He also killed Cruz, Rubio, and Haley’s dream of running for President. They can’t be happy about that and they dare not challenge him.
If trump runs, he will almost certainly get nominated. Republican primary voters are strongly for trump.

The general election is another story. he is noticeably less popular now than when he lost the election. he will be even less popular in 2024. This would be a blood bath for Republicans.
McConnell and Cheney are aware of this, others are in denial.
Trump to Announce a 2024 Bid

Trump is like a Nixon3. No matter how many stakes you drive into the vampiric gangster's heart, he just keeps coming back.

Axios is reporting the "scoop" that at this Sunday's dark belfry of whackadoodles, CPAC, Trump intends "to send the message … that he is Republicans' 'presumptive 2024 nominee.'"

He plans to rip into President Biden as an already failed president — something which Trump accomplished on Inauguration Day — Beltway denizens, and of course "the swamp." (The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel is already on it.).

"Much like 2016, we’re taking on Washington again," says a Trump parasite.

Without question the twice-impeached, soon-thrice-indicted fleabag of a pretend prez has the cash on hand to flitter forward — $75 million in fact, which he fleeced out of delinquent children too naïve to unravel his Oh-my-ravenous-lawyers! scam.

While it's also unquestionable that Trump's CPAC maneuver could be just another step in separating childlike Visigoths from their money purses, plus adding more asinine oomph to his declamations of legal scrutiny as political persecution, the Nixonian spook might actually have his punctured heart in reclaiming his seat at the head of the Committee to Destroy America.

Or he's simply repaying Tom Cotton for having voted to certify a perfect election.

Or he'll announce that his good buddy Vladimir has finally given him permission to erect what he no longer can.

Who the hell knows? I doubt even Trump does.


Trump to Announce a 2024 Bid

Trump is like a Nixon3. No matter how many stakes you drive into the vampiric gangster's heart, he just keeps coming back.

Axios is reporting the "scoop" that at this Sunday's dark belfry of whackadoodles, CPAC, Trump intends "to send the message … that he is Republicans' 'presumptive 2024 nominee.'"

He plans to rip into President Biden as an already failed president — something which Trump accomplished on Inauguration Day — Beltway denizens, and of course "the swamp." (The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel is already on it.).

"Much like 2016, we’re taking on Washington again," says a Trump parasite.

Without question the twice-impeached, soon-thrice-indicted fleabag of a pretend prez has the cash on hand to flitter forward — $75 million in fact, which he fleeced out of delinquent children too naïve to unravel his Oh-my-ravenous-lawyers! scam.

While it's also unquestionable that Trump's CPAC maneuver could be just another step in separating childlike Visigoths from their money purses, plus adding more asinine oomph to his declamations of legal scrutiny as political persecution, the Nixonian spook might actually have his punctured heart in reclaiming his seat at the head of the Committee to Destroy America.

Or he's simply repaying Tom Cotton for having voted to certify a perfect election.

Or he'll announce that his good buddy Vladimir has finally given him permission to erect what he no longer can.

Who the hell knows? I doubt even Trump does.


It’s the perfect grift! He needs the money for his legal fees.
Trump will be way too busy in court trying to stay out of jail. He has lots of court cases from tax evasion to rape to deal with.
There are some ambitious rightys around who want to run. When will one see Trump as vulnerable and run against him? Haley is a possibility.
ha ha ha
whatever happened to the Lincoln Project? - the #neverTrump lemmings lost their main source of TDS.

I'd love to see him run again; Kristol and Max Boot can fulfill their neo-con hearts and just be a Dem
Trump will be way too busy in court trying to stay out of jail. He has lots of court cases from tax evasion to rape to deal with.

...or trying to keep his kids out of jail. There's a reason why he wanted Federal pardons for them. It's obviously not because of NY taxes.
Trump to Announce a 2024 Bid

Trump is like a Nixon3. No matter how many stakes you drive into the vampiric gangster's heart, he just keeps coming back.

Axios is reporting the "scoop" that at this Sunday's dark belfry of whackadoodles, CPAC, Trump intends "to send the message … that he is Republicans' 'presumptive 2024 nominee.'"

He plans to rip into President Biden as an already failed president — something which Trump accomplished on Inauguration Day — Beltway denizens, and of course "the swamp." (The WSJ's Kimberley Strassel is already on it.).

"Much like 2016, we’re taking on Washington again," says a Trump parasite.

Without question the twice-impeached, soon-thrice-indicted fleabag of a pretend prez has the cash on hand to flitter forward — $75 million in fact, which he fleeced out of delinquent children too naïve to unravel his Oh-my-ravenous-lawyers! scam.

While it's also unquestionable that Trump's CPAC maneuver could be just another step in separating childlike Visigoths from their money purses, plus adding more asinine oomph to his declamations of legal scrutiny as political persecution, the Nixonian spook might actually have his punctured heart in reclaiming his seat at the head of the Committee to Destroy America.

Or he's simply repaying Tom Cotton for having voted to certify a perfect election.

Or he'll announce that his good buddy Vladimir has finally given him permission to erect what he no longer can.

Who the hell knows? I doubt even Trump does.

