trump Supporters are Meth Addicts

And you like this doxxing of people for political purposes?

It makes it much easier to pull a trigger on wastes of oxygen such as yourself with no remorse should it come to it, just sayin'. :dunno:
The day people like you come for guns or Republicans in America is the day before you all die and America will be better off for it.

It's not doxing. It's on the street interviewing of idiots, who, just like idiots, gave their names to the press.
It's not doxing. It's on the street interviewing of idiots, who, just like idiots, gave their names to the press.

So the press publishes all that? You're still here, you fucknugget? Why are you not shilling at DebatePolitics?
The best thing for you would be 9mm ball right through your cranium.
Seems like I have seen this member more than once use these words in this order:


This dipshit is not related to a recent cultsmasher thread.
He's an idiot of his own accord.
I take it you don't have much cultsmasher experience?
Much as I hate to say it because mods would ban the shit out of him if he was, katzgar is NOT cultsmasher.

Sometimes it is what it is, baby. :dunno:
Matter of fact, a lot of times it is! Grr!
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I dont know the definition for cultsmasher.



This is cultsmasher:

You posted in that thread..

Here is an elsewhere cultsmasher thread..LMAO!

I can just tell when it's him.

Oh! That one had the pics of all the innocent children murdered and raped by negroes.

I'm not a fan of cultsmasher, but as to those kinds of posts he does: He ain't bullshittin.

All that is true.
Blacks in America did murder and/or rape all those children.

This was said about cultsmasher in 2016:

"He can't slow down, he's a nazi wannabe on METH."

Whoever said that close to being right.

He does post things like this x5:
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I heard a few different theories on who that is.

Honestly I cant keep up with who runs what avatars.

I have used one name in 20 years, I see no good reason to have more than one.
I heard a few different theories on who that is.

Honestly I cant keep up with who runs what avatars.

I have used one name in 20 years, I see no good reason to have more than one.

Well, I've slowed down here recently..

cultsmasher is no "regular" sock here. Believe that.

He posts about a lot of things like that..and loves Hitler!
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Well, I've slowed down here recently..

cultsmasher is no "regular" sock here. Believe that.

He posts about a lot of things like that..
